The FM 14 Match Engine Survival Guide (painfully long)

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Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

So last year I posted a long, well documented, and thorough review of the ME deficiencies in FM 13 when it launched, and supported it with testing and what documentation I could, and people still jumped down my throat for criticizing their beloved SI.

So this year I'm doing something different. There are a lot of problems with the ME, and people are frustrated, but rather than stand up and demand that SI fix it (they are working on it, one presumes), we will go the other route, and ADAPT to the weirdness. A warning, this might get long.

Problem: my striker doesn't score, and finishes even the games I win with a 6.1 rating.

Solution: There is no "solution" to this exactly. What happened, basically, is that it became clear early on that tackling, particularly along the flanks, is totally borked. WAY too many goals were flying in, and so they made strikers less accurate. Now, when on the edge of the box and nobody between him and the keeper, a striker will immediately pull up and shoot over the bar from 17 yards, rather than dribble forwards and finish easily. SI has actually stated that they considered fixing this, but can't, because it will result in too many goals.

What it means for us: You need to give up on your striker scoring. Strikers still have a place in the game, preserving a shape the ME likes, and creating chances for your wingers and AMC. The key is to play him as a target man, DLF, or F9 with "support".

I am having the most success with big target men. The primary reason for this is that with the matador defending on the wings, wingers have all the time they need to dribble down the flanks and loft crosses into the box. Drilling crosses doesn't work (it never has, with the notable exception of crossing when on the counter, which is brilliant), but floating them to my massive target man does, who can lay off for the only people can score in the years ME, wingers and men in the hole.

So get yourself a Llorente, a Giroud, etc. In my experience so far, the single best striker in this year's game is Hugo Almeida. He is an absolute beast.

Problem: My fullbacks defending is making me literally suicidal.

Solution: There isn't one exactly. This was actually a bit of a problem last year, but by setting the tackling and closing down sliders very, very carefully, (and usually less aggressive than most tactics published here had them) one could overcome it quite well. Of course, no sliders now, so we need another solution. And it turns out there are actually 2. First, you can eliminate them. One thing that the ME does MUCH better than in previous years is the old Barcelona trick: fullbacks bomb forward, central defenders move wide to cover that space, and the holding midfielders drop deep to protect the net.

CD's will move wide very intelligently in this year's game, and you can use this to your advantage. I even experimented with a formation that had 2 CD's, no fullbacks, and no wingbacks. 2 at the back! And while it totally messed up my possession game, my defending the wings actually got MUCH BETTER.

Besides eliminating them, the other thing you can do is embrace the striker problem that we spoke about in the previous problem. Your striker stops at the edge of the 18 yard box when he's wide open? SO DOES THIERS. So the answer becomes: let them shoot. My Athletico save did not lose to barcelona in 4 meetings. How? Simple: "Stand off opponents", "Stay on feet". Watching Messi dazzle with his footwork, humiliate my back line, and then stop dead and fire wide 13 times a match was a thing of beauty.

Remember, your defenders aren't going to tackle anyway, why not adapt your tactic to stop asking them to?

What this means to us: Your fullbacks can't defend. At all. Stop buying pullbacks with good defensive attributes. They can still provide width and crossing, and do so brilliantly. In with the Juanfrans and Dennis Aogo's of the world. They are now worth every penny.

Problem: I have amazing defenders, but they still can't keep anyone in front of them.

Solution: There really is no solution to this. Once a competent striker has the ball at his feet, you're not getting it back until he misses his shot. Does your CD have 18/18 for marking and tackling, the ME doesn't care, and neither should you.

This actually brings up a common misconception I see on these boards. The Marking attribute isn't what many of you think it is. Read: Marking ...Indicates the player's ability to stay on an opponent. A high Marking attribute will offset the opponent's Dribbling attribute (though the Dribbling attribute tends to win if they're equal or close)."

So when you see that winger wide open at the far post and you say, but "I have an 17 marking? Whose marking him?!?!" THAT'S NOT MARKING, THAT'S POSITIONING! Marking is only for when the defender's man has the ball! Read: "A player with high Positioning will be better at intercepting passes or setting up to mark attacking players before the ball gets there."

That's right, in FM positioning is marking, and marking is frankly not all that important, particularly this year.

