the most annoying, depressing and utterly frustrating game, I've ever played.

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Sep 3, 2009
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This should probably be in post your frustrations and I'd imagine, my beefs are exactly the same as everyone else.

I'm so f@cking tired of struggling with Arsenal now, it's a joke.

I've tried everything possible, played standard, control, attack. Varied all the roles up, read guides and looked at other peoples tactics.

I've had success on the game, I won't lie. I've won 7 trophies in my second year once, so I know I can do it.
But, the flaws in the ME make it unplayable, I swear if I had a pound for every time in my insane rants that I'd promised to kill the Collier brother, I'd be a Billionaire. lol

I was looking forward to 14, now I'll be trowling through this website, to see if (for once - since 2007) that Sports Interactive will get it right. It's not been right once since Champ manager, 2011 was vaguely playable and I played 1500 hrs on it, I have 500 hrs roughly on every other version.

I have to watch Santi Carzola, spam 9 longs shots a game a goal and you know what, it might not be so bad if even 20% of the were on target. Apparently according to his stats, he's not too shabby at it.

I'm tired of creating 20 shots on the opposition and drawing 1-1, even though they had one shot on target. I've tried Adler, Ter Stegen in goal, they concede like no mans business and yet, the opposition have a super keeper who saves everything. Bullshit.

I've heard the word scripted being knocked around and it certainly feels that way to me.

Yet, I'll imagine, if anyone bothers to respond, it will be "it's your tactics mate" or "I don't have these issues".

All I can say is, your lying to yourselves. Football manager games are the worst games released, incomplete and don't work as they should. Not sure whether any actual gamers are on here, but I believe Si could even take a leaf out of Bethesda books and I'm some of you will see the irony in that.

I'm bitter, because for better or worse, I'm addicted to it. Am I addicted to the anger and frustration? I hope not, I've tried to be calm about it, but it gets you nowhere.

I wanted to send this to SI, but the f@cking cowards don't handle contact directly.

I'm not buying another FM, I'm going to pirate them for now on and claim my money back for the bullshit games, I've paid out for over the last few years, the hours of anger and confusion over why things aren't working.

Yes and before anyone says it, I do have mental health issues. (lol)
There's nothing worse than playing this game with metal health issues (I know it's a killer)
I'm with the OP, only I have managed to stop playing the game, THB I can't bring myself to play anymore.
Too many problems with the ME that SI are aware of (or so I'm told by the mods here) but no patch to fix them.
Too many injuries, I could afford to pay the compensation and get the best fitness coaches/physios in the game (it took a few years) but I saw no marked difference in the amount and seriousness of injuries (being forced to sub a player with a bruised arm is bullshit (remember Terry Butcher in 1989 anyone??)
Contracts are an absolute mess, the list goes on.........and one and on.

I feel I am basically ignored by SI as soon as I hand over my cash.

Heard of CCP? they make EvE-Online, they also have something called the 'CSM' (Council of Stella Management) Players voted in by other players who twice a year (at CCP's expense, no matter where in the world they are from) go to Iceland for a week to bash out player concerns like: is anything broke, what needs fixing etc etc.

I mean who wants a shiny new menu system when the core of the ******* game is broke?? perhaps SI need to take a leaf out of CCP's book and start listening to their player base.
Too many problems with the ME that SI are aware of (or so I'm told by the mods here) but no patch to fix them.
Unfortunately, I am going to guess there is probably a window of timeframe where SI allow themselves to work/fix on current version of the year before shifting their full attention working on next-year version. Might explain why the lack of patches? (I'm just guessing here)
Too many injuries, I could afford to pay the compensation and get the best fitness coaches/physios in the game
I'm a forum lurker, I have seen some posts...It seems that injuries are completely random. Some injuries were done logically due to extreme low con %. But then again, 95% of the times, I didn't face any injuries when my players had extreme low con %. So, that goes back to my opinion of injuries being pure random. (it is why I am consistent at having my players stay on the field despite their 55% con.) I hope SI greatly minimize the likelihood of injuries prime-fit players see...kinda ridiculious when your super-healthy star player gets hurt early in the yeah...I really think there is too much of randomness to injuries.
being forced to sub a player with a bruised arm is bullshit
I have gotten several of that this season already. 5 minutes into the game, I'm forced to sub a player already...I found no injury report after the what gives??? I get "knock" injuries often and usually leave them playing and they're just fine...but forced sub and see no injury report after the match...that is just too odd.

I've said it before on a post about frustrations (surprise, surprise) I have wasted a full year of my life, (real time) playing fm since I got my first PC when I was 18. That is a sad fact, but at least I could say that the vast majority of time, I was having fun. Signing Jonas Forsberg, Tommy Svindal Larsen, Cherno Samba or even world class players like Robben, before anyone in England had heard of him. (well you get the picture) My point being, just as Mitre Delta 1000 said, they should be listening. Like I said, they have no contact e-mail, everything goes through Sega, that just spells trouble

I realise, that the super tactic is dead. I can get over that, I'll be honest - picking my best 11 and just playing through was my style. It took me years to be bothered with multiple tactics, I gave up on fm 12 and took a year off and came back to fm13; only to be more frustrated than ever.

Everything apart from the Me is awesome, I enjoy all the extras and can even deal with the excessive agent demands. But, longshots has been an issue for the last few ME's, so too has super keepers or 1 on 1's. Now, I understand it's a simulation, an attempt to emulate real life football and therefore can never be 100% what we want it to be or do, but come on enough already. It's the same issues every year.

Yeah, spot on - injuries, I hadn't even covered that. I swear the AI does what it needs to to win, it fins itself down 1-0, it'll injury a defend and oh look, whilst he's off the field, you'll score or my personal favorite, when you've used all your subs - yep, you should of seen it coming.

The worst for me is the shots off target though and longshots - especially where ppm's are concerned.

The sad thing is, I'm full of **** and will end up handing over cash for Fm 14, (I can't do piracy) I will at least wait to see if any of the aforementioned issues are resolved.
I'm inclined to agree with almost everything here

I haven't bought (or even pirated) FM since FM10 (the worst one ever IMO) and just play them round my mate's house - having somebody else there to laugh/rant with/at cushions the blow

I hesitate to use that word "scripted" but it does occur to me. The way you suddenly go on a losing streak or draw 10 games a season because of keeper errors or defenders making mistakes is just baffling and it seems to happen more or less once every season. Your players just suddenly go missing in home games against rock bottom Wolves and no amount of tactical maneuvering can stop the rot

The reason I keep coming back to it being scripted is that, at the height of frustration, I've loaded games up and re-played home bankers with different line-ups and tactics only to once again throw away a measly 1-0 lead in the dying minutes

The real ball breaker is, as said above, it's the same issues year on year with no sign of improvement. Nothing changes.
Tell you what, David Moyes must be saying all the same things
Frustration thread.

Oh and anyone who thinks SI ignores you. Try actually posting on the site, like they tell you to do. Every time. You actually get an answer.
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