Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
As I sat on my bed staring at the beer cans strewn across the floor I felt a sudden sense of regret. Yes I had tried hard at school getting brilliant grades but well the jobs hadn’t been available and not many people felt like employing a 25-year-old wreck like me. I had many field of expertise from science to football I guess that’s what held me back my love for the beautiful game. Probably all of my debates in class with pupils and teachers alike. My friend was the classic British footballer kick first ask questions later. I was more of a Spaniard many kids are hit-and-hope but I analysed football I mastered my passing until I could play tiki-taka. Despite being a great passer of the ball but a hard-working midfielder at the same time I wasn’t spotted by a football club. After leaving uni I had immediately signed up for coaching badges going to the nearest centre in Llanrumney. Not many people were there there’s not many Welsh managers. I had been there for a few weeks and had taken my test. We had walked into a large hall this is where we had been taken on the first day. I had immediately known I as the youngest. All of the others were between the ages of 30-40. As our coach began speaking I could feel the eyes of the “hard” Emyr Williams in the back of my head.

“I will now announce the top 3 students for this term. I am also happy to say you all passed” he announced I was anticipating this
“In third is Harry Jones with a score of 79%. In second is….. Emyr Williams with a score of 86% no mean feat, a brilliant score one of the best ever. But the best score we have ever seen belongs to our youngest member Matthew Hawkins with 99%”
My eyes widened not believing it. I’d been hoping just to pass never mind getting the best score ever. He carried on with his speech after this. My mouth opening and closing. As he ended we left and I went back to my flat

It had been a month since then it was now July and as I was scrolling something drew my eyes.



Peterborough United have been left manager less after manager Darren Ferguson decided to up sticks and leave London Road to join his father Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United. The decision came after the board sold star striker Craig Macakil-Smith without his say-so.

“We are obviously angered at Darren’s decision to leave but he was a great servant to the club and wish him the very best for his future ventures.” Said Boro chairman Darragh MacAnthony. We spoke to fans about the matter.

“Well you can see why he went to United but the b****** should’ve told us first” said fan Anthony Poole click to see more

After reading the article I decided to send in a job application I had nothing to lose. A few days later I was surprised to find this in the paper.



As Darren Ferguson left the Posh with no explanation Peterborough United were left option less destined for relegation they were desperate enough to consider 25-year-old Welshman Matthew Hawkins' job application.

Hawkins a Tesco cashier is a Cardiff City fanatic.
"He's crazy about City and football he's supported them since he was 4"
It seems when Hawkins walked into Ninian Park 21-years-ago he made a link with football one that has led him to become a manager.
More on pages 86-87

But the thing is it was true I had received a phone call and was due to meet the board at 3:00 pm tomorrow at London Road. But how did the press know? I asked myself



Today Darren Ferguson returned to London Road for his third spell at the club.

The ex-Manchester United and Wrexham player had left the London club to rejoin his father at Old Trafford a decision the infuriated fans and players alike. But now he's back in London and rejoined another old club. This will make fans unhappy as they were looking forward to the possibility of 25-year-old Welshman Matthew Hawkins giving the players a breath of fresh air.

Many fans are rioting against this decision by the board outside London Road.

Bollocks! I thought. I had a chance at football management and it's been blown away but the wankers at Peterborugh United. I promise you I'll be back. I had been shouting the house down but didn't expect what came next. A few hours later I looked on the computer again and found this staring at me.


Rejected manager Matthew Hawkins issued a response to the Peterborugh United boardroom stating "I'll be back".

Hawkins had been touted by the media as the replacement for Darren Ferguson and was widely expected to sign a contract with the London club in a few days. But Ferguson decided to leave his father in Manchester to come back down south and is now back in charge at Peterborough.

The statement "I'll be back" is to be taken seriously as the controversial young manager has been linked with the now vacant Leicester City job.

