The Joy Has Gone

I get it...

I just honestly can't really tell the difference, most of the time... I have been playing since 09, I think, and apart from minor changes it really seems like the same game over and over to me... Doesn't stop me from buying it every year though...

Probably depends on how you watch matches, key events or full game / extended. I ALWAYS use 2D classic, I like to be able to follow all my 'dots' as the Mrs calls them!

Might be because I've played them so long that I still prefer the dots. Don't know really.

Next years improvement is deffo going to be in player relationships. That's the only thing I have had issues with (bar the very start where a few match engine problems kept happening but they have been ironed out in patches.)

Do you remember the corner problem a few years back? I had Fedrico Fazio scoring like 25 odd goals a year from corners haha

"I have been playing since 09, I think, and apart from minor changes it really seems like the same game over and over to me."

I bet if you could get the current player roster put in to 09 and you played it today, you would be shocked at how different you would have to play!

(I did go back to Champ Manager 4 a few years ago.... Loved it at the time, horrific on a revisit haha)
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you would be shocked at how different you would have to play!

I guess you're probably right. It is also true that I keep idealizing older games, I liked. I remember when I got home from store with brand new fifa 2003 and I sat down, played it and thought: It can't get closer to reality than this! Now, the graphics and the AI and etc would seem almost ridiculously bad, I imagine.
GodCubed: Also, why do you keep on playing it? It seems that you don't really like any of the versions...

See below:

Oh he likes them, but he can admit flaws in them.

Same as when you support a team who loses to a rival and can say "they just played better". You still support your team, but can acknowledge when something didn't go right.

(funny thing is, some of the ones listed as the most broken were the most fun for me - probably cause I played it over at a mates house for hours on end having a right laugh)


Just because something isn't perfect or in some cases needs dramatic improvement doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. Two of my favourite games of all time are Portal and Mirror's Edge. They're very different; Portal is pretty much as perfect as you can get it, solid 10s across the board. Mirror's Edge, on the other hand, has many many faults (combat, for a big one) but I enjoyed that game nearly as much as I did Portal because it was new and innovative and FUN.

I enjoy the **** out of FM despite its flaws. ****, I probably put the most time into FM12, despite it being quite broken in many different ways.

I guess you're probably right. It is also true that I keep idealizing older games, I liked. I remember when I got home from store with brand new fifa 2003 and I sat down, played it and thought: It can't get closer to reality than this! Now, the graphics and the AI and etc would seem almost ridiculously bad, I imagine.

FIFA 2003 was hilarious in hindsight. You could put Roberto Carlos as a striker and he'd be better than most actual strikers. Also you couldn't actually miss throw ins.
Tbf on FM12 I managed to get Younes Kaboul 2nd top scorer as Rangers in the SPL. Good times.
Tbf on FM12 I managed to get Younes Kaboul 2nd top scorer as Rangers in the SPL. Good times.

If ever there was a sentence to sum up one of the major problems with FM12... :P

Still, guess that illustrates the point. The game was borked, but you had fun playing it.
Tbf on FM12 I managed to get Younes Kaboul 2nd top scorer as Rangers in the SPL. Good times.

LOL nice.
I remember having my regen CB win Goal of the Season after scoring a bicycle kick in FM 2012. Ahhh the good ol' days. xD
I remember having my regen CB win Goal of the Season after scoring a bicycle kick in FM 2012. Ahhh the good ol' days. xD