Anyway, our solution is to get defenders with attributes that actually matter in this ME. We can't get the ball off the opponent, so we need to deny it to him. Start looking at Positioning and Anticipation above all else. Out, Kyriakos Papadopolous, in Andrea Barzagli, the god of centerbacks in this ME.

Problem: My "Shoots from distance" players are destroying my tactic!

Solution: After almost getting a handle on Shoots from distance in FM13, the madding PM is back with a vengeance this year. And there is no solution, but I did make a few interesting discoveries about it.

I almost always watch my matches on "comprehensive", but when I'm testing a crazy tactic, sometimes I'll speed through it. And I noticed that my side had 9 corners in the first 7 Minutes of a match. Since this wasn't a tactic that relied heavily on wide players, I wondered what was going on. And it turns out that in this ME, the large majority of corners are generated when the keeper tips the ball wide, or over the bar.

And one thing we know about this ME is that there is still plenty of opportunity to score from corners. So one of my favorite tactics in a long time came into being. It involved quick tempo (which increases shots from distance), short passing (more possession equals more shots from outside the 18 yard box) and the "shoot on sight" instruction, which no one ever uses. Add the strategic signing of a few "shoots from distance" shameless gunners, and viola! My personal record is 51 shots on goal. But a funny thing happened, which is this tactic won kind of a lot.

My theory is that the ME gives a match rating boost to anyone who puts a shot on target. If you're shooting and failing to score, but the keeper is saving them, your players ratings start to creep up, and the ME says "this player is having a good game" his moral and confidence skyrockets, and lo and behold, he bags you a goal.

This is only a theory, but spare a moment for shooting from distance next time. It can work better than you think, and it will generate you a few extra corners to take advantage of at worst.

Problem: Where are the 4 and 5 star coaches?

Solution: They are out there. They are mostly brazilian, and they are mostly goalkeeping and fitness coaches. Always remember, you can bribe coaches and scouts. Want to sign the brilliant Alexandre Ceolin as a scout, but his interest is "none"? Double his wages and he'll sign anyway. Need an attacking coach but Fabio Majaseredjian only wants to coach goalies? Triple his wages and he'll coach anything you want. As Brazilian coaches tend not to make much money, this is an affordable way to get that top notch coaching staff you've had in previous years.

A few more quick notes on players this year:

With tackling removed this year, the single best PM is "runs with ball often" by a mile. I love Frank Ribery, but I'll have nightmares about the last time my Shaktar save faced Bayern. And with Dribblers, remember: BALANCE.
Read: "Indicates the player's ability to remain standing when challenged by a tackle, or after landing when jumping for a header in a congested area. When dribbling, Balance also indicates how well the player can maintain his balance while doing any given maneuver. Players with low Balance won't just spontaneously trip and fall, but they will slow down significantly if they change directions."

Dribbling + pace + balance = completely unstoppable right now.

Remember, when the ME is still up in the air, teamtalks are your most important weapon. And what makes a good teamtalk? Players with high teamwork. Read: "Players with high Teamwork skills are also more likely to follow tactics without going off on their own, and are more likely to be influenced by pep talks."

Finally, this has been true for years, and while I haven't got the numbers for this year yet, it appears as true as ever: ALWAYS USE THE ATTACKING MOVEMENT MATCH PREP. Doesn't matter the context. Attacking movement always produces the best goal differential over time.

Finally, I know there are those of you just itching to jump on this thread to say "I'm not having a problem with the new ME! I Love it. I've only conceded 4 goals in the league."

To them I say: Thank you in advance for you contribution to this thread. I wasn't talking to you. Of course I wasn't. After all, your Football Manager e-peen is so enormous, we all just took it for granted that you didn't have any problems. This thread was meant for everyone EXCEPT you.

SI will eventually iron out the ME, because they usually do, but until then, maybe this can help us enjoy this a little more. After all, what are we going to do, stop playing? hah!
I miss fm 12 too. But my biggest gripe with that game was that every striker had to have pace. Anyone slower than 14 or so was just blown away by a pacey poacher no matter their other stats. Now the classic poacher is next to useless, so that's a nice change of pace.....
Not tried a single striker tactic, but i've not been having any problems with strikers scoring - getting close to a goal a game. Its all about aerial ability rather than pace it seems so far, though the combination of the two is even better.
Aerial ability and strength do seem the way to go atm. My issue with two striker systems is that using two strikers means either sacrificing solidity at the back, or playing without an AMC/#10, (which is perfectly legitimate, but never seems to work for me over the long haul).