My jaw dropped. Leicester City! The ex-top flight club who had great players like Gary Lineker and Roberto Mancini! Wanted me to take them forward. Almost immediately after I read this I received a phone call. "Unkown number"

"Who is this?" I asked fiercely
"My name is Vichai Raksriaksorn and I would like to ask you whether you would like to become the manager of Leicester City FC

Ok, well not a lot wrong with this so far.
I would just suggest:

  • Centering the text and images in the first post.
  • First post is good with spacing however the text in the second it a bit too spaced out. Keep the text together to an extent and dont split it all up.
  • Maybe put anything in quotes into italics to seperate it from the rest of the text
Not a lot more to comment on as you havnt made many posts yet. Also dont give up if you dont have followers for a few days. Im sure there are people reading. Keep updating and fans will come :)
Ok, well not a lot wrong with this so far.
I would just suggest:
  • Centering the text and images in the first post.
  • First post is good with spacing however the text in the second it a bit too spaced out. Keep the text together to an extent and dont split it all up.
  • Maybe put anything in quotes into italics to seperate it from the rest of the text
Not a lot more to comment on as you havnt made many posts yet. Also dont give up if you dont have followers for a few days. Im sure there are people reading. Keep updating and fans will come :)
Thanks writing one out on Word will be up tomorrow middayish
5th​ July 2011
Dear diary,
What a week this has been! First rejection by Peterborough now I’m being head-hunted by many different clubs, Fulham and Leicester the most promising. This was a promising opportunity for me I’d never been important to anyone big. I’ve never been important to Tesco I was just a shelf-stacker and at school I was excluded by the cool people. I knew about football and that marked me out as different, I’ve always been different I mean nobody my age wants to be a football manager but, with recent interest that’s what I am to become. Until next time, Matt
A day or so later
I’m shaking like a leaf as I stand at the gates of Craven Cottage. I had received a phone call from club chairman Mohammed Al Fayed offering me a chance at his club as manager! A Premier League club it’s in its name isn’t it? Premier. Premier clubs, premier players, premier staff, premier managers, Premier League.
My love affair with football begun- as said in the article linking me with Peterborough- begun 21-years-ago in the land of Yore. I still remember it, it was a cold, frosty Boxing Day when I went to see Cardiff City against a side I can’t remember the exact side (although I think it was along the lines Plymouth). The Bob Bankers were chanting me sitting amongst them halfway between the Family and “Nutter” contingent (the families weren’t exactly quiet). My parents clutching my hands whilst commentating and pointing out players
“That’s Stantona (Phil Stant) on the ball” said my dad then came a chant of “He’s lean, he’s mean, he robs the Fruit Machine its Nathan Blake, Nathan Blaaaaaaaaaaaake!” (No need for explanation). I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have been going down for 21 years.
In the past 21 years many terrible things have happened and they stick in the mind. At the age of 15 an age when people begin to emerge as politicians, patriots and athletes I watched 9/11 on BBC News I saw the second tower go down, I saw the madness and confusion I felt as if I were in New York City running from debris and smoke. Osama bin Laden the orchestrator of the attack is now dead. And I, along with most people say good riddance. Then more recently was a smaller but yet so frightening terrorist attack. Anders Behring Breivik his name the man behind a bomb in Oslo intending to kill the president of Norway. 8 deaths. After that was stage 2 of his operation. He had gone to an island home to teenagers on holiday. Well you know the rest. He is now locked up. I could go on about the catastrophes of the past 21 years. Tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, uprisings. But this is about football and it will stay that way.

I began making myself some Special K when the phone rang I quickly dropped the milk and my bowl, which shattered to bits, shame I really liked that bowl. I picked up the phone.
“Hello?” I asked
“Could I speak to a Mr. Matthew Hawkins” a heavily accented voice replied. Egyptian perhaps?
“Speaking” I reply
“Oh sorry, I am Mohammed Al Fayed manager of Fulham FC and I would like you to become our new manager. We have no other targets so would you please like to come to London to sign a contract?” he asks
I was a bit taken aback by the offer “of course” I somehow reply.

