The Joy Has Gone


Jan 23, 2015
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I come to these forums to give my two cents on the current state of the game.

The first Football Manager I played was Football Manager 2010, back in 2009. I have played every iteration since then. Back then I was a fourteen year old kid with not a care in the world. I immediately jumped in without any idea what was going to happen, but I quickly got sucked into what would probably become my favourite PC game. I played on a very outdated laptop, Windows XP, 512 MB of Ram, but the game ran absolutely beautifully. The real thing that hooked me (and many others) into the game was the sheer realism, but moreso, the ability to alter reality and create your destiny. To shape the football world and sit down and look at the monster you have created. Dominating the 2010's with your favorite club? Turning some no name chinese kid you signed on a free transfer into the greatest player in the history of football? Taking Dartford FC from the lowly 7th tier to the heights of Europe? It was all possible in Football Manager.

For the next 4 or so years, Football Manager would become a constant in my adolescent life. Girlfriends would come and go, but football manager was always there. After a long day of school and rugby training, it was great to come home and work on save, and continue on with my greatness. In the real world, I was just an average kid, but here, on my PC, I was a legend, and icon, a god, almost.

And so hours and hours progressed throughout those four years. It was entertaining to see the way in which the game changed and grew but also the way in which I grew as well. It was funny looking back at it, I was talking to my best friend the other day about FM 15 and he said "Bro, remember back in Fourth Form (grade 10/year 10 whatever you call it) when I saw you playing FM on your laptop during break and I asked what was that ****. You told me to give it a try and I hated it, yet still I have more hours than you logged in FM 14!"

But it seemed that adulthood dawned and Football Manager waned in my life. FM 14 was a great game in its own right, but it laid the foundation as to why FM 15 is an absolute pain. Tactics sliders were replaced by shouts. I always felt that this change was unnecessary and for me, it felt like alot of tactical control was taken out of my hands. Instead of selecting exactly how my team was supposed to play, I could only select arbitrary options like "close down much more" or "more direct passing" (how much more is much more?). For me, this led to tactics being much more homogenized, and no matter what tactic I would put in, I always felt like my team was playing the same, and more importantly, that the way my team played was uncomfortably out of my hands.

I only logged a mere 181 hours in Football Manager 2014, but this was due to alot of factors. Gone were the days of all nighters and all weekenders were secondary school work was put on hold to play FM. I now had to balance college work and a job, meaning there was little to no time to really get immersed in a save. I will admit that this is partially my fault, I often felt impatient playing FM14, that the game would move too slow, whereas I would breeze by seasons and season in FM13, just a season earlier. Though the good feels were waning, I did manage to pull together some wonderful saves, bringing Huddersfield to a Europa League Final, turning Fiorentina into a European powerhouse.

For me, FM14 was not the best, but I've always seen that the pattern was that even yeared Football Manager games were always the worse ones. FM 11 and FM 13 were the best versions of the game, and I had high hopes that FM15 would be just as good, even better, with a more streamlined interface and other features being promised.

I bought FM 15 in beta stages and have to say that I am thoroughly disappointed with the game in every aspect. I have logged just under 180 hours now in FM 15, thanks to alot of free time opening up due to the hard work I did last year, but all 180 I have played on FM 15 feels wasted, so I just wanted to elaborate on the aspects that enrage me the most.

The match engine is utterly broken first and foremost, and the patches have only softened it a tad. Every striker in the game is Fernando Torres circa 2011 and every defender is Titus Bramble. Games just feel like an epic comedy of errors, as your brutish defensive midfielders get brushed aside by Santi Cazorla and Adnan Januzaj as if they spent the entire offseason traning with the NFL and WWE. Free kicks are a joke, as whoever is standing over it will just fire into some poor sod's face into the stands, even after you have set up instructions stating how you want your free kicks taken.

Tactics are an absolute joke. I have played with 5 different teams, and no matter how I set them up, they all play in the same homogenized style. I can see no difference being made with the tactics I have implemented. I have tried different styles, direct passing, short passting, structured shape, fluid shape, control, attacking, defensive, counter, close down more, close down less, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER YOU ARE AN ANCHOR MAN. IF THE MAFIA HIRED YOU AS A HITMAN, YOU GO MURDER THAT MAN IN THE STANDS ON YOUR TIME, NOT MINE. DO NOT SHOOT THE BALL IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE THE BOX.

The newly introduced tactical roles do not work at all. Inverted Full Back and Roaming Player do not do anything. I tested this out with heat maps over some matches. The full back in question actually stayed wider when given the Inverted Full Back role as opposed to the normal FB(automatic) role. The roaming playmaker literally just sat around inside the midfield circle like a cying baby.

