Thomas Lane - A Football Manager

Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
24th June 2016​

Ipswich Town Chairman Marcus Evans - 'I've called you all today to discuss the comings and goings currently happening at Ipswich Town Football Club. I am here to inform you of the resignation letter I received this morning from our manager Mick McCarthy. It comes out of the blue, and although we, the club and the management are disappointed by Mick's decision, we can understand his reasoning for leaving the club. Wanting to manage abroad has always been a dream of Mick's since the beginning of his managerial career, so we wish him all the best of luck in the future. As the beginning of the season moves closer, we will be searching for a replacement, and we hope to bring you a name soon. Thank you for your time.'

Sitting at home, with my Ipswich scarf around my neck, both my brothers either side of me, I eagerly awaited the news of Mick's departure. The club was in turmoil, a downward spiral from the season before, and I knew that McCarthy wanted to leave. As the news broke, myself and my brothers showed signs of sadness, but also signs of revelation.
'Who do you think we will bring in now then' James pondered from the end of the sofa. 'I don't know, bro, but at this rate, I'd accept even our little brother Tommy as our new manager.' Harvey spoke it as a joke, but the sentence lit a light bulb above my head. I had just returned from gaining my National C Coaching Badge, and the prospect of becoming a manager had interested me from a young age. 'Screw it,' I thought to myself. 'Why can't I become the next Ipswich manager, so I picked up the phone, and I waited for an answer.
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27th June 2016​

As I sat outside Marcus' office, I could tell that I was out of my depth. If I looked to my right, I could see Gary Rowett reading a Hello magazine, no nerves to show. I look to my left and Terry Butcher is sat with the East Anglian Daily Times in his hand, and here I am, sat in the middle, sweat pouring from my forehead, right foot trembling with fear. The door suddenly opens, and ****** Alan Pardew strolls out of the office, and I just think to myself 'can this get any harder?' Grinning, shaking the hands of the receptionist as he leaves the office, and I sit there, not knowing that my task has just got that much harder. 'Next up is.... Thomas Lane.' I hear my name be called, and I rise to my feet, nervous and scared at the sound of my own name, fearing the worst.

20 minutes later, as I step out of Marcus' office, I don't know how to feel. I think it went alright. I made him laugh, he liked my ideas, my passion, my enthusiasm, but when I look at the candidates around me, I struggle to see how I can get the job. As I leave the office, and leave the building, I pray to that gods that I can get a miracle.
30th June 2016​


*ring ring* *ring ring*

TL: 'Hello? Thomas Lane speaking

ME: '
Hello Tom, it's Marcus Evans from Ipswich Town. You came for an interview a few days ago.'

TL: 'Ah yes, nice to speak to you again. How can I help you?

ME: '
Well, and I know this will come as a shock to you, but I want to offer you the position as Manager of Ipswich Town Football Club.'

In that moment, I went silent. I didn't know what to say. My childhood team wants me as their new manager. I would be following in the footsteps of the late greats of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson. I didn't realise how long i had been silent for, as I could still hear Marcus talking down the other end of the phone.

ME: 'Hello? Tom are you still here?'

TL: '....Yes, yes i'm just in shock at this moment in time.'

ME: 'Well, do you want the job?'

TL: 'Yes of course I do, Thank you so much Marcus.'

ME: 'The 1st of July will be your first day in charge of the team. You will have your first press conference in the morning. Then, you will get the chance to meet the boys, and also meet the staff. Good luck.'

As I put the phone down, I sink to the floor in a state of disbelief. I am the manager of Ipswich Town Football Club. Thomas Lane - A Football Manager. Has a nice ring to it.
1st July 2016​

Sitting down, across from god knows how many reporters seems like a dream to me. A dream that I never want to wake up from. Either side of me for support is Chairman Marcus Evans, and Managing Director Ian Milne. As I take my place in the middle of the two, a sea of hands rise into the air, and I await my first questions as manager of Ipswich Town.

Press: Ashley Walker here, Sunday Mirror. You sit here today unveiled as the new Ipswich Town manager. As a big gan of the club, surely this is a dream come true?

TL: Im not gonna lie, I can't stop smiling. Waling into the building this morning, seeing the legends plastered all over the wall leading to my office, witnessing the boys training their buts of outside, this is honestly a wonderful feeling. I still can't believe it.

Press: TJ Moore, Mail Online. Do you feel that the expectations asked of you this season are fair and realistic?

