Train to Natural?


Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
has anyone trained a player to enough so that the trained position becomes "Natural"?
nah i dont bother trying do change a position, if they cant play there i use someone else.
I don't actually think you cn train someone to become a 'natural' as that isn't their natural position so accomplished is the highest you can get I believe. Even then it depends on the player you are training.
I've def got someone to accomplished but as Sean said, it doesnt make sense that you could even train someone to natural
Probably a few months as long as they have high versatiliy and you play them in that position whilst training them.
yeah it really varies, Ive had players get there in a few weeks if they are young and versatile but some older players who don't particularly want to have a new position it can take months
Once you've trained a player into a new position, if I remove the position training (to put him back on full training) and keep playing him in that position will he lose that ability? Or do I have to keep him learning a new position?
it takes about half a season to train a new position to Accomplished, you don't have to play them in that position during matches either.
I retrained Phil Neville as a Center Back, it took 4 months
it takes about half a season to train a new position to Accomplished, you don't have to play them in that position during matches either.
I retrained Phil Neville as a Center Back, it took 4 months

Basically I've re-trained Critiano Ronaldo to play as a striker, it only took a month but all his stats have dropped (probably down to 10% of his workload going on learning a new postion), so was wondering now that he's learnt it, can I stop him from learning the new position (that way he will go back onto full training and his stats will increase again) and keep playing him as a striker without him reverting back to a winger???
in theory yes because loading time advice says players that don't train or play on that position will loose the ability to bla bla bla, now I've never tried and since in my game ronaldo is trained to go forward as much as possible, it ends up with him within the box which is quite enough. But since I am starting to learn about SI way to do games I really don't know if you can take that advice into consideation.
Basically I've re-trained Critiano Ronaldo to play as a striker, it only took a month but all his stats have dropped (probably down to 10% of his workload going on learning a new postion), so was wondering now that he's learnt it, can I stop him from learning the new position (that way he will go back onto full training and his stats will increase again) and keep playing him as a striker without him reverting back to a winger???

you can but he loose touch with the striker position and become competent at it again after a month or so.
Yeah, i trained Ribery from Left Winger to a Right Winger now it is his Natural position XD
Yeah, i trained Ribery from Left Winger to a Right Winger now it is his Natural position XD

Yeah, but isn't Ribery already accomplished in those positions to start with?

Whereas Ronaldo is only Competent is a Strikers role, and doesn't play as well in that position unless he's been trained to play in that role?