I met Mr. Al Fayed yesterday and many of the staff left I was now left with few coaches. I had signed a 2-year-deal and my first task would come early the second leg of the first qualifying round of the Europa League.
I lost the Fulham save but will persevere with a different club


In a shock announcement Fulham players have joined together saying they can’t work under Hawkins.

The Fulham players told the press in a news conference they couldn’t work under a rookie. This has shocked the footballing world with Zamora saying “It’s either he resigns, Al Fayed sacks him or we all leave. I know what I’d do.”
This is great disrespect and this has turned Fulham into a hated club.

“They’re all rotten to the core. Footballers who can’t work under a certain manager have no right to play in the Premier League.” said a Middlesbrough fan.
It is unknown what decision Hawkins, and the board will make.

As I read that I couldn’t help swearing the bastards! I thought over-paid little twats that’s all they are. I received a call from Mohammed.

“Hello Mr. Al Fayed” I said

“I think we both know what I’m ringing about” he said. And I did it wasn’t good at all “Matthew Hawkins you are sacked as manager of Fulham Football Club.”

A day or so after that I was still in shock. I understand the reasons of my sacking. It was either a rookie manager he’d taken a gamble on in the first place or the star players of his team who would leave. It was the easy way out and I was back on the dole. I’d quit my job at Tesco but applied straight after Al Fayed sacked me. My Tesco application was still being pondered over due to my resignation but surely they’d want me back? My future was again in ruins. I then heard my ringtone Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen I run to the phone pick it up and reply.​

“Hello?” I ask cautiously as my last call had been a sacking
“Oh hello, can I speak to Matthew Hawkins please?” The voice asks it sounds like ex-City chairman Peter Ridsdale. I remember he recently bought Plymouth Argyle suddenly getting excited I reply.


“Oh sorry, you’ve thrown me off balance know!” He exclaims jokingly “I would like to make you an offer. I heard of your sacking from Fulham and I feel it was unfair, unprovoked. So how would you like to be manager of Plymouth Argyle FC?”

“Yes, Mr Ridsdale I would love to be the manager.” I reply

“Well come down to Cornwall tomorrow.” He said and I put the phone down.
I had another chance. I wasn’t going to blow it.

As I drove to Cornwall the traffic was thick I eventually made it to Plymouth and parked my car in the car park outside Home Park. I walked into reception and was immediately greeted by Peter Ridsdale. I remember his face from the seasons he spent at City.

“Aaaaaaaah Mr Hawkins!” he exclaimed

“Mr Ridsdale” he reply shaking his out stretched hand

“Follow me” he said leading me down a corridor

“Now, then” he said “Carl Fletcher our caretaker manager has told us he wants to stay as player-coach and has stepped down as manager. Leaving the path open for you.” He said sliding a contract and a pen across the table “sign it”

It told me the details of my contract
£2,500 p/w
I signed.

“Well, Mr Hawkins. What are your expectations?”


“As the club has many financial difficulties you would be given the same amount whatever you said and that is £0 for transfers and £175,000 wage budget.” He said “we have scheduled an interview with BBC Cornwall so please make your way to the tunnel. I walked out of the office and asked where to go to get to the tunnel it was the same as on The Damned United, reception, office, dressing rooms, tunnel. It was all set up and a man told me where to stand.

“And we’re live in 3, 2, 1” the cameraman said ticking the numbers off on his fingers

“Thank you, I am joined here with new Plymouth Argyle manager Matthew Hawkins, the ex-Fulham manager only just signed a contract, Matthew how do you feel?”

“I feel great, Plymouth are a good club and I’m proud to be here.” I replied

In terms of transfers it isn’t looking good with Plymouth’s current financial state how will you get around that?” He asked

“It doesn’t bother me there are many good players on the free and loan transfer markets” I reply

How about competitions? Where do you aim to be in May?” He inquires

“I’m aiming for a mid-table finish” I reply

That’s all we have time for, thanks, Matthew” he said

“The pleasure’s all mine” I reply finishing the broadcast

Meeting the lads

My assistant, Rob James, welcomed me to the club and gave me a tour of the stadium etc. He then gave me a list of the squad with a star rating for each player.

