
Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
10/10 for effort SI, but my god they're horrible. I prefer to play in 2D view just so i can see my team. (I think that's fairly common). But with the snow effects 2D view is almost impossible to play with. I was straining my eyes trying to see the ball. The only thing I can compare it to is if you fill a fish bowl, put it in the freezer for a week then look through it. Am I the only one that thinks the snow effects are abysmal? Or do you like it? :S. 3D view isnt bad but i just dont like the look of 3D view.
After that match ive suddenly realised it must have been a bug. Reason I was struggling is because the ball was white, not orange or something. I just had to follow where the players were running. Haha.
I've found that even when the ball is orange I can barely see it lol. :p
In snowy conditions in real life vision is impaired so why not in the game? I have no problem with the snow in game, sure the graphics aren't the best but making the game harder to follow isn't unrealistic.
Impaired, yes. But to the point where you cant see players? No. A game like that would have been called off. It was literally like someone had thrown a flair in front of the dugout.
It hurts my eyes!
Haha. Glad I'm not the only one! I just turned it to commentary only for that game. Couldn't handle it, lol. I understand the realism aspect. But in 2D mode i'm fairly sure the manager wouldn't be in a blimp anyway?