Team Fortress 2

Ride The Walrus

A pretty cool guy.
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
So yah, it was made free for all the other week, so on Steam you can dl it for free. Brilliant game, now I feel like a pro at it with all the newbies ;)

Any players?
Used to play it, stopped a while ago when I decided I wasn't bothered with PC games.

Won't all the new people just be destroyed by the people who pay for things?
Played it once, became awesome as a Scout due to incredible amounts of caffeine. Now cba.
If it's still free I'll probably end up giving it a bash.
Also, to mention it has a 92.100 metacritic score.
Is it free for life? Or for a limited time only like Portal was?

EDIT: Zoomed by Lee..
Cheers Lee, will certainly give it a go then. Heard good things.
There's no weapons that the free players miss out on.

It's free forever.

But you can get things quicker by paying, can't you?

I cant be sure, not played in years.
May have a bash when I get home tonight. Terrible at PC controls though :(
I'd say it's one of the best fps' ever made personally but that's just me. Love the game and have had it since it was first released. Haven't got any of the uber update guns yet :/ Loved meet the medic though XD
Have had it for a few months, haven't actually played it yet...
But you can get things quicker by paying, can't you?

I cant be sure, not played in years.

There's a store in the game yeah, but all the weapons in there are obtainable through other free ways. The weapons are all usually specialized for alternative play styles as well so not really something for the newbies.
Had this game since 2009, best ever.


Are you bored of call of duty? Yes?
Are you bored of playing the same game modes over and over? Yes?
Are you looking for a cheap alternative that is as addicting as when you first got call of duty? Yes?

Well then, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...


So, you're asking yourself "what is this crazy man talking about, how can you work as a team in a fortress. Well in most games it's pretty hard to and you usually don't need to. However in Team fortress, teamwork is vital to success. It is a game which features two teams battling for supremacy, in each team there are 9 mercenaries which each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Before we jump too far ahead, let me explain what and who each class is.

The Scout
Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother... I hurt people


Well this lad is a wee bit like messi in the sense that he has the skills, the tricks but is not as strong as others:

The Scout is a brash runt from Boston with a penchant for baseball, grievous bodily harm and running. His speed and ability to double jump will leave slower opponents struggling to keep up. This, coupled with his Scattergun, makes the Scout ideal for hit-and-run tactics, allowing him to inflict massive close-range damage before dashing away to safety. The Scout can also equip his trusty Sandman to stun opponents with long-range baseballs. A simple act of sipping from his Bonk! Atomic Punch enables him to make a clean getaway without taking any form of damage, or partaking in another flavour such as Crit-a-Cola to take out unaware opponents in seconds.
The Scout is an ideal choice to complete an objective quickly, as he can capture control points and push carts twice as fast as any other class. With Scout's petite stature and nimble feet, he has a knack for harassing opponents to the point of annoyance.

description taken from tf2 wiki

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, sun tzu said that, and he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal!

The Soldier (known officially as Jane Doe) is a crazed patriot from the heart of America, and the bread and butter general assault unit of the team. Although he's one of the easier to understand classes, he is far from the weakest. Equipped with his Rocket Launcher and 200 Health Points to spare, the Soldier is a highly versatile class for both offensive and defensive roles, and a great starter class to get familiar with the game.
The Soldier is also well known for his spectacular rocket jump. In defiance of all good sense and judgment, the Soldier can shoot a rocket at his feet to launch himself skyward at the cost of some health. This ability allows the Soldier to pop up in unexpected places and reach areas off-limits even to the Scout's double-jump.

description from tf2 wiki

Mpphhh mphh mphhhh mphhh mhh!

The Pyro is a mumbling pyromaniac of indeterminate origin, and has a fervent fondness for fire and all things fire related. Wielding a homemade Flamethrower, the Pyro can ignite opponents, whittling their health away over time with the ensuing afterburn damage. The Pyro also wears an asbestos-lined suit that protects them against any afterburn effect. Due to the short range of the Flamethrower, the Pyro relies heavily on ambush tactics to catch opponents off-guard. One of the primary, and vital roles of the Pyro is Spy-checking; a puff of flame will ignite (and therefore expose) both a Cloaked and a Disguised Spy.
Though categorized as an offensive class, the Pyro can also be a useful asset in defense, protecting friendly Sentry Guns from Spies and sending an entire attacking team retreating for health. In addition, the Pyro can use the compression blast ability to reflect enemy projectiles, extinguish burning teammates, separate a Medic from its target, disorient enemies by pushing them into the air, and even rocket jump by reflecting a rocket toward your feet.

description tf2 wiki

What makes me a good demoman? If I were a bad demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with you now would I!

The Demoman, real name Tavish DeGroot, is a scrumpy-swilling drunken demolitions expert from the Scottish Highlands, and is one of the more versatile members of the team. Though his weapons lack pinpoint long-range accuracy, the Demoman is a powerful if unpredictable asset, and can hold his own in just about any situation. He is a master of explosives, excelling at indirect and mid-range combat. Armed with his Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher, the Demoman uses his only good eye and knowledge of the surrounding environment for well-timed detonations that send enemies skyward, often in many pieces. Should anyone get past his explosive ordinance however, they will be shocked to learn the Demoman is also extremely proficient in Melee, being one of the deadliest melee classes in the game as he has a variety of melee unlocks in his arsenal.
The Demoman excels at swift disassembly; he can bounce his grenades in creative angles to wreak havoc on enemy Sentry Gun emplacements while remaining safely out of sight. His Stickybombs are a perfect tool for area denial, and are effective in keeping opponents away from any carts, control points and Intelligence cases he deems off-limits.

tf2wiki for description

Some people think they can outsmart me - maybe... maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.

