too early?


Arsenal 3 - 0 Scum
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
anyone body else think that its a bit early to be talking about next season?

ive heard alot of things from different people on the site here are a few.

Manchester United not bringing in good enough replacements and fergie vowing not the buy anymore... i honestly think he won't buy anyone else but why people think united still wont be a good team worthy of the title is beyond me, in my opinion i believe that united won the league because of a solid defence not their strikers.... united still have rooney and berbatov...

Chelsea having the strongest squad this year... are you joking seriously? all they have done is sign one player that might break into the first team, i doubt sturridge will do anything... so why is the chelsea squad at the highest standard when its barely changed and finished 3rd last year... and of course with every possibility chelsea may lose terry it could leave chelsea as one of the weakest of the top four... thats not to say that chelsea don't have a strong team, just not the strongest in the league

Man city having too many strikers and not being able to keep them happy... at first i agreed with this point, but have you seen their wages...they aint going to city for the trophies they are going for the wages, so im sure they wont mind bench warming for over 100k a week... i also dont believe that just because city have money they will win the league like some others.... not atall city will still have to overcome 19 other capable teams and with the premiership being un-predictable at times they will have a hard time ahead of them...

people asking what the best transfer has been... their is still a good month and a bit until the window closes calm down, lots more to happen in between that time, for example adebayor is close to moving, which means arsenal will have some extra cash to splash, i don't believe chelsea are finished with their signings either, or for that matter liverpool or city.

writing off arsenal... i don't think a smart person should ever write off arsenal, i agree with the fact that we have been lacking of form recently, but having said that we play wonderful football and can beat anyone on our day, just like we beat chelsea and united last year :P, i also dont agree with people saying wenger has lost it... lost what exactly? before he came to arsenal they were a side that would win the league every 10 years and then finish from 2nd to 15th every season, he has brought stability to the club and kept them a top 4 side every year he has been there.... i don't call that a failure i call that rather succesful...

also a new one ive just noticed, alot of claims that liverpool will win the league...? because they signed glen johnsen for a price that is far above his value? just joking, but still liverpool wont win it, they are not consistant enough, and i think unless they get a second striker to score goals and stop relying on torres to get them then they wont win the premierleague for a while, torres, alonso, gerrard.... for me thats liverpool, mascaherno is a good player aswell, but i think the defense isnt great, and ive never been a fan of reina. liverpool will be up there again no doubt but i dont think a title is coming for them.

any other points you would like to make or argue then go for it just write them down in this thread. you don't have to agree with me obviously the statments are just what i believe....
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anyone body else think that its a bit early to be talking about next season?

ive heard alot of things from different people on the site here are a few.

Manchester United not bringing in good enough replacements and fergie vowing not the buy anymore... i honestly think he won't buy anyone else but why people think united still wont be a good team worthy of the title is beyond me, in my opinion i believe that united won the league because of a solid defence not their strikers....

Chelsea having the strongest squad this year... are you joking seriously? all they have done is sign one player that might break into the first team, i doubt sturridge will do anything... so why is the chelsea squad at the highest standard when its barely changed and finished 3rd last year... and of course with every possibility chelsea may lose terry it could leave chelsea as one of the weakest of the top four...

Man city having too many strikers and not being able to keep them happy... at first i agreed with this point, but have you seen their wages...they aint going to city for the trophies they are going for the wages, so im sure they wont mind bench warming for over 100k a week... i also dont believe that just because city have money they will win the league like some others.... not atall city will still have to overcome 19 other capable teams and with the premiership being un-predictable at times they will have a hard time ahead of them...

people asking what the best transfer has been... their is still a good month and a bit until the window closes calm down, lots more to happen in between that time, for example adebayor is close to moving, which means arsenal will have some extra cash to splash, i don't believe chelsea are finished with their signings either, or for that matter liverpool or city.

writing off arsenal... i don't think a smart person should ever write off arsenal, i agree with the fact that we have been lacking of form recently, but having said that we play wonderful football and can beat anyone on our day, just like we beat chelsea and united last year :P, i also dont agree with people saying wenger has lost it... lost what exactly? before he came to arsenal they were a side that would win the league every 10 years and then finish from 2nd to 15th every season, he has brought stability to the club and kept them a top 4 side every year he has been there.... i don't call that a failure i call that rather succesful...

any other points you would like to make or argue then go for it just write them down in this thread. you don't have to agree with me obviously the statments are just what i believe....

for the chelsea statement i wasent just going by our signings because that would be stupid because like u state we have only really signed 1 good player in zhirkov. john terry will not leave trust me and the reason i say we could be the strongest is because people seem to forget we was without 2 of our best players last season who will be 100% fit at the start of this season michael essien and joe cole.
i'll be honest with you i am a really keen admirerer of both essien and cole, but i honestly think chelsea need something more this season.
i'll be honest with you i am a really keen admirerer of both essien and cole, but i honestly think chelsea need something more this season.

