
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
I changed the training intensity from average to high this season. And a have a lot of injured players during training. last season i think a had none. Is it because of the intensity or is just statistics balancing out?
It does have to do with the intensity, more training and less rest means more likely to get injured. So you're actually seeing proof of that concept. :p On average I personally think it's ok to have players on heavy training but aside from the beginning of the season I always keep training intensity for the team at average unless it's a real big game coming up the next week.
My team's training intensity is always on Very High. Yeah, there are more injuries, but we reap the benefits of such High Intensity training. Currently, we're clear for the title, on our title defense year, 15 points ahead of second placed Udinese. No pain, no gain. :)
Sometimes I have the training intensity on high, sometimes it's on average. It just depends if I have 1 or 2 games that week & who the opposition are.