
Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
So it begins.

So I have never done one of these before so you will have to bare with me as I figure out how to do all this please any tips or tricks let me know.

So I think I may be the first to do this, I've not seen one before if I'm wrong let me know but ill explain the challenge, as you all know there is a hall of fame in FM and this challenge is gong from a no one to try and get on that leader board ,now the main aim of the challenge is to win as many trophies as possible but the higher reputation leagues are worth more points so I wont be going to places like Iceland.

Without further ado lets start the challenge

The Challenge starts where most start the job centre a we scour the job list for that one club that is going to let a complete amateur with no badges or playing experience to take over there club, and after applying at all the jobs available jobs 2 teams offered me the role as Manager they where Tamworth and Bognor Regis and after I have managed one of these teams already I chose the other which is.

So Tamworth are the first team that we will manage and see if we can lead them to glory so here is my season expectation either get promotion or leave to go to a better team. we lets have a look at the defence that we will be working with.


Doesn't look to bad we really need to strengthen the Goalkeeper but Jezeph really looks like he could be good in the long run but hopefully we wont be here. also another area would be the right back but with one in the reserve it isn't a real priority we might be able to do without. Now the midfield and Attack.

Now here is a problem the quality of player is fairly high but there just not a lot of it a lot of so some new additions will be coming into the club to join us and the best way to do it as a non league club is a trial day as its a great way to get lots of people into the club very cheaply.

now the final thing is the friendly fixtures


Not so great but they don't matter so much as it was all about earning money for the club and gaining fitness and we gained an epic £40k for the club which is amazing and also helped me fine tune our formation and tactics.

well this is it for now I will bring more next time.

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Hall Of Fame Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Here we go. ive decided to do an update every 5 Games because I want you guys to see what kind of season I'm having at regualar intervals if it gets to much ill go every half season but I don't really want to do that, so ill give you a quick update about where our season is, so as you all saw we was in need of a few fresh faces around the place ive not got there profiles as its a lot of bumph, but here goes.


So Lewis Archer (ST), Ryan Leonard (Either Wing) Ethan Miller( CM ), Where the three that I brought in from the trial day and are all 2 stars, like I said they are going to just be back up player and probably wont feature to much in the team. however Wheeler (GK) is going to be our number 1 he is a much better choice than the 2 we already had and really should strengthen up the back. Tendai Matinyadze (CM) this guy is going to be the one who takes our possession from defence to attack, currently not picked for the Zimbabwean international team I have a feeling he will be soon.

so onto the games, I've decided to go with a 4-4-1-1 formation and with our first string striker Asante out for 6 months we went into our first game with a newly signed Bradley Reid leading the line making his debut for the club.


What a game this was for a first game of the season, it was back and forth for the whole 90 mins. our free flowing attack proving to much for Bradford PA with Reid really impressing me bagging 4 goals on his debut, a huge problem is our defence I had them sitting to high and they made it very easy for Bradford to score freely. but 3 points are 3 points.


Now this game really really annoyed me, we went 2-0 up very early with Reid ripping through the defence with ease, I thought here we go this Tamworth team really do know how to play then is all came crashing down with more mistakes at the back meant once again our opposition could freely run into our box.

Bradley Reid's on fire, your defence is terrified, back to winning ways and once again Reid on the score sheet, however man of the match was Powell our 21 year old Left Winger that score an abosolute rocket of a volley from outside the box and also creating 2 goals aswell.


He cannot stop scoring this time his two goals sealing the win over Boston. a massive problem though is that our defence is so leaky with Boston scoring there only shot of the game due to a Wheeler mishap again though a win is a win so cat complain to much. can we keep this fine form going.


Yes we can, although Reid didn't score which sucked. Knights our Right winger bagging 3 goals with a very controversial opener as he scored from what looked like an offside position. although we still cannot keep a clean sheet which is worrying.


Form wise I couldn't of asked for a better start albeit the teams we played managed to score 13 goals against our very leaky defence. lets have a look at the league table.


Well look at that, the board asked for mid table and we are well above that at the moment, with 4 wins out of 5 this surely is one of the best starts I could have asked for.

anyway thanks for reading guys,until next time.
A lot of high scoring games there! Good luck with this, I’ll be reading.

Chapter 3

Hey guys and welcome back to the Hall of Fame challenge, I can tell this may take a very long time so I am going to speed it up by doing Pre Season, Half Season Updates and End Of Season and I'm going to try and keep them nice and short as I see many people don't like lots of writing.

Anyway lets get back to the story. When we left off we was flying, Bradley Reid was free scoring and we was well above what we expected but it was just the first 5 games, now lets have a look at the next set of results.


Not too bad really a lot of goals scored but also a lot conceded, another worry is that in the first half of the season we only managed to keep 2 clean sheets, notable games are the York and Salford teams that are both at the top of the league. however we cant keep a run of games going but not too bad, now where does that put us in the league.


