
hee man totally of topic but your signature, i remember being in NY at the Nike store, seeing that big sign at the rolling stairs, got a picture of it then,
nevermind, ok I'll think I'll give Virtua Tennis a go, thanks for the info
(and keep it coming)

Yeah it's Nike's old "motto" or whatever, sounds good though!!!
It Depnds, if you are tennis fan, Follow the sport then Virtua is the worst tennis game ever made.
I hate the way you playing on a pool table, training in space, under the sea stc. The Career mode does not even loosely resmeble a tennis season.
For a Casual tennis fan and a decent gamer then Virtua tennis is good, because its gameplay engine is very good, nothing else though.

My Personal Favorite game is Tennis Elbow 2009, its a low spec pc game

Its got a full ranking system, a real ATP tour were you play the real touranments at all series levels.
Its realistic to the point on your first tour you may not be able to enter a grand slam depending on your perfomance.
100 + real players with acurate ability levels.
The Game mechanics are complex and finicky but you will adjust and enjoy it

So if you follow tennis - Tennis Elbow 2009
If you watch wimbledon and get a tennis bugt for a few days then Virtua Tennis

I had tennis elbow 2006, is the new one any good? The visuals were shocking on the old one but the gameplay was brilliant, do you reccomend getting it over the older one?
well then I'd rent Virtua Tennis thats your best bet, if you buy it will be a waste of 40 pound. It only has about 3 hours gameplay max before any normal player would sucomb to boredom.
That's what I'm going to do
Iv had top spin 3 + virtual tennis 2009
Top spin 3 is a game for hardcore tennis game fans...much harder to master
Virtual tennis 2009 is to play with your mates really, career mode is awful
Personally I prefered top spin 3
for football manager fans you all seem to like tennis quite a bit :p
haha me to, i suck though, only played real matches for 2 years, just like it for the fun of it. playing competition wise spoils that fun
I had tennis elbow 2006, is the new one any good? The visuals were shocking on the old one but the gameplay was brilliant, do you reccomend getting it over the older one?

It looks a bit sharper, more, its updated with new players, more players other than that the same.
An EA style update really lol
Topspin 3's shockin, i've got Virtua3 for the PS3 it's decent, much more fun but the gameplay's not that great. Prefer playing real tennis tbh