The Luck Of The Draw - An FM Base League

Oh la la,

I have 3 goalkeepers already? How many do we need?

Will you check so we don't end up with to many players in 1 position.

What will happen, as the whole point of this is it based on luck. Is that you can offer to swap a player at the end for a certain position, and I will keep the random generator going until that position is taken, BUT.

The position will be random from gold, silver to bronze!
Darn, Lukaku's a great pull.

Not quite Hazard, but you know :)
Cant wait for my first 6 too! Hoping for a Messi/Ronaldo combo:P

Also like the idea of trades at the end as someone could end up with 6 keepers and no strikers
Interested to see who everyone gets. Put me on a reserve list if anyone drops out. Quite like the idea of the random generater rather than choosing your own. Do you think Now you have all the user's you will be knocking out the rest of the squads quite soon.