TL: If the club is to really progress towards the higher reaches of the game, and reach the promise land, everybody has to be ambitious and aim for a higher level. The expectations set by Marcus are fair, and they are aims that the club should be playing towards. Having been a championship side for god knows how long, we need to start pushing towards the playoffs, and move ourselves away from the dreaded drop.

Press: Danny Hamilton, the Sunday People. It appears from first viewing to us that you are dressed for a more cerebral approach to the game. A dashing suit and tie for us rather than a tracksuit.

TL: I always aim to impress. First day on the job, first footy job in general, I want to impress the right people. And if that means coming to work looking like a million bucks, then that it what I will do. I just want to feel comfortable in my own attire.

ME: That's it for the questions for now, thank you to everyone for joining us, and we hope to speak to you soon.

As I move away from the desk, I now feel like the manager of this great team. The press seem to respect me, and I hope I impressed Marcus enough. Onto the staff now, lets see how TC feels about the departure of his close friend Mick McCarthy
feedback is 100% welcomed, its always nice to know how the readers are feeling throughout as a way of me knowing what I can change to suit you all.
1st July 2016​

The press conference was a success, and I make my way down to Marcus' office hoping he felt the same way. As I sit down at the desk, I look at all the accolades won by managers over the years. FA Cup win in 1978. UEFA Cup victory in 1981. Promotion to the Premier League in 2000. I sit on the chair hoping that I can make a name for myself amongst these massive achievements, and put Ipswich Town back on the map again.

ME: Welcome to the club Thomas, I hope the press helped you settle in quite well. Now, before I hand you over to the staff, I have some things that we need to discuss. As you know, the history of the club is something that we strive to keep in peoples fond memories, would you like me to send you an overview of the clubs long history?

TL: I wouldn't worry about that Marcus. I've been supporting the Tractor Boys since birth. I'm already familiar with the background of this great team, and I hope to be a part of this great club for a long time.

ME: As you know, the clubs main philosophy is to develop young players as the years go on. Names like Dozzell and Dyer might spring to your mind when we talk about academy stars. Would you be willing to follow on with that tradition?

TL: Oh absolutely, I've already been reading up on the potential of the young players that we have in the squad currently, players like Andre Dozzell, Teddy Bishop and Miles Kenlock, and I can see bags of potential in and around the squad.

ME: Well, i guess thats all from me at this time. If you need me, you know where my office is. I'll hand you over to TC who will speak to you about the team specifically.

TL: Thank you Marcus, I'll speak to you soon.

As I walk out of the office and make my way down to TC's office, I notice all the framed portraits of Ipswich legends of past and present. A snapshot of Martijn Reuser's finish in the playoff final. Roger Osbourne's strike in the FA cup final vs Arsenal. I walk down the corridor hoping to add a picture of the boys lifting the Championship trophy high above their heads in victory.

TC: Hi Thomas, I'm Terry Connor, your assistant manager here. I'm guessing by now you already know about the close relationship I had with Mick McCarthy, but I want to let you know that I am not leaving unless you want me to.

TL: Don't worry T, you're staying.

TC: Thank you Thomas. Now, I've set up an intra-squad friendly for tomorrow, do you still want that to continue?

TL: Yes thank you that would be great, a nice opportunity to get a look at all of the squad together.

TC: After this meeting, would you like me to set up a further meeting with all the other staff here at Ipswich Town?

TL: Yes that would be a great help. Gives me the chance to look at everyone who is at the club together.

TC: Is there any specifics that you would like for me to handle at the club?

I thought long and hard about this. As it was my first job in management, I wanted to adopt a hands-on approach to the team, but I knew that my lack of experience would mean that I would struggle to undertake every task at the club.

TL: Would you be able to help me with training and opposition instructions, I've never been good with those and I feel like it would be a good opportunity for you to take these tasks and improve your own abilities.

TC: Absolutely. Well the last thing i need to say to you is thank you and good luck with the future.

