The Guide to the successful 4-4-2

Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score

4-4-2 with the use of a target man

You will need good crossers of the ball with pace and good dribbling skills

You need a solid spine - good centre backs and centre midfielders

You need a strong target man that is good in the air for flick ons or good with his feet to hold up the ball or both but this may take a lot of training or a lot of money

You need a fast striker to compliment the target man's work. He needs to possess good pace, acceleration, dribbling, finishing and composure.


You will need to make individual sessions for every player

For Goalkeeperyou need improve all his technical abilities but also his tactics, attack (for passing), ball control (or he isn't going to take forever controlling the ball then losing it to an opposition striker), strength (so he isn't going to get out muscled on an opposition corner) and aerobic (to improve aerial ability, rushing out etc.).

For Full Back or Wing Back you need o have high skills at tackling, marking, jumping, heading, dribbling, crossing, passing, pace, acceleration and stamina.

For a Centre Back he needs to possess high tackling, marking, jumping, heading, positioning, strength, pace and acceleration.

For a Defensive Midfielder he needs to have high Tackling, marking, dribbling, passing, pace, acceleration, stamina and he will need very high jumping, heading and strength.

For a Centre Midfielder you need a mix of both defensive and attacking midfielders. So, he will need high strength, creativity, tackling, marking, pace, acceleration, jumping, heading, dribbling, passing, stamina and long shots.

For an attacking midfielder you will need to choose whether you want a playmaker who will dictate play or someone who is strong and can boss the centre of the park. The playmaker needs high pace, acceleration, passing, stamina, long shots and very high creativity. The strong man needs high strength, jumping, heading, tackling and long shots.

Now for the strikers you need to know who are going to use as a target man and who as a fast striker, once you have chose you are going to have to stick to your chice because to much changing will cause disruption and poor form. For your target man he is going to have to have high strength, stamina, finish, composure, position, off the ball, jumping, heading and long shots. Where as your fast striker needs to have pace, acceleration, stamina, dribbling, composure, finishing and off the ball.

Finally, with some good finishing you are going to need some quality wingers to provide some quality service. Wingers need to have pace, acceleration, stamina, dribbling, crossing, passing and long shots. In your team you will need to find out who are your good corner and free kick takers, generally best to give this responsibility to wingers because they generally have poor heading, jumping and strength.

Now, you now which each position requires all you have to do is look at each individual players stats and work out what they have to improve on for their poition. Now, you have done this so set up each individual training schedule training each player at what they are bad at for their position. E.g. Ferdinand is an awesome centre back on the game so all he needs to improve for a centre back is his strength. So you set Strength on his schedule to high and everything else to a low medium. This means he will improve his strength most but will keep all his other stats good. But, remember a centre back doesn't need to be good at shooting so don't do it.

You can play differently at home compared to how you do away. Trying to play the same will cost you because you will be either to defensive at home or to attacking away.

At home you want to be more attacking with more creative freedom. You want short passing with a quick tempo. You can push your defensive line up and play offside.

When you play away its a complete different story. You want to be more defensive than at home so take the mentality and creative freedom down a few notches. Play a direct passing game with the quick tempo still. Pull your defensive line down a few notches and change your 'play offside' for 'counter attack'

Tick the target man box and if you chose a playmaker attacking midfielder then use them.

Now in the target man section put your first eleven target man as number one and your sub target man as number two.
I think that´s a good strategy!
But I play 4-2-3-1 with S.L. Benfica.;)