Three file rolling auto save - not there!!!!


Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
So i just got the dreaded "The save game could not be loaded" message on trying to load my game. To be fair i'm only 2 seasons in, but i was enjoying it.

Firstly, am i correct in thinking that i've just lost it and there is no way to get it back?? Secondly, i know that you can load up one of your back-up saves. However, although i have selected in my preferences for "Three file rolling auto save" to occur, when i go to find them there is only the one corrupt version of my save, i.e. it hasnt actually been making three different file saves.

I'm guessing there isnt much i can do now, but has anyone else had the problem of it not creating three saves even though you have checked that option in the preferences????

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
If you have just installed the 11.2 patch that's your problem.
Just install the latest 11.2.1 hotfix and it'll load again.

If that's not the problem I really am not sure what it could be... Possibly you didn't quit properly or something?
It only creates the backup saves if the game does an autosave.

How long did you have it set to do an automatic save?
And also do you save it yourself from time-to-time? If you save it yourself after every two weeks in-game but have the rolling save on monthly then there won't be any back-up files.
It only creates the backup saves if the game does an autosave.

How long did you have it set to do an automatic save?

OK, yep that's why then. Because i have a dodge laptop (Vista!!!!) i save myself every week while only have the auto-save feature selected for monthly.

Thanks for that. I will change it in preferences to avoid this problem in the future.