But if you have two strikers banging in a goal a game, you should publish that tactic ASAP. I'm not sure if even back in the good old days I had two 40-50 goal a season strikers playing next to each other. That's remarkable.
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I've found things a lot better after the full game was released. My strikers are finally able to run into the box and place it in a corner.
Im not having problems with my strikers. Im in my 4th season, my main striker has scored between 20-30 goals every season. oO)
Not having it so much with my strikers....just more with my full backs and defenders not closing down properly.
Im not having problems with my strikers. Im in my 4th season, my main striker has scored between 20-30 goals every season. oO)

Same, only played one season so far. But my striker was 2nd top scorer in the league, and I was playing as Atalanta
Took OP's advice on full backs and to remove instructions for closing down.
Working well so far in the 4 games I've used it.
Not having any of those issues.
Strikers scoring fine, full backs do their job, found decent coaches, no issues with long shots..
Every year the same complaints pop up and 95% of the time they're completely down to something other than the ME.

Also on the dribbling+pace+balance combo, you do realise that was all you needed on 12 for your ST to get 40 a season.
Strikers scoring fine, full backs do their job, found decent coaches, no issues with long shots..
Every year the same complaints pop up and 95% of the time they're completely down to something other than the ME.

So of course what you're saying might be completely true, I certainly can't prove otherwise. However, this kind of post bothers me because of course many people are having these issues. The guy who gets on a thread to say "i'm not though" is either A. lying or B. doing something that the majority of FM players are not, but doesn't feel like sharing what that is, presumably? Either way, try to be more of a person, you know?

The other thing I'll add is that there is a post on the SI forums in which and SI employee says "We're having problems with strikers not scoring and tacking from fullbacks" Seriously. Someone linked to it on a thread right here. So YOU'RE not having these issues, only Sport Interactive is? Now that IS impressive!

Edit: Here is what I was referencing:

"Dealing with the issues:

1) Poor defending - we're aware of defender's failing to put a foot in often, instead they jockey lots. We're working on a fix for this, but it's complicated by the fact that our tackle stats are already too high compared to reality. We're working on improving block shots and jockeying to force attackers back. In these instances we now only really need the very worst examples of this uploaded as PKMs with times too.

2) Shooting from daft angles - Also something we're aware of and working on. In these cases we need as many examples as possible. Januzaj's one from fruitavelli was a good example.

3) Buying a corner/throw in off legs of defender - Again, we're aware that this may be overused in matches. Any examples would be appreciated.

4) Low corners to near post - A known issue and one we're working on. No further examples of this are needed.

5) keeper distribution - This is a tricky one because in certain circumstances the goalkeeper will distribute as intended. What we need here is PKMs and timed examples of when a goalie is ignoring his instructions."

and also

the main thing we're missing is the physical battles that real life defending involves. Easing players off the ball with a shoulder challenge and so on. We're working on this constantly.

We are aware of issues with shooting. We believe finishing of simple chances may need improving, but this will have to be counterbalanced so as not to overload the ME with too many goals."
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So get yourself a Llorente, a Giroud, etc. In my experience so far, the single best striker in this year's game is Hugo Almeida. He is an absolute beast.

I'll see your Almeida and raise you a Mario Gomez :p I do have to say, have far more luck defending with wing backs than I've had with full backs thus far.
So of course what you're saying might be completely true, I certainly can't prove otherwise. However, this kind of post bothers me because of course many people are having these issues. The guy who gets on a thread to say "i'm not though" is either A. lying or B. doing something that the majority of FM players are not, but doesn't feel like sharing what that is, presumably? Either way, try to be more of a person, you know?

The other thing I'll add is that there is a post on the SI forums in which and SI employee says "We're having problems with strikers not scoring and tacking from fullbacks" Seriously. Someone linked to it on a thread right here. So YOU'RE not having these issues, only Sport Interactive is? Now that IS impressive!

I'm not lying and I'd happily prove so, I'm not doing anything special and I'd willingly go give advice to people about things which I do anyway. The issue I have though is people coming on the forums complaining and then throwing whatever advice they do get back into the faces of those who give it. Not saying you've done this because you haven't but it happens far too often and those nice enough to help out just get classed as fan boys and abused by those who are too impatient or unwilling to learn.

