To The Top Version 3
This is To the Top version 3, this version I will be starting out at a mid-ranged national team and see where my journey takes me. I am playing this on Football Manager 13 and really hope it turns out great. Here are the links to To the Top Version 1:
To the Top | A Fifa 12 career
I started out at Siena in Italy, made it to Everton, jumped to Bolton, took the money at Chelsea, rebuilt Inter, and finished in Bavaria in FC Hollywood.
Here’s a report from a Champions League loss when I was at Chelsea:
Heartbreak in a span of 2 minutes
It was a round of the ages in the Champion's League play. It matched star studded Chelsea verse a Portugal based squad of SL Benfica. The first match was in Lisbon Portugal, the match was 0-0 almost to the 75th minute. Then Benfica player Axle Witsel hit a shot to put the home side in the lead. It wouldn't be enough however, Chelsea Captain Javier Pastore would be the clutch man and score Chelsea an away goal in the 89th minute. Chelsea would take the draw back to Stamford Bridge. It was a brisk night with slight breeze out of the northwest. Each side knew what was at *, and were very aware of the situation. It was a brutally close match, each side had wide open opportunities to get their side a goal, but it would come around the same time as the last match. Except it came off a penalty, Captain and hero of the first leg would walk up to the spot to take the shot. He would kick it right and you would hear the woodwork cringe as the shot bounced off, no goal for Chelsea. Hope was not lost however, Chelsea was leading with an away goal. With less than 2 minutes left and only a breath before the Champions League. Raul Meriales would do the worse thing you could do, a foul, in the penalty box. Axle Witsel walked up to the spot, knocked the shot past Peter Cech. Benfica would advance to the finals of the Champions League. They would lose to Real Madrid 3-2, Chelsea finished 3rd in the Premier League.
I also had a FM story that lasted a little over a season and a half.
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