yer i also said that we will bring in atleast 1 more big name signing. just to put it perspective with man utd ronaldo,rooney and tevez scored 80 odd goals between them last season and they have taken 2 of them away i cant see any good coming out ov that. as for liverpool they are looking better every season and getting closer, if they can keep hold of alonso and mascherano and a few more players for depth then yer they can be a force. as for arsenal loosing adebayor is a good thing if u can get a proven goalscorer and maybe a few expierienced players in then i dont see y arsenal cant be a problem next season.
I agree.... However.... What else are football loving people going to talk about in the off season with no majpr international tournaments?

Disagree with Man Utd, we had the best squad, but defence doesnt win championships by itself, the reason Liverpool lost is too many draws = not enough goals. Now, they dont need another striker, Rooney Berbatov up front will be very good, however, they need a DM, as Hargreves has, unfortunately, been an injury disaster.

Chelsea of course stand a chance. Their first team is second to non really, though a very much aging squad... Zhirkov is an inspired signing, class player.
However, claiming injuries or management cost them, no team goes through the season withouth some serious injuries, this is where the squad comes in.... Scolari had a sensational start of the season, which everyone seems to forget, and then some players threw a sulk...

Liverpool scare me this year. Not made any great advances so far in the tranfer market. Johnson is perfectly capable, but not going to be the deciding factor in any title race. Gerard and Torres stay fit all year they will probably win the EPL.

Arsenal are always an unknown quantity. Need a DM desperately. Losing Adebayor is not too bad, but who knows how well any replacement will do? If Eduardo stays fit, however, they have a chance. Their defence is not good enough though.

Man City. Well....
People seem to write them off because they are splashing cash. This has never been seen in the game before, this building is much more drastic than any Chelsea ever did. So, if they go out and buy the best players they can get their hands on, why on earth wouldnt they finish top 4? Maybe not win it this year, but think of the next year, when thay are in the Champions league and can attract even better players?
ah no liverpool still wont win the league.... um but united still have rooney and berbatov...
ah no liverpool still wont win the league.... um but united still have rooney and berbatov...

yer i see. berbatov wont be much cop again. people seem to forget berbatov last season only scored 1 more goal then what shevchenko did in hes 1st season at chelsea. and berbatov had a massvie head start as he was already playing in the premiership
aha, berbatov isnt bad though, i mean dennis bergkamp didnt score a lot of goals, but was a special player still
aha, berbatov isnt bad though, i mean dennis bergkamp didnt score a lot of goals, but was a special player still

yer bergkamp was immense. berbatov has 1 of the best touches in the game but hes job is to score goals and he just dosent fit it at man utd.
hmmmmm we will see wont we, anelka couldnt cut it for a while when he was back in the prem, and had a brilliant season last year.
owen... had a few seasons at liverpool with barely any goals and bounced back

ronaldo... didnt score much, then 40 something

adebayor - great season before last 30 something goals, this season 16

drogba - started off poorly... now quite a frequent striker

so maybe berba is a late bloomer.
owen... had a few seasons at liverpool with barely any goals and bounced back

ronaldo... didnt score much, then 40 something

adebayor - great season before last 30 something goals, this season 16

drogba - started off poorly... now quite a frequent striker

so maybe berba is a late bloomer.

possibly but hes already been good at leverkusen and spurs. he shoulda joined a team like arsenal hes a good target man and utd dont need these.
hmmmm well, liverpool only have one good striker so what makes you think they are dangerous? lol
owen... had a few seasons at liverpool with barely any goals and bounced back

ronaldo... didnt score much, then 40 something

adebayor - great season before last 30 something goals, this season 16

drogba - started off poorly... now quite a frequent striker

so maybe berba is a late bloomer.

Berbatov would not even be a late bloomer... He was good for spurs, and the first season at a club is never a good barometer.

The crowd at Old Trafford didnt grow to love him as they like Tevez and his pointless running around...
lol silly question lol torres is a goal machine lol and has always been. he just suites liverpools play.

okay but one man does not make a team, as liverpool have found out.... they relyed on gerrard too much and no league title. then relyed on torres too much and still not title.
okay but one man does not make a team, as liverpool have found out.... they relyed on gerrard too much and no league title. then relyed on torres too much and still not title.

yer i tottaly agree with ya. i fink glen johnson is a cracking signing and they need a few more to balance the sqaud out
good signing but overpriced

yer but thats the price you got to pay for english players now days massivly overpriced. i live in portsmouth and support chelsea so iv seen alot ov glen johnson and i feel he is a fantastic full back, definatly deserved england number 2