Look how close it is up at the top especially in the playoff spots, Salford are really running away with the league though and it really shows they seem to be winning every week and only losing the once. Now one thing that is worrying me is our goal difference we just cant seem to stop scoring but we concede a **** of a lot to. but for a team that is supposed to finish Mid Table I am very happy how it is going to far. now lets look at who has performed for us this season.


What a season our main man Reid is having, he was only in the team as Asante was injured but I cant seem to fit Asante in now, one problem with Reid is though he scores his goals in bursts like 7 in 3 games then wont score for a couple of games, another notable performer is our young guy Callum Powell who sets up most goals for Reid but he also scores aswell I am really impressed with how the team is performing so far.

So as you can see an okay start to the season it could have been better but could have been a lot worse, until next time thanks for reading
Looking decent there, a playoff finish would certainly be a very good finish for the club.
Chapter 4

Welcome back to the next update in our quest of becoming the greatest manager In the universe. last time out we where looking good in the playoff spots and high flying Reid was scoring goals for fun. well here's what happened next.

Very mixed feelings about this the 3rd quarter of the season we was playing terribly now this might coincide with us losing first choice Goalie Owen Wheeler due to him not having a full contract and signing for ST Albans however we did sign another 2 which where better on paper but as we all know football isn't played on paper.

However from the Darlington game something just clicked the football was ****** fantastic they just seemed to click the loss against North Ferriby was disappointing as they are the bottom of the league.

This did mean we managed to hold a place in the Playoffs securing 4th position . lets have a look how we get on.


Well look at that I didn't think this would happen in our first season. Nuneaton offered no real threat to us we dominated the game, Stockport who was our bogey team of the season I struggled against them but a goal in the 80 min by Powell sent us through to the final. Now the Southport game was very stressful, having going 3-0 up in the first half I though was was guaranteed to go through and was planning for National League football. then the second half was a struggle with Southport levelled it back to 3-3 with the help of our new keeper Preston conceding 2 goals from back passes from our captain Jones I was ripping my hair out but then our hero Bradley Reid bagged another 2 great goals with Southport managing to score in the 89th minute which was to late and we managed to hold onto lead and send us up.


This is Bradley Reid History as you can see he has unsurprisingly had his best season yet as the old Wolves boy bagged 52 league goals in one season which is a national league record. which resulted in


Look at his beautiful face Reid managed to play every minute of every game this season I'm just hoping that he can keep this fine run of form going.


These are Tamworth best performers look at Powell with 31 assist aswell as 13 goals he was a close second for me for player of the year another notable was Darbyshire at first was signed for a back up but his link up play with the widemen was incredible and strangely he only seemed score when Reid didn't. a great team all in all though one last thing.


Look at the finances and how they improved from when I too over. normally I really try to keep spending down on a long term save with one club but as I thought ill be leaving Tamworth I haven't really tried but we seemed to make lots of money.

Well what a season, honestly the first time in long time I have really enjoyed FM to the point I took it to work to play on my dinner, ill be honest I love this Tamworth team and it will be really hard to say goodbye in the end but with this promotion we may get another season with them but again if we don't get promoted we will try to move up by moving on we will just see how it goes.

thanks for reading guys until next time which will be end of the pre season next year
Matinyadze was quality for me at Telford on my save!
Well done on promotion, a fantastic year for Tamworth and a real contrast to how they're doing in the real world! What a season from Bradley Reid, he'll be a real asset for you in the National League. I'm sure they'll be a bit of interest for him from League 2 clubs this Summer.
Vanarama League North Manager of The Year :2017/18 - Tamworth
Vanarama League North Playoffs Winners: 2017/18 - Tamworth

Chapter 5

Welcome back to the Hall of Fame challenge and so far so good we got promotion in the first year and we also won manager of the year but we are a long way off the Hall Of Fame, however we are determined to get there. So we have been busy in the Summer window we let a lot of boys go from last year those that weren't really playing and also captain Luke Jones who was getting unhappy due to the younger guys getting more game time so therefore we brought some new guys in and here there are with a few other departures.


So a quick breakdown Zack Kotwica, a back up winger didn't really play so snatched Stockports hand off and ran. the other two left on a free due to the contracts only been part time. now onto the guys we brought in.


Alex Hunt, very good player will be a first teamer most games most likely


He was signed to be a back up player at best


Yet another Goalkeeper making it 4 goalkeepers signed in 2 years but this guy seems to be different class hopefully one to take us further


Back up nothing more


More back up.

Back Up


Great flexibility to play either wing


Another player that ill add squad depth as some games last season we ran thin.


One for the future initially but is very good on the ball will be a sub.


Not sure what happened to the screenshot. Ian Smith well what can I say he was signed by Southport at the beginning of last season and was prolific scoring 26 goals in 40 games which brought a lot of attention from League 1 and 2 clubs but I was surprised he wanted to come to us, I know we have Bradley Reid but Smith can also play just behind him in the role Darbyshire played last year.

so here is the squad taking us forward also we have changed formation to 3-1-4-1-1

well thanks for reading this guys I'm really enjoying it and just to let you know the club are expecting relegation which will not fit into our story
