Not been around lately. Was on DOFE. So who wants to buy some of my players.
Also Gaffer to your comment - I did not know how much I had because the OP was not updated, also bidding was **** well high.
Not been around lately. Was on DOFE. So who wants to buy some of my players.
Also Gaffer to your comment - I did not know how much I had because the OP was not updated, also bidding was **** well high.

how much for Lennon

damm.....raf......your average spending per player is like
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Not been around lately. Was on DOFE. So who wants to buy some of my players.
Also Gaffer to your comment - I did not know how much I had because the OP was not updated, also bidding was **** well high.

Bad excuse. No one else did, yet your the only person 470m in debt.
LOL. Gaffer stop getting so hormonal. It's just a ****** game FFS.

Rafinha Puyol Yaya Toure Adriano


Di Natale ---------- Gourcuff ---------- Messi

Drogba Van Persie

Marco Motta

Manager: Roberto Mancini


Joe You didn't add Mancini to the OP​
Comfirmed Transfer Aaron Lenon(Rapheal) to potta for 58m

Just need rapheal to comfirm!!??
LOL. Gaffer stop getting so hormonal. It's just a ****** game FFS.

Hormonal? Don't make me laugh. I literally don't even know how to respond to that, I guess it's just funny how you think I'm even remotely worked up, or being 'hormonal'. Your just shying away from admitting how retarded you were.

Joe, you haven't added Hernandez to the OP. You'll see I won him in the first round.
Hormonal? Don't make me laugh. I literally don't even know how to respond to that, I guess it's just funny how you think I'm even remotely worked up, or being 'hormonal'. Your just shying away from admitting how retarded you were.

Joe, you haven't added Hernandez to the OP. You'll see I won him in the first round.

How the **** was I retarded. If I don't know how much I had I'm not gonna stop bidding and miss out on players. And you are getting worked up, no-one else is having a rant about it bar you. It's just a game, chill out.
Sheffield Thursday
Manager: Jose Mourinho


De Silvestri------------ J.Evans---------- Agger---------- Alex Sandro






Benlingo (gk)
J. Martinez
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How the **** was I retarded. If I don't know how much I had I'm not gonna stop bidding and miss out on players. And you are getting worked up, no-one else is having a rant about it bar you. It's just a game, chill out.

Spending 200m a round for 6 or 7 rounds? I doubt your that mathematically challenged. If you want to believe I'm getting worked up then have at it. If you think this is a rant, well, that says a lot on your part. Yes I'm aware that it's a game thanks for pointing that out for a second time. The whole point of a game is to have fun, and it's not fun if it isn't fair. To put that in to context, if your allowed to spend a third more than the rest of us, then your obviously at a bid advantage, heir-go it's less enjoyable for everyone else. Please don't respond, just take the hit.

Spending 200m a round for 6 or 7 rounds? I doubt your that mathematically challenged. If you want to believe I'm getting worked up then have at it. If you think this is a rant, well, that says a lot on your part. Yes I'm aware that it's a game thanks for pointing that out for a second time. The whole point of a game is to have fun, and it's not fun if it isn't fair. To put that in to context, if your allowed to spend a third more than the rest of us, then your obviously at a bid advantage, heir-go it's less enjoyable for everyone else. Please don't respond, just take the hit.


I will respond actually.
Again how was I to know. I'm not gonna go round counting how much I spent am I? So I spent because I thought I could. If I knew I didn't have enough money I wouldn't of bidded. Oh and it is a rant Gaffer, and you are getting worked up otherwise you wouldn't be so vocal about it and go on x amount of rage posts.
i know i went over a little bit, but surely you realised you had gone well over raf? :) i mean, you can see gaffers point surely? :)
i know i went over a little bit, but surely you realised you had gone well over raf? :) i mean, you can see gaffers point surely? :)

I didn't know. The OP was not updated and I was just trying to competitively bid for players.
It's more the fact that he thinks that that was a rant. Quantity doesn't dictate if a post is a 'rage post' or not. Fool.

Moutinho from potta to Gaffer for 30m