I walk out of TC's office with my head held high, and looking forward to the adventures that will follow. My first thought is the team, I need to get to know them all and see who will be the stars of the season, and who might not make the cut. As an Ipswich fan, there's were a number of below-par performances from some players last season that I need to get my teeth into.
Nice start.
Im an ipswich fan myself so ill be following.
You surely cant do a worse job then mm.
As an Ipswich fan I will definitely be keeping up to date with this! Nice start so far, you have a few very good youngsters at Ipswich! Andre Dozzell is a fantastic player and turns into a premier league player in future seasons on fm.
As an Ipswich fan I will definitely be keeping up to date with this! Nice start so far, you have a few very good youngsters at Ipswich! Andre Dozzell is a fantastic player and turns into a premier league player in future seasons on fm.
thanks ma, i'll do my best to keep a hold of him
1st July 2016​

Walking down the corridor, I can hear the calls of, 'Man on' and, 'Time' being bellowed from the lungs of the stars of tomorrow. Memories of sitting in the stands, watching ipswich play week in and week out, hoping that I could be the one in control. And here I am, in control of my boyhood team, and I never want it to change. As the lads make their way back inside and to the dressing room, I prepare for my first full meeting with the team.

TL: Good afternoon lads, I know that you probably don't recognise me, I mean why would you? But I want to let you all know that I know more about this team than most of your managers combined. I am Ipswich through and through. Now, I'm not here to tell you that your performances are under review, nor that your guaranteed a place this season. I haven't seen you play yet, so the friendly tomorrow will give me a good indication. I firmly believe that we can secure ourselves a top half finish this season, and with a bit more passion, and a bit more wow-factor, we could be playoff contenders next season. Luke (chambers), anything to add?

LC: All I want to say, and this comes from everyone here, is welcome to Portman Road. Lets show everyone in this league that we are not pushovers, we will not roll over, and we will reach the Premier League again.

TL: Thats exactly what I want to hear. Now, get some rest for the friendly. I'll see you all tomorrow.

As the boys leave the changing room and make their way home, I decide to hold back Goalkeeper Bartosz Bialkowski, and young midfielder Andre Dozzell.

TL: I've kept the two of you back, because I want to talk to the two of you without the rest of the squad here. Bart, you are our number one goalkeeper, and I've heard a lot of great things about you from TC about your performances over the years, and as a supporter myself, I've seen some heroic performances from you. Now, I know teas will want you, why wouldn't they? I just want to know what your position is right now, if teams come in for you?

BB: Well boss, I'm not gonna lie and say that playing in the Premier League is not a dream of mine. It is. I never got the chance to at Southampton. But I want to play in the Premier League for Ipswich. I'm not going anywhere.

TL: Thanks Bart, you can leave now big man. Now, Andre. Everyone and their dog knows how much potential you have. Your following in the footsteps of your dad, Jason, and if you're even half as good as he was, we are very lucky. I know your young, but I want to try and get you as much first team football as I can. You're also going to attract a lot of attention from very big teams, and I mean very very big teams. I just want to know how you're gonna feel when the offers come in.

AD: To be honest boss, I want to play football, and I know that if someone like Chelsea or Everton come in for me, that i'm not going to be playing as much. I want to stay here and play football my way, without the distractions of the big teams.

TL: I'm so glad to here that, and I bet your dad is too. He wouldn't want you to leave either. Off you pop then fella, get a long rest for tomorrow.

Andre leaves the changing room, but when everyone was here I noticed 4 big absentees from the room. So I make my way down to our physio Matt Byard to assess the situation at hand.

TL: Hey Matt, I'm Thomas Lane, the new manager. Please tell me that the dreaded injury curse hasn't hit us AGAIN.

MB: Nice to meet you Tom, I'm afraid so boss. Very long term injuries as well. Giles (coke) and Joniesta (Williams) are both out with Strained Ankle Ligaments. Thats 3-4 months at least. Poor David is back again, this time its Strained Knee Ligaments, thats 4-5 months away from the pitch. And what can I say here, so much potential, so many injuries. Little Lukey (Hyam) has knee tendinitis, and will be out for 6 months. Sorry boss, this happens a lot here.

TL: Christ sake, well thanks anyway matt, nice to meet you. I expect we'll be seeing a lot more of each other this sseason.

Leaving the injury room left a sick feeling in my stomach. 4 of our most promising players out for nearly half a season each. That's when I knew that we needed to invest in players. Not all first teasers, but we need depth in the squad, especially now 3 of our midfielders are injured...
2nd July 2016​

I spent the whole of last night planning for the season, looking at all the players that we had in the squad and who would make up the best lineup for the upcoming season. I try and pick the best formation for the team, and i eventually decide on a 4-2-2-1-1 with 2 CDM's and 1AM. I felt that this was the best way of utilising the players in the squad, as we defiantly needed to play with an attacking midfielder this season. But when picking through the players and putting our best players in their positions, I noticed that out best 2 attacking players were both injured, Williams and McGoldrick. Great, I thought, our two best attackers out for nearly 5 months each. That was when i knew I needed to strengthen our attack. Defensively were ok-ish, but we need cover in the fullback positions, as we are severely lacking experience behind Chambers and Knudsen. Midfield wise were doing well, maybe a new CDM to partner Skuse is needed, and also the addition of an out-and-out winger as Sears is more of a forward than a winger. Hopefully loan signing Tom Lawrence can replace Jonny Williams for now, and Brett Pitman can fill in for McGoldrick for a while, but we need squad depth quickly.