Transfers are overinflated, and clubs show a distinct bias to player managed clubs. Throughout saves I have seen ai clubs sell the same players for peanuts that I had to shell out gajillions for. Scouting, though fancier now, is pants on head retarded. Why do I have to scout a player 35 times before I know whether or not he is ****? I can understand maybe once or twice, but when you're trying to get transfers in before the season starts, it is unacceptable that 15+ judge of PA scouts are telling me "some doubts, may be worth tracking the player" and giving me a half done scout report. The quality of regens created also seems poor in general, and usually clubs will ask way too much for them (come on Genk, 21 million for a 16 year old, right back with 3.5 star potential? What are you smoking and may I please have some.) and they also seem very reluctant to train any other way that the default way.

Player Interaction and Press Conferences are also laughably bad this season. I am probably a small part of the player base that actually liked press conferences, and I thought the tunnel press conferences and post match press conferences were poorly executed. Why not make it so that you can ask questions that if you give the right response you would be able to boost player morale, much like a team talk? I don't want to hear the same question about injuries, the opposing goalkeeper or why I decided to change my formation for this game. Players will get devastated about the smallest things, without any understanding at all. You cannot come storming into the manager's office demanding more playing time 3 games into the season when you have made 1 start and 2 sub apperances, and then when I tell you to calm down, you decide to give my squad cancer.

This has been the worst iteration of football manager I have played, and trust me, I have given it a chance, but I just cannot anymore. I wish redemption would come with the new patch in February or even FM16, but it's starting to look like my playing days are over :(
I don't really have enough time to break down why quite a bit of the stuff you've said is objectively incorrect, so what is it you wanted to discuss?
Well you got the Player interaction right, its god awful. Not too sure about the rest though... just keep being patient and learn from your mistakes. FM15 does not gift you instant results.
I don't really have enough time to break down why quite a bit of the stuff you've said is objectively incorrect, so what is it you wanted to discuss?

Why is FM 15 the most broken, anti-fun iteration of the game in recent memory
Why is FM 15 the most broken, anti-fun iteration of the game in recent memory

Right, now that is a thing I can debunk. You mentioned the first FM you played was 10. Now, I'm something of a veteran of the series (compared to some, though not to others), having played every one, and in the grand scheme of things 10 wasn't too bad. What was bad was its predecessor, FM09, which was actually objectively the most broken and (in this case, subjectively) the worst FM of all time.

If you truly think this FM is the most broken one, I urge you to find a way to play 09. That game crashed when you started it up, crashed when you continued, crashed when you saved, crashed when you even LOOKED at the main menu button. That was a broken game to the point it was actually unplayable for the majority. This FM could have given everyone random names and made them all dodecahedral in match view and it would be many magnitudes less broken than 09.

However, even if we discount 09, 15 beats out most FMs. 13 was an unpolished wreck at launch, 12 was supremely polished but mechanically broken and 11 was COMPLETELY broken in certain match engine exploits (whether used intentionally or merely accidentally). 15 doesn't just win out on the others' faults, however. Mechanically it is generally better than its direct predecessor 14 - with player interactions scuffing its otherwise total match engine advantage in particular - and critically there's no real absolute gamebreaker to the game itself, unlike the others in the series (see: FM11 and 10 corner bugs, FM12's massive match engine bugs regarding lone strikers, triple strikers, fast strikers, in fact just strikers in general). Every game adds something to the series, and apart from a few aberrations like FM09, each game has been progressively better than the last.

Of course, I'm not going to change your mind, which is already made up. So may I suggest you try Classic Mode? Lots of people who yearn for the good old days of FM05 and so on enjoy Classic Mode, even if I don't, so perhaps you might like that.
Just curious, Godcubed: You're saying that 09 was horrible, 10 was decent, 11 was broken, 12 was partly broken, and 13 was a wreck. Is there any chance that you'll say something similar about 15 when, say, FM 18 is out? :)
Just curious, Godcubed: You're saying that 09 was horrible, 10 was decent, 11 was broken, 12 was partly broken, and 13 was a wreck. Is there any chance that you'll say something similar about 15 when, say, FM 18 is out? :)

More than broken, there were certain match engine exploits that could be used to dominate almost ALL matches. Heck, in 13, I beasted using a long Fernando Llorente as a TM attack, w/o any strong support, and he still used to bang in around 40 goals a season.

The reason people love those old FM was that. It was pretty easy to get victories, plug-n-play or exploits. Even if you didn't properly understand what you were doing on the pitch. In FM15, if you don't get your roles/tactical setup right, you'll be punished - oh how you will be punished! Plus, the lack of plug and play seems to be bugging people since FM14.

This season is also more detailed in terms of player interaction/press conferences, so it is still broken. Don't get me wrong, I dislike both of them in this year's version, they can cause your game to go haywire, but since it was modified, I can understand why it is still kinda broken.

Mainly, the interaction and press conferences are the only major problem I have with this year's version. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with the game.
All I got from your post was that you don't understand the tactical side of FM/football and you don't understand how buying/selling works IRL/FM. Might sound harsh, but that's what I took from it. The older FMs were easier to exploit and easier to get your way. Every edition becomes more sophisticated and it seems you're finally hitting a wall.

It's not the end of the world though. If you have specific examples of something, provide info. If it's a tactical issue, post your tactic and preferably a PKM of a match and we/I will take a look and offer advice.

