I signed this Brazilian legend, Rivaldo, for tutoring purposes, but I must play him, because my squad lacks players in AMC due to injuries. What role should I play him?
What is his best role? He is trequartista right now but this role seems te be not good enough. Is it possible that my team tactic is bad? He dishes a lot of assists, but scored only 6 times in 29 games.
Sorry if this has already been discussed on here, but there doesn't seem to be roles for wingers, and I've noticed that you recommend Gareth Bale as a "Wide Midfielder Attack or Wingback Attack", when I have always played him as a Winger (Support/Attack) or Defensive Winger. Am I missing something?
How do you work out where best to put players in certain roles? I'm sure I speak for everyone here that the equation would be of more use than constantly asking questions for player roles. I'm just eager to know how you choose