The next morning I head straight for the physic's room, fearing the worst.

TL: Please tell me you've called me in for a casual chat Matt, I can't deal with more injuries.

MB: Afraid not boss, its Leon. He's pulled his Achilles. Tendonitis apparently, that'll keep him out for at least a month.

TL: Great, now we've lost McGoldrick and Best. I can't go through the start of the season with just Sears and Piman to chose between. Thanks, Matt. Call me if their is any other news, but please make it good next time. I can't deal with this kind of problem 2 days into the season.

2nd July 2016

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Ipswich in Kightly Enquiry

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Reports coming out of East Anglia suggesting that Ipswich have enquired about the possibility of purchasing 30 year old Michael Kightly from Lancashire side Burnley. With Burnley now in the Premier League, it seems as though Kightly have been told that he is surplus to requirements, and that he can leave the team. The only stumbling block for Ipswich at the moment seems to be his wages, but let's wait and see if new manager Thomas Lane can get the job done. I'm Richie Taylor reporting for Four-Four-Two.

Freya Culkin - Lets hope he is duly motivated. #Kightly #IpswichT

Roy Rodney - Maybe he's dropping down because this is his level now? Would still be a great signing #Kightly #IpswichT

Ruby Burns - he's got the ability for sure, but will he have his head in the right place? #Kightly #IpswichT
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2nd July 2016

TL: Matt can you not leave me alone for at least one day. There can't be another injury surely.

MB: Afraid so Tom, that friendly last night against the U23's didn't turn out as productive as you would have hoped. Tom Lawrence this time, out for 2 weeks with a damaged shoulder. Not as serious as all the others, but still annoying all the same.

TL: Great, now I have to go the next few weeks without our best CAM. Why does this stuff have to happen to us all the ****** time. Alright, thanks Matt. Please make sure no more injuries tomorrow, much appreciated.

12th July 2016

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Ipswich bring in Holgate

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Reports are coming in that Ipswich Town have made their first signing of the summer transfer window, with 19 year old Mason Colgate arriving on loan from Everton till the end of the season. Thomas Lane spoke about his desire to strengthen the squad, and Colgate is exactly what he was after. The young defender can play both right back and centre back, and will provide decent cover for each position, whilst also challenging Luke Chambers for the right back spot. We are also hearing reports that a bid has been accepting for Romain Amalfitano, whilst Ipswich have also rejected a bid in the region on 1.2 million for midfielder Cole Skuse from fellow Championship side Wolves. I'm Ross Potts, reporting for the Daily Mirror.

Charlie Tarman - Not happy that we're letting a player like Holgate go out on loan. #Holgate #EFC #IpswichT

Matt Doran - Quite exciting, Holgate looks brilliant #Holgate #EFC #IpswichT

Dean Thorpe - Worth a punt as much as anyone else is. #Holgate #EFC #IpswichT
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16th July 2016

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Liverpool's Chirivella signs for Ipswich

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Another signing has been confirmed here in East Anglia, and it is the loan signing of Pedro Chirivella from Premier League side Liverpool. The young Spanish Midfielder has been brought in to challenge for a place in the centre of midfield, and will be staying at the club for the whole season. I'm Martin Farmer, reporting for

Morgan John - Interested to see Chirivella play #Chirivella #Liverpool #IpswichT

Trey Hearn - Would've liked to have seen us give Chirivella more of a chance #Chirivella #Liverpool #IpswichT

Isabelle Hewitt - Quite exciting, Chirivella looks brilliant.
#Chirivella #Liverpool #IpswichT

TL: Hello again Matt, what can you report to me now?

MB: another injury boss, but luckily no to long. Young midfielder Kundai Benyu is out for a week with a concussion. I'll make sure to keep checking up on him for you

So I'm just over 2 weeks into the job already, and i'm starting to feel at home. A couple of youngsters have come in to freshen the place up. A new defender and a new midfielder. Hopefully I can get a few more in before the first game of the season, but only time will tell...

