To all FM Youtubers, This is what you've been waiting for. (Please Read)

Van Tournhout

Apr 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, the name's Scott.

Now obviously this is the story section, however I noticed a lot of people now are starting to make topics about there youtube series on here as well. This is for you guys.

Me and two others (EylattOnline & Toad) are now running a Football Manager Community website called "FMCommunityTV".

The purpose of our channel is to make sure that the community of FM uploaders can upload videos so that others can see it and hopefully subscribe to them. It's beneficial for all people who now do FM series on youtube.

The channel has 200 subs at the moment and continues to grow. We've got our video up on the channel which explains in detail what exactly the channel is about. If your interested in posting one of your videos on the channel to try and gain subs or even interested in doing a series for the channel then please contact us through private mail on youtube.

That's all for me, sorry if it's in the wrong section. I assumed it was the best place.

Thanks again

FMCommunityTV -
Football Manager Community TV - YouTube
I've been thinking about starting some youtube videos too..