anychance you could get dis tactic plzCan anyone get this for me. Thanks
[20.3] 위 고 노리치 !! 4-1-2-3 (라움,레지스타)
안녕 펨저씨야이번에 소개하는 전술은 레지스타와 라움도이터를 이용하는 평범한 4-1-2-3이야.워낙 수요가 많은 전술이면서도 아래에 좋은 전술이 많지만 레지와 라움을 동시 기용하는 전술은 잘 없는것 같아서 만들어봤어지금은 2번째 시즌이고 첫시즌은 전술테스트를 거치면 여러번의 변경을 했기에 통계적으로 무의미하다 느꼈지만 낮은 어빌로 3위, FA우승 했었고 첫시즌 끝나며...www.fmkorea.com
anychance you could get dis tactic plz
Anychance of did @Danwolf last one I'll ask for I promiseAnychance of dis plz https://m.fmkorea.com/2713269308
I love 3 at the back tacticsI'll go back through tomorrow. There's a good selection to choose from right now on the forums here though.
If you haven't already you should try out:I love 3 at the back tactics
Tryed them not very good for my villa team and it's a good villa teamIf you haven't already you should try out:
playgm - 3412 Invincible Van Gaal
Another tactic made by StephenHK from the PlayGM forums! Make sure that you the manager, are responsible for opposition instructions and touchline instructions (Staff > Responsibilities > Tactics / Match Day). Otherwise your staff will ruin the...fm-base.co.ukplaygm - 352 Invincible Italians
Another tactic made by StephenHK from the PlayGM forums! This was actually made just before the new patch (20.2.0 / me v2026) but still seems to be working! Make sure that you the manager, are responsible for opposition instructions and...fm-base.co.uk
already posted on the tactic page 2