The New Empire: An Azerbaijan Story


Apr 18, 2009
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This will be a story using an Azerbaijani database I have constructed as recent 'oligarchs' have began 'pumping' money into many Azeri clubs to improve their domestic and european fortunes. The database I shall upload later on tomorrow will reflect that, also a kitpack and logopack will be made available for use on request.

The Caucasus'... throughout history the site of many civilizations and many wars and conflicts and now home to a young Welshman whose luck finally seems to have run out. In the UK a young man in the prime of his footballing career was broken. The news he had not wanted to hear had arrived;

"Look Ryan... your knee is shot and your ankle is bust up bad, I'm sorry but it's game over for you. You try to play again and you'll be crippled, you can exercise as hard as you want, do all the rehab and physio that's out there but it wont help.. I'm truly sorry"

"Blunt... cheers though doc. Guess It's back to the daily grind for me then..."

"Not necessarily, how old are you now? 28? 29? You thought about doing coaching badges and trying to stay in football?"

"I'm 31... Not really thought about it. Always wanted to play and then make money. Simple as to be honest, I just wanted a career and enough to retire on without resorting to being a taxi driver or god forbid running a pub like a cliche"

"You're a smart lad Ryan. Here's a number of a friend of mine, he can help you out, his name is Dougray Wallace, he runs a coaching school for ex footballers looking to further their careers in the sport...he's based in Azerbaijan though.. fair trek but hey, give it a shot"

The day was young, a 9am appointment with the doctor and a half hour chat led me to this opportunity. Head to Azerbaijan and have a holiday and chat to this Dougray about coaching, might as well, my contract has been paid up in full, had two years left to run but ah well, some new hotshot can take my place now.

The first flight I found was to Ankara in Turkey, from there a connecting flight to Lankaran, Azerbaijan where I was to meet my mentor in waiting, Dougray Wallace.

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 07:43 PM ----------

Lankaran Airport, Lankaran-Azerbaijan

The warmth I feel as I step off the plane overwhelms me, my leg still stiff from the injury I sustained a year ago hinders me. Is this my future, stuck in no mans land waiting for some Scottish expat to 'show me the ropes' of football coaching..great.

"Are ye Ryan?"

"Yeah. Dougray Wallace?"

"Aye correct. Welcome to glorious Azerbaijan my lad. The place is for lack of a better phrase, a dump. But where better to learn the trade of real football, away from the moral cesspool of the United Kingdom"

"So the place to learn the glorious game is at the end of Europe and in a pretty much third world country?"

"Why not.The game over here has gotten better, owners are getting richer and more interested and the calibre of player is steadily increasing... they just lack the man management skills..and that is where I'm gonna mould you boy"

"Seriously? You think I'm gonna be management material?"

"I saw that tackle that you did against Chelsea boy. Took Lampard AND Terry out at the same time, that took guts and brains. You've got the raw materials, I'm just going to put them together correctly"
Nice start mate,Best of luck and I will follow
Good start, could turn out to be an interesting story! Good character development so far, and as with all good stories, it doesn't just go straight into "unknown manager takes over"

I'll be following!
Good start, could turn out to be an interesting story! Good character development so far, and as with all good stories, it doesn't just go straight into "unknown manager takes over"

I'll be following!
Actually he could as he is in Azerbajan.

Anyway nice start so far. I got into the Europa League with a Third Division club :P
Try managing Inter-Baku.
(Database up later on. Testing my oceania expansion database I made, buggy as ****, taking up my time)

"Look... whilst you are here I've got a proposition for you" Spoke Dougray as our escort came to pick us up in a battered white Ford Mondeo, he handed me a document signed by himself and the chairman of some club called Pambygçi Neftçala, a third division team in the newly 're-organized league set up' as Dougray put it. Basically thirty six teams in three divisions and I was being sent there to learn the trade under his tutelage.

"Oh yeah, so is this the training contract?" I asked, the dust from the dirt road my driver took filling my eyes and lungs, god knows why he didn't just use the motorway. I signed happily thinking this was the start of my coaching career, learn the basics here and after a few months be back home by Christmas and with my family and maybe get a lower league job.

We arrived at the Pambygçi Neftçala stadium and surprisingly it was amazing, brand new construction of a 25000 seater stadium with some construction still going on, signs in Azeri scattered over the place announcing new arrivals or something my translator said, either way I was extremely impressed with what I saw.

"Through hear ma boy and take a sit down, the media will be here shortly" Dougray whispered in my ear, I turned to face him but he only smirked, didn't say another word and then they came in...the translator better help me understand what the **** is going on!

"Mr Gwyther. You are the new manager of Pambygçi Neftçala, how do you feel?"

"What... Umm..I mean... I am greatly honoured to have been employed by the chairman to lead this club into a new future"

"Tactically what are you going to look for in your side?"

"I want to make sure my team plays a very strong attacking style of play"

"Do you know much of your team?"

"Unfortunately I do not. I know we have had to recruit primarily now from the released players and those who were signed to now defunct and disbanded Azeri teams following the new relocation policy which I think is fair as too many teams and players were centred in and around Baku not giving players from smaller cities like Neftçala the chance to play for a hometown team. Also some foreigners are here who speak English so I will have an easier task conversing with them but I intend to bring the best Azeri players I can to this club and win titles, I am here to learn but I am here to win. And to win I must learn to speak Azeri and create not just a club but a culture. I'm sorry I have to go, thank you for attending"

I left the room quietly and smiling but this would not last long, I cornered Dougray, that smirking Scottish ******* and asked him what the **** just happened.

"Read before you sign you wee fool. You're now the new Pambygçi Neftçala manager..two years laddy and I'm gonna be your mentor" Dougray retorted with a devilish tone of voice, I looked at him and handed him my contract back and replied,

"'re not. You conned me into this. I'm going to do this my got that. Which means no dirty tactics. Get lost Dougray, you're not needed!"

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:02 PM ----------

sorry guys. this story is dead. my pc came down with trojan after trojan and i lost EVERYTHING, all my databases, graphics etc :(