idiotspil 2

May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all

I play Real Madrid and i must say, yes i know its a easy team to start with.. ;O)

i will link some pictures my first season!

And my whriten english isent that good.. So ..,O) Hope u understand this anyway

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As u can see i almost won all my matches. I used my new tactic (Matzen) 1/3 in season. And thats were i found a good way to win every match After reading a post about scouting. I will try and explain this to u guys and girls.

there will be a scouting report like this one before every match see belove.

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in This case Man utd ! only look after the best 2-3 players atmost .! Then look at this belove

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Then u look at how they score goals and how the most goals are scored against them. Then remember the 2-3 best players from man utd. and figure out where they play on field. Why u ask. ! use this in opp instructions. I found out if u put to many instructions on players u system fails .

As u can see alot of goals came from left side. And Nani playes there . also alot of placed shots under goal . Center Mid, rightside and backcenter do not create that much. Find out there special moves if they have any. it takes less than a min per game to find out. and think it in u opp instructions. The AI will use it in there matches against u so why not counter it on 2-3 players.

When u go into game, then make sure to use the Opp instructions on that area . left and center attack . I used it and i most say its a great way to win. opp instructions to Nani: i will not close him down default... use Tight marking and i will use easy tackling . Why ? he is to fast and if u close him down he will pass through u . If u hard tackle and miss he will pass through u .! . Opfront they have Roney . U know he comes deep, So no closing down he will pull u defense away from center. Tight mark.

This is only an example! and it works great with my plug and play tactic.

So how do i play ..,O)

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This is a great great great tactic for Real madrid. only used it on that team. Dont know how its works on other teams. sorry

I will link some results and the whole season looked like this

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And at end .

View attachment 209466

26 goals is alot but i will be better next season. only played my new tactic 2/3 of season.

Ronaldo is really pwned in this formations

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Striker right and left is on Swap

AML and AMR is on Swap

Striker right will man mark MCL that way u will have a 5 man midfield in defence and more important that player will not have that much influence in building up attack.

I will link some more from next season when played.

Hope it will give u an idear on how to use the scouting system. U prob already know it . But i just used it , and it works .
yeah .. ;O) i will admit most of my know how from manager comes from your threads betterhalf.. ;O) read alot about the guides and how the setups should be from u, some i read other places. An again i am not that good at english.. sorry .. hope u can read it anyway
I forgot to mention u can also use the pressing and defensive lline from what u know from the scout report. Look at the time during match for goals against them. And use the pressing or line to push up and make pressure.. Know it sounds wierd but i have had some good experience with that ..,O)
I forgot to mention u can also use the pressing and defensive lline from what u know from the scout report. Look at the time during match for goals against them. And use the pressing or line to push up and make pressure.. Know it sounds wierd but i have had some good experience with that ..,O)

could you explain that a bit better? and explain a litte bit how to use the op,like for example,when to use "Closing Down" to always,Tackle Hard and when to not.

great thread idea mate,very helpfull,just need to be more clear a bit =]
could you explain that a bit better? and explain a litte bit how to use the op,like for example,when to use "Closing Down" to always,Tackle Hard and when to not.

great thread idea mate,very helpfull,just need to be more clear a bit =]

Thanx m8.

First you should be aware that opposition instructions overrides your individual player instructions
example, if you set hard tacling on an opponent then all players will use hard tackling on that particular opponent when defending against him, regardless of their own individual instructions on tackling If no specific instructions is set then players will act according to player instructions when defending against that opponent.

So far so good.. ;O)

It is important not to instruct your players to tight mark, close down, or hard tackle too many opposition players so that your team still generally follows your team and player instructions, and does not lose shape or discipline. Instead, a few particular opponents should be targeted as appropriate.

tight marking

AlwaysUse against high technical ability players to mark them out of the game or give them less room when receiving the ball. The player will have to move into a less dangerous position in order to find space. A particularly skilful player may be able to beat your marker, but tight marking is still preferable to giving him too much space

It can also be useful as a position instruction to help deal with an attacking midfielder if you are are not playing anyone in the defensive midfield position. However, the players that will be undertaking this instruction (generally those in the same area of the pitch as the opposing player) will require very good marking skills or else tight marking the opponent will be ineffective. Man markers will need good Marking, Tackling and Concentration while zonal markers will also need good Anticipation, Decisions and Positioning. You should also take into account relative height. If the opponent is taller than his markers he will be able to win flick ons from aerial balls and take the tight marker out of the game. NeverUse against players with high Acceleration and Pace, or very good Anticipation and Off the Ball as such opponents will be able to easily get away from your markers. Also, use against tall players with less technical skill so that they do not take defenders out of the game so easily when winning the ball in the air, unless those who will be marking him are tall enough and have good enough Jumping to beat him aerially. If the opposition has one particularly poor player then you can set never for this player with always on the others in order to encourage them to play through him. This can be effective if the player in question has poor Passing, Long Shots and Creativity, meaning they can be less productive in the extra space they are given. It can also be applied if the player has poor Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace, in which case he can be targeted by closing down, or poor Bravery, Determination and Strength, in which case he can be targeted by hard tacling

