Suggestion Testing-Tactics-Request board

The M1rakuru

Dec 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hello , i am happy to see that we are openned again the testing data base . I wanna request if it possible to add the feature ''GFC'' (goal for corners'' ) if it possible. i hope we will rock this year again :D i am so hyped :D
I have to check, If the game is the same of last years, it may be tricky to implement easily.

In a remote future, I see this as something that we can definitely do, but I believe we have some other priorities first.
i'll make this "request board" the official place to put suggestions

- filter tactics by star rating. So not a sorter, a filter. for example, you can choose which tactics show up by choosing the minimum star rating. so you chose minimum 3/5 star rating, so all tactics that don't have 3 stars, will not show up.

- filter on tactics. for example: i want to play a 4-4-2, i choose to only show 4-4-2. (i may have said this to liam before)

i'll keep saying this, y'all are mad for the work you've done on this. amazing!
- whenever i load my tactics table, it shows exactly how it was the last time i loaded up, because cache i think it is. When i refresh, it actually updates to the recent one.
is their an option on your side to prevent this because i can understand that some people might not know this and load up, see there is nothing changed and close the site.
- whenever i load my tactics table, it shows exactly how it was the last time i loaded up, because cache i think it is. When i refresh, it actually updates to the recent one.
is their an option on your side to prevent this because i can understand that some people might not know this and load up, see there is nothing changed and close the site.

I mentioned this already to @Luigi. He said we need to wait for the browsers to learn how our new website works, once they figure it out, it should be okay.
To be clear, it's not really like that: AFAIK we cannot ask browsers to clear the cache of the previous pages (if they don't actually make the request, by using cached result). We intentionally say the browser to now cache some data from the website, but cannot do anything to enforce it. Most browsers cache anyway some data, so they need manual refreshes :/
Anyway I'll try and verify if there are some errors on our configuration or if we can do something to enforce a refresh :D
As mentioned on tactical discussion would be nice to have a calculator to get our test star rating, much more user friendly than those formulas.
Also a step by step guide how to test tactics with FMRTE would be appreciated i spent like 2 hours setting it up, i belive with a step by step guide this wouldnt have taken more than 30minutes
As mentioned on tactical discussion would be nice to have a calculator to get our test star rating, much more user friendly than those formulas.
Also a step by step guide how to test tactics with FMRTE would be appreciated i spent like 2 hours setting it up, i belive with a step by step guide this wouldnt have taken more than 30minutes

The calculator should be pretty simple to implement, I'll add it to the queue of new features.
I cannot give an estimate on when we will implement it, since we are working on a new major feature that it's gonna take a big amount of time. But we can implement it.

The step by step guide, also is something we can do. Maybe @Liam can write an article about it?