In the transfer market, the AI has improved too. You don't have a right to buy just any player whenever you feel like it. Unsettle him etc or just accept he's not for sale and find someone else.

The interaction side isn't perfect, but much could be down to how you manage your team. Squad statuses are important. Players have ambitions. Your reputation will also affect how players react to you if you take a hard stance.

There's a lot to learn about the game. Don't just give up.
Just curious, Godcubed: You're saying that 09 was horrible, 10 was decent, 11 was broken, 12 was partly broken, and 13 was a wreck. Is there any chance that you'll say something similar about 15 when, say, FM 18 is out? :)

Ill say that 15 was a generally solid iteration that had quite badly broken player interaction and morale issues. It is important to note that of all of those games, I only consider 09 to be broken to the point where it was unplayable. 11 had plenty of good points despite it's easily exploitable mechanics, 12 was incredibly well polished to the point where many consider it their favourite of the series, and 13 was only a wreck at launch, with subsequent patches buffing things out to the degree that by the end it was objectively one of the better games in the series.
Honestly, FM 11 and 12 will always hold a dear place in my heart. 11 was my first FM, and I went so far and did so many amazing things with my Arsenal on it. I still remember my best regens from there. 12 was just pure fun for me, the UI was better than 11's. Now, I know there are exploits in the match engine on the games, but I never even knew about them.
I didn't play 13, as I was hooked on 12 still, but I played 14. That game is not quite as good as the others, but I still had fun on it. I totally dominated teams on there, but a good part of the time, the keepers would be gods, and we wouldn't win by the amount of goals you'd expect.
15 has some major issues, of course. The defensive errors are just laughable at times, strikers are complete idiots when it comes to one-on-one situations, since they opt to shoot to the keeper instead of ALL OF THE OTHER SPACE THAT THE GOAL HAS. Interaction with players probably ****** me off the most. Like, holy ****, we JUST started the season, how can you already whine about first team football.
But overall, I enjoy the game. The team plays leading up to the goals can be just amazing. BUT I'm still going to wait for them to fix player interactions before I play more of it.
It's difficult to love or really like a save that for whatever reason isn't working out. Take my save for example, it's 2018 and pre season. I'm at my 7th or 8th club I can't remember tbh.. Now when sacked at failing to get rangers back to the prem just prior to joining my current club I thought that was it..time wasted but then my stubbornness came into play.. I wasn't just going to stop there.

Next in the news there was an article relating to my local team Cambridge utd, relegated the previous season languishing in 18th place in the conference I took a chance, yes it was a drop in leagues and yes there was no money but after a rather ineffectual start we started to put a run together! I for the first time finished a season (although it was 10 games in when I joined) and wasn't sacked or forced to resign!

With 6 games to go I was 4 points off top spot in third place. It was the kind of league finish that you always want to be part of however in the past i've never been the team that finishes top! It was so close but with my game in hand after a very successful fa trophy campaign (winners!!) I was cutting the lead down to a point and even during the last few games was top for a brief period.

So I won the league 4 points ahead and an additional trophy in the cabinet too at little Cambridge.. I nearly lost the motivation but this success has helped me even more yes it's not the premier league, yes it's not the champions league but it's Cambridge back in the football league.

The right club (that I also support) at the right time and it couldn't have been a better outcome.

Now onto the football league and survival with The majority of the squad wishing to leave letting their contract run down (still upset being relegated the year previous!) I need to retain as many bodies as possible as this will be a nightmare.

Don't give up, the game is the best yet and although it's frustrating it really can be so good!

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On FM 2013 I have (I still have the game installed) a Newcastle save that's in the 23/24 season where I've the Champions League 7 seasons in a row, the PL 6 seasons in a row and average about 6 goals per game. Fast forward to FM 2015 and I've just won my first PL of this years game in 2015/16, again with Newcastle. That one PL win tops every FM 2013 trophy for me, because it feels like I have earned it, rather than just taking advantage of ME exploits.

FM 2015 isn't perfect, I agree about player interaction, but for me it's the most rewarding FM I've played providing you're willing to be patient and learn. I've never been as engrossed in an FM save as I am now. Rather than simply pressing continue, the game challenges me, and I love it. :)
probably due to the fact they spend a lot of money on marketing . Its the same game getting churned out year after year and not really playable till feb
GodCubed: Also, why do you keep on playing it? It seems that you don't really like any of the versions...
GodCubed: Also, why do you keep on playing it? It seems that you don't really like any of the versions...

Oh he likes them, but he can admit flaws in them.

Same as when you support a team who loses to a rival and can say "they just played better". You still support your team, but can acknowledge when something didn't go right.

(funny thing is, some of the ones listed as the most broken were the most fun for me - probably cause I played it over at a mates house for hours on end having a right laugh)
Oh he likes them, but he can admit flaws in them.

I get it...

I just honestly can't really tell the difference, most of the time... I have been playing since 09, I think, and apart from minor changes it really seems like the same game over and over to me... Doesn't stop me from buying it every year though...