Tottenham Who to buy and who to sell :)


May 26, 2009
Reaction score
I know in the first season tottenham get no money to buy any players for the first season, and the team is good enough to get through the first season anyways :p

Just needed to know what players i could see in the first season and what players to buy in the second season and sell!

And does anyone have any good tactic's for tottenham team that has worked for them?

i started with tottenham and i managed to win 3 trophys with them in my 1st season

sell robbie keane, lennon and defoe to get some money coz you start with a budjet of zero.
sell hutton for 8million in january, as he is not very good, also bent for 7.5million

but i would keep keane and defoe, and lennon can be useful but it is upto you
thanks very much, i am going to try and keep all my team for the first bit of the season and see what happens in january! any tactic's that you used that could help me :p
OK try to sell this:
-Ricardo Rocha
-Huddlestone(on loan)

And buy:
-Santa Cruz or Cardozo
-Sturridge(loan and buy him)
dont sell Pavlyuncenko he bagged 37 goals for me and i hardly played him
need a good tactic played 3 games won 1 lost 1 and draw 1 anyone got a good tactic for tottenham if have please help :) thanks
need a good tactic played 3 games won 1 lost 1 and draw 1 anyone got a good tactic for tottenham if have please help :) thanks

Perhaps you should try the TACTICS board? :/

Another possibility is trying the tactics that have been placed on the site for download.