Top 3 Horrors


Dec 24, 2009
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They don't necessarily have to be the best, but which 3 horrors did you enjoy the most? were gripped, scared shitless by, or thought the script of was excellent?
Mine are:
3) Jaws - Timeless classic, famous for so many things nowadays and is amusing in some ways and scary in others.
2) Psycho - The shower scene in this film is famous for a reason, Alfred Hitchcock was the master of filmmaking and this was one of his best. A must see
1) The Exorcist - The one film I have ever seen that genuinely frightened me. It scared me and I still think about some of the scenes with fear. For me (and I may have not seen every film ever made but I have seen a lot) this is the best film ever. It's caused emotions in me that no other film has. Basically put, it's **** scary.

The shining and haloween (none of the ****** rob zombie remakes, mind) came close.
Deadgirl is a pretty good film, probs my fav of all time.
Martyrs and Let The Right One In are close behind though
also i love Rob Zombies films although Halloween 2 was a bit stoopid
don't watch horror films that much (don't really like the genre) but i always enjoy the resident evil films lol. Not cos they're scary jst cos it's so retarded it's funny :D
3. The Ring
2. Chainsaw Massacre
1. The Exorcist, liked the fact that they didn't go for a Hollywood ending.
Nattevagten (Danish horror)
Crash (It horrified me)
Nightmare on Elm Street :)
Psycho obviouly
House of Wax
Friday the 13th
Which House of Wax? The Paris Hilton one or the Vincent Price one?

3.)The Hills run red - Really enjoyed this, plays with your mind a bit also.
2.)Dog Soldiers - Classic and brilliant British film. Some great bits of humour in it also.
1.)SESSION 9 - Such an under-rated film, how this never got a UK release date I'll never know. But I adore it.

But there's tons others, such as: Nightmare on Elm Street 1 (ONLY 1), Jennifers Body (Classed as horror on some sites, not sure), The House of Wax (Vincent Price one), Srpski (Disgusting film), Battle Royale (If that counts), The Amityville Horror (Original) and tons others.
Not quite horrors but the 3 most disturbing films ive seen when i first watched them are:

1. Irreversible.

2. Deliverence.

3. The Thing.
1. Psycho (cos its named after me)
2 Saw (cos he's twisted like me)
3 Nightmare on Elmstreet (cos he's got gloves like mine)

Any one wanna come out and Play:)

Didnt think so Sleep well tonight. dont forget to turn out the Lights the Psycho comes out at night.
I watched Aliens as a kid with my older brother and I did not eat an egg for close to 3 years. My brother then took to me to watch Jaws and I was petrified of swimming in the open ocean - which is bad because we lived on a small island at the time and we had to catch a ferry to watch the movie
Don't have a top 3 but I certainly have a bottom 3...

  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Paranormal Activity
  • 30 Days of Night
The Thing (Carpenter's version)

The Omen

The invasion of the body snatchers (the first version, the one starred by McCarthy)
1: The Exorcist
2: The Exorcism of Emily Rose
3: Poltergeist