The creativity slider: how to set it [discussion / information]

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FC Knudde

Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Apparently this is a key factor which determines whether or not the players pass as instructed.

When you play a direct / long / counter style you will hardly notice the importance of this setting, but those who want their players to pass short often have this setting as obstacle they have to overcome to perfect their short passing without that player to walk with the ball and/or to "get rid of the ball" (e.g. a long pass into nothing).

I myself have a certain perspective on how soccer should be played without becomming anti soccer or only playing on the counter.

I have my attacking part of the field almost how I want it to be...nice and dangerous (H)

Everything behind my attacking part, according to my "philosophy", has to be a short passing firm defensive block which work themselves up the pitch with quick short passes so that when they have worked themselves into the opponents half my attacking part starts to participate with the rest of the team.

I have 6 players available to create this short passing defensive block...but...I am unable to get the players to do what I want them to do, some walk pretty often with the ball while intructed to do so rarely, others (mainly my full backs) sometimes walk with the ball or even make rushes with the ball and then give a cross while instructed to do so rarely.

It appears that the creativity setting is responsible for this.

As where most settings are self explaining or can be explained in a simple manner, the creativity slider is something that is not explained that easy.

This could be because of the many factors that are related to this, or because no one really knows how this actually works (e.g. the number of tweaks needed to perfect certain tactics).

Here is a listing of atributes which are linked / related to creativity:
1- Crossing
2- Finishing
3- Free kicks
4- Heading
5- Long shots
6- Passing
7- Technique
8- Anticipation
9- Composure
10- Concentration
11- Decisions
12- Flair

If I make a tactic with my team which is say at amateur level and I have with that team at that level success with that tactic it does not mean that teams on a higher level will succeed with the same tactic.

Players on a higher level possess a better understanding of the game and by so do not move like amateurs...they move more advanced and have a totally different view of what their options are on the pitch.

To allow more advanced players to use their quality on the pitch the creativity slider has to be altered and set just right so that my "amateur tactic" is fit for advanced play.

But how does this creativity slider work?

How do you know what setting it needs?

Raikan007 explained the passing slider to work something like this:
Imagine a circel around the player, the further you move the slider to the right to bigger the circle becomes and by so the distance of the pass will increase.
For example 1 tick to the right = +1 meter with the pass.

Now I wonder if this works for the creativity slider as well.
The slider has 20 ticks but does that mean it works something like this?
1 (totally set to the left) = braindead football zombie
5 = amateur soccer player
10 = mid level soccer player
15 = sub top soccer player
20 = I am Messi!

Or is there a way to use a formula in which you can calculate what creativity setting you need for each player?
Something like this:

Player specific:
Passing +Anticipation+ Composure + Concentration + Decisions + Flair + Technique + Creativity / 8 (number of atributes required of the player on his position according to tactical instructions) = position of the creativity slider.

So what is this thread about you might wonder?

Well my intention with this thread is to have the working of the creativity slider explained in detail in plain simple english so that even the laymen and/or newbies can enjoy their own "perfect" tactic.

The goal is to eventualy being able to somewhat translate the slider per tick.
How?...this could be by knowing (and being able to show) specific atribute levels that determine the creativity level or maybe it is something else that makes the creativity slider self explaining or easy to explain.

Please do not show off with just high passing amount screenies and NOT showing the settings and player attributes.

Keep in mind that not all of us are experienced FM players or have great knowledge of the game soccer (like myself).
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It basiclly means their freedom to express them selfes and use their flair, having the freedom to ignore their settings more often. Linked stats are Flair, Creativity and Decision.
It basiclly means their freedom to express them selfes and use their flair, having the freedom to ignore their settings more often. Linked stats are Flair, Creativity and Decision.

Knowing what you just explained, how do you apply that to the creativity slider so that the player acts (most of the time) how you want him to?

Does the creativity slider set to 0 (all the way to the left) mean that no matter what he should obey the tactical instructions?
If so then how come / why do players often act against instructions (like holding onto the ball and/or giving useless crosses / long passes) and is given the advise to increase the creative freedom of that player?

Too much creative freedom is not good but little creative freedom is no good as how can you determine what setting of the slider you need?

Are there certain atributes that need a certain level to determine what the most fit setting it a combination of things like atributes combined with mentality?

The slider has 20 positions simply put:
0 - 6 is less
7 - 13 is normal
14 - 20 is high

But what is restricted and/or allowed with these settings?

What actions on the pitch are restricted / allowed on what setting and what type of behaviour does that bring on the pitch with that setting on that position?

I know that its a lot of questions, but imo to get a clear understanding of how the creativity slider works you must know the effect of every setting of that slider.
The players settings are tendencys and rarely means that they rarely Will activily look for à cross, à t-ball etc. It does not mean "never". As for ticks on the sliders,it depends on how you want to play. If you want the player to try trickier options that makes your team unpredictiable, then use à higher CF. This might make them hard to read for their teammates aswell and they might overdo things, even if being Messi. If you want them to be extremly limited in terms Of options on how to use the ball, then set it to low. This might result in players dwelling om the ball though as they lack options. There is no sweet point for à tactic as evert game is different and you face different opponents.
No creative freedom basically means "Do exactly as the player instructions say. Don't try to do something unexpected because you're not cool enough."

100% creative freedom, on the other hand, is, as Harry Redknapp once said to oncoming substitute Pavlyuchenko, "just . . . fscking run around a bit." Basically, it's more of a free role, more or less a "do whatever you want; I trust in you" sort of thing.
So basicly the creativity slider could be translated into something like this:

0 = very rigid: do as instructed, when not possible get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

1 = very rigid: do as instructed, when not possible try to pass to team mate or get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

2 = very rigid: do as instructed, when not possible try to pass to team mate or try to run past opponent and get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

3 = rigid: do as instructed and try to pass to team mate, when not possible get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

4 = rigid: do as instructed and try to pass to team mate, when needed run past opponent and pass to team mate or get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

5 = rigid: do as instructed and pass to team mate if needed run past opponent and then pass to team mate, when that is impossible get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

6 = rigid: do as instructed and pass to team mate, run past opponent and unless a team mate can be reached get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

7 = balanced: do as instructed and pass to team mate, run past opponent or give a cross pass foward when that is impossible get rid of the ball towards a safe location away from your own area/goal.

8 = balanced: do as instructed and try to pass to team mate, run past opponent or give a cross pass foward when needed you are allowed to deviate from instructions to enable the pass / cross pass only.

9 = balanced: do as instructed, your are allowed to deviate from instructions with actions that allow you to obey to the instructions better.

10 = balanced: do as instructed, you are allowed to deviate from instructions with actions that allow you to obey the instructions better or provide you with the opportunity to pass/cross.

Ran out of explanations here (lack of football knowledge (A)) feel free to provide a more clear "translation" in this manner.

16 = very fluid: do what ever you like when possible, but do not deviate too long from your instructions

17 = very fluid: do whatever you like when possible, if not possible do not deviate too much from your instructions.

18 = very fluid: do whatever you like, but do not deviate too much from your instructions.

19 = very fluid: do whatever you like, but if possible try to obey your instructions.

20 = very fluid: do whatever you like, the instructions do not apply to you.

Please correct me if I am wrong or if certain other tactical settings affect the "translation".