
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
I'm in my first season with Liverpool and Torres is easily my best goal scorer with his closest competitor being Maxi Rodriguez

thing is i've lost him twice already this season through injury. First time was for about 6 weeks, second time for about 3 months. Is there anyway to reduce his risk of injury?
I think he is naturally a bit injury prone in the game. Im playing with ManCity but following other teams results. Torres gets often injured in the game.
Just played Liverpool and he got injured in the 36th minute. some skull injury this time and out for 2-3 months :S
With my experiance with Liverpool - as bad as it sounds, I normally cash in on Torres in January time, he is constantly injured and the money he rakes in £50 million + is MORE than enough to get in a replacement.

Worked out for me but I was able to replace him with Tevez, kinda relying on the transfer bug but might be different for you.
I usualy sell off torres. i dun care about the players complaining, torres is good but he gets injured very logn ( months ) in 3 of my saves. so it would be better to spend on someone who is not as good but consistent and fit than someone world class but breaks a leg kicking a ball.
Dzeko / Lakaku may be able to step up and fill his boots.

Depends on your tactic really, how are you playing(or not playing) Torres?