Jake Cole-Nationality-English Age-25 Stars-3 and a half
Romain Larrieu-Nationality-French Age-34 Stars-3
Robs verdict-Could do with a better backup/first-teamer as Romain is getting a bit old and Jake needs cover

Durrell Berry-Nationality-English Age-19 Stars-3 and a half
Robs verdict-Many of our defenders can play here but are better in other positions need a right-back to aid Durrell’s development he’ll be a star one day. Recommended: Put Curtis Nelson at right-back

Onismor Bhasera-Nationality-Zimbabwean Age-25 Stars-4 and a half
Robbie Williams-Nationality-English Age-26 Stars-3
Robs verdict-A strong area of the squad with 2 others able to play there no need to sign anyone Williams is great backup for Bhasera

Curtis Nelson-Nationality-English Age-18 Stars-4
Ladji Soukouna-Nationality-French Age-20 Stars-2 and a half
Jamie Richards-Nationality-English Age-17 Stars-3
James Bradley-Nationality-English Age-16 Stars-1 and a half
Jordan Pearce-Nationality-English Age-17 Stars-2
Robs verdict-Good depth here but could do with a better more experienced defender I recommend sending some scouts and e-mailing agents

Jordan Copp-Nationality-Welsh Age-17 Stars-1
Carl Fletcher-Nationality-Welsh Age-31 Stars-4 and a half
Simon Walton-Nationality-English Age-23 Stars-3 and a half
Conor Hourihane-Nationality-Irish Age-20 Stars-2 and a half
Luke Young-Nationality-English Age-18 Stars-1 and a half
Rob’s verdict-Some cracking players here many others can play here too don’t be put off by the lads I’ve rated lowly though they have potential!

Will Atkinson (On loan from Hull)-Nationality-English Age-22 Stars-2 and a half
Rob’s verdict-Will’s decent and some others can play there but not sure on this position down to you, Boss

Luke Daley-Nationality-English Age-21 Stars-2 and a half
Jed Harper-Penman-Nationality-English Age-17 Stars-2 and a half
Isaac Vassell-Nationality-English Age-17 Stars-2
Rob’s verdict-Some good gems here all on a par strong area of the squad

Matt Lecointe-Nationality-English Age-16 Stars-1
Jared Sims-Nationality-English Age-17 Stars-2 and a half
Warren Feeney-Nationality-Northern Irish Age-30 Stars-2
Rob’s verdict-We need some frontmen badly. After the sale of Joe Mason to your beloved Cardiff we’re thin on options up front

Average age-21.18 two years younger than league average
Average wage-£1,100 per week League-£725 p/w

I was surprised with the age of the squad. Only 3 players above the age of 23! A quarter of the squad weren’t old enough to drink yet that was a plus though. As I walked out onto the pitch I saw it would need improvement. The summer had been awful and it was waterlogged to be fair I was gutted it looked as if I would not be able to ***** them until probably early next week. Today was Wednesday so I sat in the dressing room waiting for the players to show up. It started with the veterans coming Carl Fletcher, Romain Larrieu and Warren Feeney showing at the same time. Next came James Bradley, Jordan Copp and Matt Lecointe last was loanee Will Atkinson who obviously thought he was above a League 2 club. I began my pre-season speech with Rob James who I’d been speaking to earlier by my side.

“Alright lads,” I began “we may have been relegated twice in the past two seasons but this is an almost brand-new squad. There are some well-known faces like Wales international Carl Fletcher, ex-Championship goalie Romain Larrieu and another ex-Championship player Warren Feeney” (who then stood up and did a twirl) laughs going around the room I couldn’t help joining in. I noticed Atkinson just looking like he wasn’t bothered as if he couldn’t wait until he got back to Hull. Regaining my composure I carried on “thank you, Warren. I know it must be strange having a 25-year-old manager, I mean, look what happened at Fulham (more laughs) but I’m sure that we can pull through this season whatever state we end up in.” I left the lads to the company of Rob while I went for a meeting with the board.
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With a day to go before the start of the season I looked back over my friendlies all of them successful.