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17th July 2016

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Amalfitano signs on the dotted line

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A third signing has been completed by Ipswich Town this window, and it is for the 26 year old French International Romain Amalfitano from French sign Dijon for 400k. Lane was said to be looking for attacking reinforcements after the lengthly injuries to both Williams and McGoldrick, and it seems as though he has got his man. I'm Olivia Simms, reporting for World Soccer Magazine.

Kane Bates - Amalfitano might end up surprising us all. #Amalfitano #IpswichT #DIJ

Ashley Giles - Amalfitano comes highly recommended. #Amalfitano #IpswichT #DIJ

Leópold Olliver - Amalfitano must stay! #Amalfitano #IpswichT #DIJ

Another signing for the books. I liked the look of Amalfitano when the scouts recommended him to me. Can play on the wing and centrally, but his best position is behind the striker, and that is exactly what I needed. He will provide very good competition with Tom Lawrence for that spot, who has now returned from injury thank god, and thanks to Matt as well for helping him recover. Very close to the start of the season now, and the nerves are beginning to kick in. Not just for the boys, but for me as well.
20th July 2016

It seems as though new manager is trying to mix with youth with some experience, as he has brought in 33 year old free agent Michael Essien. Lane's decision to bring in Essien has come as a slight shock to Ipswich fans, but they are also showing signs of exciting for times ahead, as they realise that they have an ex-Premier League winner on their books. The second signing made by Ipswich today is the permanent signing of 33 year old Hungarian international Roland Jahusz. The centre back, capped 94 times by his country, comes in to challenge for the centre back spot, and to also help develop the younger talent here at ipswich. I'm Aris Balafas, reporting for Sky Sports News.

Jordan Pring - Get in! Great news about Essien if true. #Essien #IpswichT

Robyn Draper - the club definitely have a plan brewing. #Essien #IpswichT

Terry Archer - No-lose situation this, Juhasz looks the business. #Juhasz #IpswichT #VideoT

Chinta Siame - Juhasz will help us be the team we want to be. #Juhasz #IpswichT #VideoT

Wow, what an interesting day this is. I was even shocked when Michael Essien accepted the contract to come and play for us. He was on the books at Chelsea not long ago, and playing regularly, and now he is at Ipswich. As for Juhasz, he came up for a really cheap price, and he was a good a centre back as the rest of the boys here, and he will also help to develop the younger centre backs like Tommy Smith and Adam Webster. So I'd say it was a pretty good bit of business done by Marcus there, as that was his dealing, not mine. Like I said, I want to mix the youth and experience together to create a cohesive unit for the season, and that is what I have done. I'm not sure how many more players will come in, but the main aim now is to try and get rid of some of the players that I probably can't guarantee first team football for. I've already sent numerous players out on loan, so let's see if we can do some more permanent departures.....

TL: Alright then Matt, put me out of my misery, who is it this time.

MB: I'm afraid boss its Christophe Berra.

TL: NO! You've got to be joking man.

MB: Sorry boss, he's got a double hernia, he'll be out for just over 2 months. Lucky you got that centre back signing in now hasn't it.

TL: Yeah you could say that. So close to the season as well. Alright, thanks for the update Matt.

Typical. So ****** typical. The injury curse of Ipswich Town strikes again, and this time it takes my best centre back away from me. So now I'm missing my best attacker, midfielder and defender. If anything was to happen to Bart, I don't know what I would do. Still, got to keep on moving forward, season's getting closer, and we need to be ready for the first game.....
1st August 2016

Pre-Season Friendlies

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My first full month in charge has come and gone, and in that time we have played 6 friendlies. I have to say i am excited by the season to come if we can play like we have done in the friendlies. 4 wins from the 6 games fills me with confidence, and the only defeat coming to a very good Benfica side, and that was only 2-1. 11 goals scored in 6 games is ok I guess, but i knew that it would be a struggle to score with not many strikers to chose between at the start of the season. Conceding 6 goals in 6 games is quite good I feel as our defence has always been shaky. But now we must look to the league, as we have our first game of the season coming up against Barnsley at home, and then we have a first round tie away at Oxford to deal with after that. I don't think I've ever felt so nervous for something in my life. I will be stepping out on to the pitch at Portman Road for my first game as Ipswich Town Manager. What a feeling this will be. I know that both my brother and my dad are coming to watch the game on Saturday, and that fills me with both confidence and nerves, but i hope the boys do everyone, and themselves proud.