Tactical Visions is a blog for tactical creativity, an element left in the past only to manager's and players of the football manager series. Although, there will be some analysis of tactical evolutions, the focus of the site will be for bloggers to put forward their tactical vision through both text and diagrams; whether it be an entire tactic, a player role or a combination of player roles. You can post an abstract idea, or a direct solution to a problem a team faces, for instance England's lack of creativity in the World Cup. The site is open to anyone to blog, but all posts will be screened first and only posted if they are put forward in a clear, detailed manner. This then will be debated as to its advantages and flaws through the comments section, and if the blogger feels it appropiate amended and changed.
The Blog is currently extremely small, and by that I mean just me!!!! So please visit, comment, like and if your interested start to write an article, all feedback would be extremely appreciated and hopefully help the site to expand. tacticalvisions
The Blog is currently extremely small, and by that I mean just me!!!! So please visit, comment, like and if your interested start to write an article, all feedback would be extremely appreciated and hopefully help the site to expand. tacticalvisions