I know i put in on Nani. So not always this is a good idear to untick.

closing down
AlwaysUse against players with poor Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace, particularly if other attributes such as Long Shots, Passing, Technique and Creativity make them a threat. This will often be the case for the opposition’s defensive midfielder. In addition, use against players who have stops play or dwells on balll as a preferred move It is also useful as a position instruction when playing against full backs or wing backs if you are playing with a formation without wingers, or against wingers if you do not use FBf. This means players will close opponents down in areas where they would not otherwise do so. If the opposition only has full backs or wing backs operating the flanks, then using this instruction can give you the advantage out wide. However, make sure you do not use this instruction against too many opposition attackers as this can create gaps for the opposing team to exploit as well as tiring your players out if they do not have high Stamina. Furthermore, do not use it against strikers if the opposition is playing with more than one, or attacking midfielders playing just behind the strikers, as this will result in your centre backs closing down too high up the pitch leaving too much space between them and the goal. Lone strikers with no support in the attacking midfield position however, can be effectively targeted using closing down. Attacking midfielders should be dealt with using the tight marking opposition instruction or using a defensive midfielder or central midfielder to man mark them. It can be used against defenders if you are playing against a weaker opponent to put extra pressure on them, assuming this is not already part of your normal tactics, although you should consider the Determination, Work Rate and, in particular, the Stamina of your attackers. Never Use against players with high Acceleration and Pace but poor Dribbling, Passing, Long Shots and Creativity to force them to rely on their lesser technical ability rather than simply using their speed to beat defenders. It can also be used against weaker players in order to concentrate on closing down more threatening opponents so as not to create too many gaps for the opposition.


This refers to how likely a player is to make a challenge rather than the actual strength of the tackle. Again, bear in mind the affect on player instructions . If you have told a player not to tackle hard since they have poor Tackling and Decisions, but you set hard tackling as an opposition instruction for an opponent, your player will still use hard tackling when confronted with this particular opponent. HardUse against players with low Bravery, Determination and Strength to make them less likely to take people on. It can also be used against players with good Crossing, Passing and Creativity to encourage earlier tackles against them and give them less time on the ball to create chances. In addition, using hard tackling can sometimes force an opponent to be brought off injured if used on players who are tired, have already picked up a knock or who you know to be injury prone. You may want to increase the number of opponents targeted by hard tackling when the match referee is lenient or when you are chasing the game in order to try and win the ball back quicker. Do not use hard tackling against players with good Dribbling, Agility and Balance as such players will often be able to ride challenges and be left in too much space or will draw fouls from your players. You should also limit its use when the match referee is strict. EasyUse against players with high Dribbling, Agility and Balance to make sure your defenders stay on their feet when defending against them. This will make it much harder for the opponent to dribble past or win a free kick. Normal This will still override the tacling instructions for each player but will set them to the normal setting when defending against that particular opponent. Therefore it can be used to alter tacling instructions on a certain player by a smaller amount, since players with a hardtacling instructions will tackle slightly easier and those with an easy instructions will tackle slightly harder.

show onto foot

Left FootUse to show left wingers outside when opposition strikers are shorter than your centre backs to encourage ineffective crosses. Also use when the left winger has very good Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace to prevent them making a clear run at goal on the inside of the FB For right wingers, use it to show them inside when opposition strikers are taller than your centre backs but lack Acceleration and Pace. This will prevent the strikers being found by crosses and instead force the winger to try a through ball which can be cleared by the defence. However, do not use it if the right winger is left footed and has good Long Shots, or has very good Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace enabling him to easily beat your FB when shown inside. Right FootUse to show right wingers outside when opposition strikers are shorter than your centre backs or the right winger has very good Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace. Also use to show left wingers inside when opposition strikers are taller than your centre backs but lack Acceleration and Pace, unless the left winger is right footed and has good Long Shots, or has very good Dribbling, Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Pace. Weaker FootUse against centre midfielders and strikers if they have a weaker foot to make their passing and long shots less effective. Use against wingers if the opposition strikers are both taller than your centre backs and have good Pace. Such strikers will be dangerous from both crosses and through balls but showing the winger onto their weaker foot will at least make the delivery less effective. Also use against wingers if they have good Long Shots and are playing on the opposite side to their preferred foot.

I Hope u can use it..,O)
