Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
Have just got Exeter promoted to the Premiership, but 11 games in my record stands as:
W1 D3 L7 For8 Ag20. Have tried several different formations and tactical approaches, but nothing seems to be working, from ultra defensive through to more attacking. I have a decent set of players, and my current first 11 are:
GK - Wojciech Szczesny
DR - Neal Eardley
DC - Zat Knight
DC - Tal Ben-Haim
DL - Jose Enrique
MC (defensive minded) - Jucilei
MC - Jack Wilshere
AMR - Shaun Wright-Phillips
AMC - Mark Randall
AML - Scott Sinclair
STC - Andy Carroll

I have tried 4-2-3-1, 4-3-2-1, 4-3-1-2, 4-4-1-1, 4-4-2, 5-3-2 with a sweeper, nothing seems to stop me being destroyed by most teams, and if I'm not conceding goals in open play, the game seems to compensate with penalties (3 awarded against my team in the last 2 games).
If anyone has any advice/tactical solutions I would be really grateful.
Personally mate, I think you should try 4-4-2 diamond. Set the mentality as fluid and making the team balanced (attacking&defending). Have your full backs to work as automatic and your centre backs to be defensive. Make your defensive midfielder be defense. Have one centre mid attacking and the other supporting. Then your attacking midfielder as attacking. With one striker as support and your other attacking.

I would play Andy Carroll and Scott Sinclair upfront, making Andy the tarket man and sinclair the poacher.

To prevent the penalties make the tackiling cautious but have tight marking at all times.

If you have any more problems let me know :)