very nice result against Chealsea o.o
Gonna get the updated .tac as soon as i've finished writeing here
1 striker tactic's okay for me if I end in a club with few strikers and no chance get more desent strikers, but in clubs 4 or more okay strikers i wanna use them :D

I might post my 4-1-3-2 on steam as my descritipons might not be detailed enough to meet this forums requirements ;)
my formation on it is:


You will have to let me know how you get on with this tactic of yours :p
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End of season 1 league table....

View attachment 346901

Not too bad considering I was in the Europa League and lacked squad depth, thats my excuse anyway! to be honest I wasn't really expecting a top 4 finish so I'm happy with that.
Great result with Everton :D

On my tactic, only got through friendlys so far with mixed result as I was tweaking a bit in each match.
Testing your updated tactic with a new save with Barnet

finally got my tactic uploaded :)
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1st. Season With Barnet

Finally done testing this with Barnet in Skrill Premier, Won the leauge, but it was a small victory

Skrill Premier Final standings:

View attachment 339694

Full Season Fixtures/Results:

View attachment 339693

View attachment 339692

Especially in February and after, got a bit random sometimes - had some fitness problems and injuries - idk if it was motivation lacks or just bad luck, anyways biggest lead i had was 9 points.
A side note, my MR was my second best goal scorer

Gonna test after promotion