
Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone !

I am in 2019 with A.C. Milan (in my second save since the first one crashed) and while I was looking for a good left winger (I already have Gonsalo Martinez) , I saw that Monaco player Thomas Lemar although is considered as a central midfielder , his attributes are perfect for the left wing role. I was wondering If anyone has bought him and use him as a left winger.

I would love to hear any feedback !
He plays there pretty often for Monaco in real life so I'm sure he'd be fine anywhere across the attacking midfield strata
Play him as AMR (Inside Forward - Support) and occassionaly CM in my Southampton save. I think you would be better off playing him on the right wing to actually take advantage of his long shots and technique. He regularly scores from outside the box in my save. Playing a left footed player, on the left, with his "Shoots From Distance" prefered move can prove to be quite frustrating. However, give it a go and see how it works out. He's quite versatile and an excellent player, so move him around if it ain't working out.
First of all I would like to thank you all for your answers ! I have reached early December of the season and so far Lemar is doing great in the left wing (and with not that many long shoots) I use Bernadeschi as an inside forward on the right wind and since they both doing well in their roles I don't intend to change them. As for the AMC position, I have Ante Coric and Marco Asensio and my two MCs are Daniele Basselli and Manuel locatelli. Of course all these may change if an injury or a big transfer offer occurs (then I will consider use him in other places) but so far I am satisfied by the young French !
Good stuff! Continued to play him as an inside forward on AMR during pre-season, but I also tried a new counter 4-4-2 where Lemar has played as a straight-out winger on ML and he pretty much done his job to perfection so far; skipping past a man or two before crossing. He's honestly turning out to be one of my favorite players in FM17 so far.
Expensive player to have and how the **** he left for free?

Perhaps his contract ended and he did not want it to renew it. The same thing happened to me with Zizkovic last year. I tried many times but he refused. I did not want to sell him since he was outstanding and I always hoped that I could convice him but in February he was offered a new contract (do not remeber the team ) he accepted it and left fro free...
Great player for me playing RM as winger. Always double figures win goals and assists for me.
He offered me three amazing seasons until Man Utd come with an offer and unsettled him. I could not convice him to stay so I sold him for 49 millions Euros. So dissapointed ...
When did you guys sign him? I offered 65 million in the first season and got rejected.
When did you guys sign him? I offered 65 million in the first season and got rejected.

In my save Monaco loaned him to Galatasaray in the first season . Then he returned back but he was not considered a first team regular. I managed to sign him for 40 millions (20 up front and 20 in 48 months ) in the beginning of the third season.
I got him first season. With ManCity. Offered 20mil Euro upfront 60mil Euro 48mths and Percentage 50% if sold.
Never regretted. Really awesome versatile player.