Transfer listed players doesn't want to leave club


Jun 28, 2011
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I've found myself in a frustating situation when I listed a player (Gabriel Obertan) and get A.Madrid attention. I exchange him for De Gea for 10 mil. De Gea accept my offer and ready to move to Manchester as soon as possible. However, Obertan declines the offer from A.Madrid because their salary is not good enough. I did whatever I can to kick him out of the club, I don't mind pay him extra until his contract finish. But Obertan keep declining A.Madrid offer and my deal can't come through until A.Madrid run out of patient. I would like to know how to make a player leaving the club when his head coach say he can't stay. I wish I could point a gun at him and force him to accept their contract since the deal is too good for the club.
u should have gone for a straight forward deal, bring in de Gea, and sell Obertan; or vice versa.
No one want to pay 7.5 mil for Obertan alone and just wait for his price to drop. So I force them by exchange players to keep the right price for Obertan. Another case is Bebe, we all know that he's not good for his price and I just want to kick him out as soon as possible. But he doesn't want to leave even when he stay for one season, did nothing on first team and play pretty bad on reserve team. These bad player just kick back to their head coach and hang on to the club as long as possible. I force them to terminate contract to show them how willing I am to kick them out of the club but they can't just quit it.
sell boht bebe the Baby and Obertan for 3m . that should work.
Problem is they don't accept the salary other club offer for them because it's not good enough for the player of their caliber (cocky as I said). And they just want to sit until their contract run out. They refuse to speak to me and their altitude is amazingly unprofessional. And of course, as an investor head coach, I would like to sell them for the best price as possible.
then u gota wait then. since they both a loyal to Man U, (in a way), they wont accept contract offers from other clubs. its not like i will be done over night. it could take like months realy to let some players go.

have u tried realeasing them on a fee, and whats their fee if u have to release them ?
Obertan will leave for 150k and 3.5 mil for Bebe. But I dont want release them. The board would block them. They may alienate themselves and make a fuss to stay in the team. The other team member step in. Some would ask about team discipline. I just hope in next FM, they would have more option to kick a stubborn player out of the club when they have no future there.
u should blame the one irl. LOL.
poor bebe bieber
i had this problem with fabio tried to get rodwell 4 him and he said his salary wernt enough so i took over everton made the transfer go through then retired from that job
just sell, your not gna get good money for any ofthose players, then use the money to sign the payer you want