The Heavy, or Heavy Weapons Guy, is a towering hulk of a man that hails from the USSR. The Heavy is the largest and possibly most dangerous class in Team Fortress 2. Boasting the most default health and devastating firepower from his trusty Minigun, the Heavy is no pushover. The Heavy's Minigun possesses heavy damage and a high rate of fire, allowing him to mow down any and all enemies in seconds. The Heavy's movement speed is his main weakness. Revving up or firing his Minigun brings his already unimpressive speed down to a snail's pace, making him a very easy target for Snipers and Spies. This slow speed means the Heavy must rely on support from Medics and Engineers to keep him in the fight. Aside from decimating entire teams, the Heavy is able to provide further support for his comrades with an oft-required health boost via his Sandvich.

Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer—that means I solve problems.
Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
I solve practical problems.


The Engineer, real name Dell Conagher, is a soft-spoken, amiable Texan with an interest in all things mechanical, and chooses to construct and maintain Buildings that benefit the team rather than engage in much direct combat. The Engineer's various gadgets include the Sentry Gun, an automated turret that fires at any enemy in range, the Dispenser, a device that replenishes the health and ammo of nearby teammates, and Teleporters that quickly transport his teammates to the fray.
However, the Engineer's ingenious devices are under constant threat from explosives and devious enemy Spies; a good Engineer must keep his gear under a watchful eye and in good repair with his Wrench at all times. When the Engineer needs to get his hands dirty, his trio of generic yet capable weapons, combined with the assistance of his helpful hardware, make him more than capable of holding his own in a fight.
The Engineer is also capable of hauling buildings which he has already constructed and redeploying them in new locations at the cost of a lower speed and the inability to use weapons while carrying them. Buildings are vulnerable during the hauling process, as they will be destroyed if the Engineer is killed; they also need some time to redeploy after being hauled.


Now, most hearts couldn't withstand zis voltage, but I'm fairly certain your heart...


The Medic is a Teutonic man of medicine with a tenuous adherence to medical ethics, and is nonetheless the primary healing class of the team. Although the Medic does not possess the greatest arsenal for direct combat, he can typically still be found near the front-lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble. When his Medi Gun is focused on a teammate, they will quickly regain health points. Unharmed teammates will have their health buffed beyond the normal limit, up to 150%. While healing, the Medic's ÜberCharge bar will fill up until the weapon begins to crackle, at which point he can activate a charge that makes himself and his patient take on highly beneficial effects for eight seconds, from temporary invulnerability with his normal Medi Gun. The Medic is capable of regenerating health over time; the longer a Medic stays out of combat, the faster his health will recover. An injured Medic will regenerate health at a rate of 3 HP per second, which scales up over the following ten seconds to a maximum of 6 HP per second.

Snipin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry, cause at the end of the day, long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.


The Sniper, aka Mr. Mundy, is a rugged and ready crack shot from the Australian outback. Capable of putting down enemies instantly with his rifle's lethal headshot ability, he can also use his Submachine Gun or Kukri to deal with foes at a closer range. Taking to hiding in elevated or hard-to-see spots, the Sniper can pick off slower classes like the Heavy with ease. While the Sniper tends to isolate himself from the frontlines, the Huntsman allows him to move up the field, launching powerful arrows while his ancient and mysterious Jarate powers can increase damage dealt against his foes by himself and teammates alike. The Sniper is an excellent class for supporting the rest of the team, as he is able to help pin the enemy at choke points from a long range, allowing him to avoid danger. The Sniper has a long-running feud with Spies, who often target him because he is often too focused on the battle field in front to identify threats from behind.



The Spy, hailing from an indeterminate region of France, is a fan of sharp suits and even sharper knives who relies on stealth and trickery to aid the team. Using his unique array of cloaking watches, he can render himself invisible or even fake his own death, leaving unaware opponents off-guard. His Disguise Kit lets him take on the form of any class on either side, allowing him to blend in while behind enemy lines before literally stabbing his unsuspecting 'teammates' in the back. In fact, a swift backstab with the Spy's trusty Knife will take out any foe in a single hit.
In addition to being able to assassinate key enemies quickly and efficiently, the Spy has advantages over the Engineer. Using his Sappers, he can disable the Engineer's buildings — slowly draining their health until they are destroyed unless removed by an Engineer. He can also make use of enemy teleporters to surprise his foes. Two other common Spy targets are the Heavy and the Medic. While a Heavy has one of his Miniguns spun up, he moves at a far slower speed than normal — this slower move speed along with the distraction of combat makes for an easy opportunity for a backstab. Medics usually stay very close to their healing targets and do not watch their backs, which renders them as prime backstab targets. Snipers are also obvious Spy targets due to their slower movement speed and lack of nearby awareness when scoped into their Sniper Rifles. Snipers can use a Razorback to defend themselves from a single backstab, which also stuns the offending Spy.
Whereas most players can only see the names and health of teammates, the Spy can observe the names and healths of the enemy team as well, allowing him to relay useful intelligence.



If only people would be the medic so I don't have to be it all the time. Seriously, if you heal me while I'm a heavy, I'll go on a rampaging killing spree. But when I'm healing someone they rarely kill anyone :(
Spy + Scout <3333

In others news, I just got a vintage spy camera beard by swapping a degreaser for it!
If only people would be the medic so I don't have to be it all the time. Seriously, if you heal me while I'm a heavy, I'll go on a rampaging killing spree. But when I'm healing someone they rarely kill anyone :(

I go medic when I'm either playing **** or can't be bothered to try properly. I sometimes just feel like going medic :p