
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
31st October 2006
My name is Lee Hendon I am 25 years of age and currently unemployed looking for a Job. I have got the capabilities to get jobs but in my area but there is nothing also I forgot to mention I have my coaching qualifications but not as high to get a job I have always dreamed of doing. I decided to look around for Jobs but got nothing maybe football wasn't for me? I started to think wondering if I could become a football manager or not? I decided to sleep on it. I went to sleep around about half 11 I was tossing and turning in bed thinking about all this and if anyone was going to get back to me to see wheather the I got the Job I have always dreamed of becoming a football coach and succeding in the industry but after today I thought opposite to what I dreamed of potentially doing for the rest of my life.

Tuesday 5th July 2011

I have finally qualified to become a football manager and apply for any job I want anywhere in the world. I called my Mam and said that I did it and I passed and was ready to try and get a Job and bring in some money. As soon as I got home I went onto the computer and checked out the available Jobs around the world and found out that there were a few in England which I was happy about but I dispised the team they knocked my beloved team Newcastle United out of the 1974 FA Cup 3-2 or 2-1 one or the other I scrolled down the page to find a lot of other Jobs as well like Sligo Wanderers in the Irish Premier Divsion along with Galway United I decided to apply for all the available manager Jobs and sent my application off I closed my computer off and went to bed for a nap and waited for a reply to see wheather I got any of them Jobs or not.
I got a phone call off my agent who was looking for Jobs for me.

Me: Hello mate?
Agent: I have got great news and bad news which one do you want me to say first?
Me: Whats the Bad news then?
Agent: Hereford want you as manager along with 3 other foreign teams mate
Me: Wow! I didn't expect to get this I will think about it mate ring me back tomorrow good night!
Agent: Okay Hendiola haha good night mate
Hendon appointed Hereford Manager

Unknown English manager Lee Hendon has been appointed manager of Hereford United in a bid to keep them up in the Football League for a least another couple of seasons. Hendon is believed to have signed a One year contract with the club and is willing to enjoy his challenge of keeping them up our reporters were hear to see what Hendon had to say

SkySportsNews: "You Sit hear as the new manager of Hereford. Is this your dream Job? "
Hendon: "I am looking forward working with Hereford and I am pleased I have been appointed manager"
BBC Herefordshire: "Do you already have an Idea on who you want to sign as manager?"
Hendon: "I will discuss with the chairman about potential targets but not at the moment no"
SkysportsNews: "And finally how well would you like to do in the league this coming season?"
Hendon: "I would like do well and keep Hereford up but there will be tasks along the way"
PO: That will be it for now thank you!