Testing the ME: "defending isn't working!"

I apologize for my previous post Mike, I did not mean to have a go at anyone. It is just really frustrating dealing with these issues and waiting for a patch to fix it. And of-course I could be 100% wrong, but how can you say it is not broken or game breaking? Game after game you see the same thing/problems over and over again.(Fullbacks not being able to engage/close down correctly and ALWAYS get ripped down the flanks.

Accepted. Remember, we mods play the game too, and we see the same issues too.

In general People like to overexpose their fullbacks, because they play such attacking set ups, this is a really consistent general trend. So the fullbacks are under pressure from the start. Now combine that with them not engaging well enough. And they are going to get ripped apart.
Well that's the problem, it ****** me off when people are in denial with problems and just blame tactics and all that yet at the same time I consider aspects of the game that don't work and have a high chance of causing you to either concede or lose to be broken but it's all down to opinions.

You didn't come across as harshly I guess I should be more clear that I wasn't talking about the mods here but aye, it's pretty evident the game has issues which affect some people more than others in that case they just need to stop playing till the next patch is out, hopefully it's out at the weekend.

I wouldnt call it gamebreaking, I would call it a priority though. The fact that they are currently test an update tells you they think the same. I dont know when it will come out, but wouldn't say the weekend. I'd expect them to let the internal and external testers batter it over the weekend, and see how they all feel on monday.
Aye I've never had it as bad as some people but it's times like this you need to use a bit of common sense and come to the conclusion that you won't fix the problem but you just have to limit the damage, that's why I make them limited fullbacks and never send them forward and while they still don't engage as much as they should you don't lose half a dozen goals because of it.

With SI you never know but I think this is when you need to take full advantage of your user base and use them to find problems because relying on internal/external isn't as efficient as hundreds/thousands playing the game and finding more bugs quicker.

As I said in another thread, the fact the beta got released with defenders being as they were shows maybe the testing they do isn't all that great, even this patch with fullbacks getting such dire ratings further proves that point yet if you had an FM beta where you released these patches for the people that really wanted to make FM better and help out it'd make FM a much better game overall because for me the testers they have are pretty poor in all honesty.

Think it was similar in FM where they released a patch that was "broken" regarding the wingers, then again I think this is where SI do fail regarding the testing (or lack of) and the beta only being 2 weeks.

Beta is a lot long that two weeks. Also knowing there is a bug and actually fixing in time for release are two separate things. You'd be suprised at how good their testing is. Miles ahead of the so called big boys, on a game far more complex.
The public beta was 2 weeks wasn't it? and if you have a 2 week beta gathering all the bug reports, figuring out what to prioritize and fixing it in that space of time is pretty much impossible and I disagree, back in FM they brought patches out that fixed some things yet ruined others and if I remember correctly they had wingers go from amazing to poor just like they did with defenders this year and how something like the GK distribution bug makes it past all the testers beggars belief.

I still think having a longer public beta will yield much more and better results giving them more time to fix it for release instead of the release feeling like the beta.

They run a closed beta for about 2-3 months before that.

Again you assume it got past the testers. Testers dont fix bugs they just spot them. Senior staff decide what get prioritised, because not everything can be fixed before release.
Isn't that even worse then? I'd like to know what got prioritized over the godly defenders and we don't even know if the testers DID spot them or not because SI don't release much information like that so all we can do is assume, either way I still say a longer public beta is the way to go based on the releases of both 13 and 14.

Also how many testers they got? again we haven't got a clue it might only be half a dozen at most so unless they play the game for 12 hours a day is that really enough? I still think over the last 2 years there's been big things missed that the normal users seem to spot in no time.

Remember the game is designed from the ground up, its not just the ME. its literally everything, from the UI to contracts. You are talking perhaps hundreds of thousands of reports issues from the start.

Longer beta is only as good as the feedback they get, tbh. Also bear in mind the game would be ina less developed state, how people do you think would play a beta that was actually properly broken?

12 hours a day, try near 18 SI staff barely sleep towards release, ask Dunc on here.

As for testers, check the credits. That will show you how many they have.
Remember the game is designed from the ground up, its not just the ME. its literally everything, from the UI to contracts. You are talking perhaps hundreds of thousands of reports issues from the start.

Longer beta is only as good as the feedback they get, tbh. Also bear in mind the game would be ina less developed state, how people do you think would play a beta that was actually properly broken?

12 hours a day, try near 18 SI staff barely sleep towards release, ask Dunc on here.

As for testers, check the credits. That will show you how many they have.

Dunc is a tester? No wonder the game is so bugged......:P