Tips on finding a decent player


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
I need tips on finding quality cheap players for my lower league side whenever i start a save i never seem to sign loads of players (which i would like to)

Can you give me tips on signing?

do you do attribute search on unnattached filter thing?

if you understand what i mean get back to me

cheers in advance :)
i always search on the unattched criteria - pace at least 10 and then the position your after.

Physical attributes are important in the lower leagues a fast striker will rip lower leagues apart and a good player in the air will score laot from corners etc
what is this unnatached criteria thing? where do i find it? would be really helpfull
I like to get many players on trial on pre season and use them on friendlies. I had almost 35 players rotating for Dover first season and i chose from them the team and subs.

I dont know if its easier to sign them when they are on trial with you.

And i also look from the News section the transfer rumours section. From the league i am in and one above me. The players other teams are interested ( at least the upper tier teams ) are usually at least decent and some of them are good or great.
I sign player using the filtrer
For Defender : Marking , Tackling , Jumping
For Mids : Passing , Aggresion
For Sc's: Acceleration, Finishing , Pace

As higher these attributes it s better ...
And usually i have two or three older player (33-35) that they have many year experience in Bigger Leagues...It work for me
Sorry for my english oO)
Contract Status > Unattached.
Player Value is 0 does the same thing. Doing it this way may actually get more results since you may get players from semi-professional and amateur clubs showing up.

Just be specific with your filters. Start with relatively high attribute values and amount of fields, and slowly drop it back adding any players that look good to your shortlist as you go.
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I use the unattached route myself then narrow it down threw the various fields i.e. Pace, Fin, Pas then look at age, Int etc...

Then afterwards narrow it down by location to where im at so Halifax i search for people born there or near bye..