PLYMOUTH 4-0 PLYMOUTH RESERVES-Soukouna, Atkinson (2), Walton
SALTASH 1-5 PLYMOUTH-Sims (2), OG, Lecointe, Young
PLYMOUTH 5-2 HAMILTON ACADEMICAL-Walton (2), Feeney, Counago, Lecointe
TORQUAY 0-2 PLYMOUTH-Counago, Bradley
TRURO 1-4 PLYMOUTH-Counago (3), Daley

I’m very pleased with pre-season scoring 23 goals and conceding just 4. Atkinson has been quite what I thought full of himself. He’s got attitude but hopefully he doesn’t disrupt the squad, who, overall are a very nice bunch of lads. The older ones help the younger ones who look up to and respect the older members. You may have seen the name Counago appear he is one of the new signings the ex-Ipswich and Malaga player joined us on a free 5 goals speaks for itself. Here’s a list.


Damilola AJAGBE-A young English right-back with potential stability for the future
Pablo COUNAGO-The 31-year-old Spaniard has scored 77 league goals in his career and we’re all hoping he can make it 100
Andre HELIO-Another youngster this one an Angolian frontman hopefully going to develop into something special
Dave PARTON-Another hot prospect also a backup yes he’s that good!
Aaron WILDIG-Loaned from my hometown Cardiff adds technical ability to my squad
Andras STIEBER-Hungarian lad good on both wings future star
Rhys TAYLOR-Loaned from Premier League Chelsea better than Cole and Larrieu first-team goalkeeper
Matthew HARRIS-Another youngster! Future great
Alex EVANS-A centre-half on loan from Cardiff more backup than first-team

I hadn’t gotten rid of any players. Our squad was small enough anyway! There were also rumours that I wanted another player but in my mind the squad was complete. But if the right player became available I would sign him. We had Accrington Stanley in our first match but now I had to prepare for the Carling Cup draw.

“….against Barnet”
“Number 42……. Plymouth Argyle” the man said “are to play Championship side…… Cardiff City!” I groaned. A Championship club! And not just any old club my hometown Cardiff of all teams! I thought perhaps we had a chance in this competition but now we had our work cut out against a quality side. But enough about that time for our game against Stanley.

It was a long drive from Cornwall to Liverpool but the lads were in a jovial mood laughing and joking around it was nice to see. We reached The Crown Ground at 1:00 p.m and I told the boys to go out warm up and pass the ball around. We’d been practising the tiki-taka all summer long and today it would be put to the test. They came back in at around 2:30 and I spoke with them. I’d scrounged the local shops for all the local newspapers one lady commented on my Welsh accent.
“All ye foreigners an yer fancy ways comin up ‘ere an parading around town in yer fancy WMB’s” it took a while for me explain I was Welsh and I owned a Ford Capri I left with the papers and went into the dressing room and began to read most just had build-up to the match one read “young manager, young team Plymouth Argyle-The youngsters of League 2” the last one I read had this on the back page.
Plymouth Argyle are going to play Accrington Stanley today and I can’t help but speak of young manager Matthew Hawkins.

The 25-year-old Welshman has all the coaching badges apparently getting the best score EVER in his test (99%). He has everything all the badges, all the hype everything but experience. Our current manager John Coleman has been there and done it. And I can’t help but think this young manager will be Plymouth’s downfall.