I've had no issues at all getting forwards to score, I always play a lone striker and across a few saves with at least 10 vastly different teams I've no real issue getting my ST to score 20-25 a season in the league and close to 40 overall.
The same can be said for my wing backs, granted at times there are issues, there always will be and always is. I've found it far from game breaking and I'm not alone in this.
Im not having problems with my strikers. Im in my 4th season, my main striker has scored between 20-30 goals every season. oO)
JP, can you show individual instructions for your striker and supporting players
TJD07, I don't think TheSimeon is accusing you of lying. He's just pointing out that your insistence that everything is great on your save, because you're such a FM genius, is useless to those of us who have been having trouble. You're getting 40 goals from your striker. Hooray. If you don't tell us how, then why would we care? There are many, many people on this forum, and many of us, myself included, have been playing this line of games for decades. We are not dumb, we are not lazy. We are confused and frustrated. Having you hop on here and brag and make accusations about how other people just "don't understand tactics" is enough to make most people annoyed.
TJD07, I don't think TheSimeon is accusing you of lying. He's just pointing out that your insistence that everything is great on your save, because you're such a FM genius, is useless to those of us who have been having trouble. You're getting 40 goals from your striker. Hooray. If you don't tell us how, then why would we care? There are many, many people on this forum, and many of us, myself included, have been playing this line of games for decades. We are not dumb, we are not lazy. We are confused and frustrated. Having you hop on here and brag and make accusations about how other people just "don't understand tactics" is enough to make most people annoyed.

Second this.
My striker isn't scoring loads, but I presumed that was because I'm playing 2 Inside forwards each picking up 10-15 goals a season. So doesn't really bother me!

My only gripe is the defending. Can't wait for SI to fix it, but in the meantime I'll try some of your tips, thanks!
I'd just like to say that the OP's bit on Strikers not scoring goals is ridiculously true.

Ever since I changed one of my Advanced Forwards to a Target Man on Support Duty, he's been scoring goals with his 8 Finishing leaving my other AF with 13 Finishing still struggling to score.. :):S

So the conclusion is Striker's with an Attack duty on this game are less likely to score.
So of course what you're saying might be completely true, I certainly can't prove otherwise. However, this kind of post bothers me because of course many people are having these issues. The guy who gets on a thread to say "i'm not though" is either A. lying or B. doing something that the majority of FM players are not, but doesn't feel like sharing what that is, presumably? Either way, try to be more of a person, you know?

The other thing I'll add is that there is a post on the SI forums in which and SI employee says "We're having problems with strikers not scoring and tacking from fullbacks" Seriously. Someone linked to it on a thread right here. So YOU'RE not having these issues, only Sport Interactive is? Now that IS impressive!

Edit: Here is what I was referencing:

"Dealing with the issues:

1) Poor defending - we're aware of defender's failing to put a foot in often, instead they jockey lots. We're working on a fix for this, but it's complicated by the fact that our tackle stats are already too high compared to reality. We're working on improving block shots and jockeying to force attackers back. In these instances we now only really need the very worst examples of this uploaded as PKMs with times too.

2) Shooting from daft angles - Also something we're aware of and working on. In these cases we need as many examples as possible. Januzaj's one from fruitavelli was a good example.

3) Buying a corner/throw in off legs of defender - Again, we're aware that this may be overused in matches. Any examples would be appreciated.

4) Low corners to near post - A known issue and one we're working on. No further examples of this are needed.

5) keeper distribution - This is a tricky one because in certain circumstances the goalkeeper will distribute as intended. What we need here is PKMs and timed examples of when a goalie is ignoring his instructions."

and also

the main thing we're missing is the physical battles that real life defending involves. Easing players off the ball with a shoulder challenge and so on. We're working on this constantly.

We are aware of issues with shooting. We believe finishing of simple chances may need improving, but this will have to be counterbalanced so as not to overload the ME with too many goals."

I have uploaded my tactic,

Bear in mind, I've had a lot more success playing with two aerial strikers (who both add something else to their game, i.e. a creative complete forward and a finishing advanced forward) than with any other combination. Wingers chip in with goals too. I was also struggling with full backs but adjusted with version 2 and they are a lot better.
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