After this goal we make some changes. We have the back four at the moment of Sweeney on the right, Daniels who came on at the end of normal time, so is fairly fresh, Haroyan who is at 60%, and Skokic at 69%. I have no more reserve backs but Galloway is a competent centre half, so I move him back in place of Haroyan, and bring on Billing. Galloway had also only just come on so we now had a totally fresh centre half pairing, and tired but still ok wide defenders. Billing slots into DM to further bolster the defence, and I move Da Silva (also at 60%) up to MC where any tired defensive mistakes he might make will do less damage. Chelsea has no more subs so they are running on empty.
Anyway, 117 mins and for some crazy reason, Tranmere is attacking. Gabriel collects the ball in the middle
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He puts the ball forward to Torrano, who is now in a one on two situation
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The insane Tranmere players run into attack, but Torrano is easily dispossessed and suddenly Chelsea has the ball in a counterattacking position!
Van Ginkel gathers at half way
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I am very glad I put Billing into DM, because he rushes back to hold up the play and blocks any passing options forward. He shepherds van Ginkel and the Tranmere players run back into a defensive position.
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He still manages to find Hazard on the right.
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Hazard tries to make something happen, but Skokic is up to it and tackles him. Teixeira takes the ball.
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Skokic rushes off up the line, but Teixeira has some sense and holds the ball. And that's pretty much it, Tranmere goes into defensive mode and closes out the game. It finishes 3:2, and we've won the Cup again!