What a b*****d what is it my mother always used to tell me “Never judge a book by its cover” well this man judged me by my age. Plymouth’s downfall? It looked as if that article could be Accrington’s downfall.
I’d put that article on the wall and told them to look at it and tell me what they thought. Surprisingly Atkinson put his hand up.
“Yes Will?” I asked
“Well it’s obvious isn’t it? (He looks around) They’re writing us off me, the lads, the staff and especially you, Boss” he said a nice little speech
“That’s right, Will they don’t think we have a chance in **** so go out there and prove this “Larry Skinsdale” wrong!” I yell
“C’MON!” The lads yell and they go to the tunnel.

I’d found a livestream for my parents to watch. In Cornwall! They were watching it in a Plymouth pub. As they switched to me (the cameras) I could almost here my parents saying “that’s our son!”
Starting XI-Rhys TAYLOR
A few player missing through injury (Nelson, Bhasera etc)

6th​ minute-“And it’s Counago backwards to Daley, he volleys it forward to the right Nicol intercepts with a header only as far as Fletcher he plays it to WILDIG! Way over the crossbar”

10th​ minute-“Free-kick after that foul by Proctor. Atkinson with the free-kick Ajagbe on the ball hits it on the volleeeeeeeeeeeeey that’s well over from Ajagbe.”

28th​ minute-“And it’s Soukouna for Plymouth, takes it forward, plays it out wide to Atkinson. Atkinson with the delivery Muirhead rises with Daley, Daley heads it! Smacks the crossbar Winnard tackled by Daley who crosses it in for COUNAGO! Great volley from Pablo Counago! 1-0 to the Pilgrims

40th​ minute-“Ian Craney for Accrington surging forward gives it to Long. Wes Fletcher breaks free him against Taylor! Oh he slams the post!”

Added time-“Andrew Proctor from far out! Oh brilliant save Taylor come off the crossbar Williams heads away but it’s Nicol out to Carney low cross. Corner. Plymouth under heavy pressure”

“Well done, lads you’ve been doing well they can launch and cross it as much as they like but you’re better as you can get it on the floor and play. One thing more of the same please!”

As they left I saw a hunger in Atkinson’s eyes time to score.

59th​ minute-“It’s Amond on the ball plays it to Winnard. Dean Winnard now on the ball he sends it right to Amond. Williams scrambles it away out for a throw which Long takes one-two with Amond crossed to the far post. Muirhead out jumps Daley caught by Taylor.

65th​ minute-Alex Evans on the ball in the box about to clear the ball. Tackled by Nicol that looks a bad one Alex Evans has to go off injured Jordan Pearce will replace him
I patted Alex on the back as he hobbled off for treatment.

73rd​ minute-It’s a corner from Will Atkinson Pearce rises above everyone. It’s JORDAN PEARCE! Over the bar.

78th​ minute-It’s a corner from McIntyre. Carl Fletcher clears the danger, Wes Fletcher beats Atkinson to the ball. Now it’s McIntyre, crosses it in headed clear by Pearce.

85th​ minute-Taylor with the free-kick, Counago beats Hessey in the air Murdoch scrambles away to Amond, Pearce tackles and plays it forward to Wildig who runs forward and gives it to Counago who gives it to Daley who beats McIntyre and whips it in. Atkinson slides it home!2-0 PLYMOUTH looks like the 3 points are in the bag

87th​ minute-Accrington change to 4-2-4 for a last effort McIntyre floats it in. Sean Hessey gets it from Hourihane (came on for Wildig) and buries it! 2-1 Accrington are back in this!

“That was brilliant lads great win. Especially you two Will and Luke you battered them on the wings well played Pablo and Warren you were great up there, Jordan you came on for Alex and performed just as well, well done lad” this put smiles on all their faces as we left for the bus.
Sean Hessey (87)_________Pablo Counago (28)
_______________________Will Atkinson (85)
Possesion-AS:46% PA:54%
Shots-AS:9 PA:6
SoT-AS:6 PA:2
Yellow cards-AS:0 PA:1
Venue:The Crown Ground Attendance:2,853

A good win great amount of possession but need more shots now time to look forward to our trip to the Welsh capital.

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