
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Like many of you I consider this game not fit for release and in an urgent need for an update.Until then, here's what I leaned after two seasons of managing Juventus.

After attempted careers at Arsenal, Southampton, I just gave up playing them as things were very improbable.
No strikers scored, Fullbacks had no idea defending and no one gave a **** closing down anyone.
So I started a Juve career hoping that the likes of Barzagli, Bonucci Chiellini and Vidal will somehow be different from Schneiderlin, Wanyama and Giroud.
I used all the tricks to try and avoid the bugs. Played 3DCs to counter the absence of DR/Ls, a DM, ML,MC,MC,MR and 2 strikers. Attacking fluidly, on the wings, no pressing, no tacklings, high defensive line retaining possesion and no passing into space. All crossers set on providing for Llorente and Tevez as a Shadow striker, as this is more or less the only striker partnership that works right now.
Results were odd:would beat Milan, Inter, Napoli but would lose to Bologna, Chievo and the other minnions.
This sorted most of the opposition wingers problems but in the center, there was still no one eager to win a ball. I know I had no pressing and easy tackling, but still, I expected the world class defenders to win some balls from now and then. Of course they did not.
Freekicks and corners were the most terrible aspect, though. Conceded from 90% of them and could not counter it even when defending with all the team in my half. Also, 100% of the matches that the oppodition scored first, they won. Usually 2-0, 3-1. Could not come back from behind with any tactic at all.
Contracts negotiation and transfers are kind of unreal too. Gaston Ramirez asked me for 70k appearance bonus and would negotiate it down to 56k. Also it is almost impossible to sign a high potential player for less than 15M even if he is worth 60k. Not to mention that no one seems to want to buy your transfer-listed players.

Anyways, I played my way through the last half of the season on holiday and let Tassotti do his job. He won the title and lost in the Italian Cup final.
Second season I resumed managing myself and made a couple of transfers and tried new tactics again. But this time things got better. Defenders would tackle nicely and WBs would press as requested. Things were starting to look like real football. Still concede a lot of goals from set-pieces but way less than before. I now play DC-DC-DC / DM-DM / ML-MR / AMC-AMC / ST. Very fluid, attacking, hassle, mark tighter, clear ball to flanks, cross target ST, pass into space, play narrower, more expressive.

I'd say game looks 90% playable now, but hat might just be because of the high quality of players in my squad. Will test my way through with a smaller team soon, although I doubt I'll still be managing them after the first season.