
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
ok not sure how to explain this but basically.....

You play a match, after the match you press continue, game progresses, it finishes and brings you to results page and then BAM automatically starts to progress again....

Im missing important things that are required on the day that the game decides to progress past....i really hope someone understands what i mean because at the moment all i get to do is play a match and then it automatically decides to keep progressing to next match day.

I can manually stop it from advancing by clicking "browse" 100,000 times while its progressing but i would much rather go back to it not advancing until I want to.

hope someone can really help me because i LOVE this game and this is the only thing that is going to stop me from playing it because it is so annoying.
The game won't progress past IMPORTANT things without you having seen or taken into action.
Most probably your game has a serious bug or you are doing something wrong. Because I have never had this problem whatsoever.
A computer ghost could also be playing tricks with you. You never know.
Alaheezy, im playing the full game, think thats fm classic :p

Kev, i know it wont let me progress past important things but im missing match prep, injuries that maye need specialist or sending home. If im not watchin the screen constantly and pressing browse button over a million times then it will just skip from match to match. ITS ******* me off now....i was thinking maybe i had something turned on to make it do that but not too sure.

Its doing it with all my saves and really dont know why :(