Transfer update WINTER 17/18

Feb 14, 2017
Reaction score
Hello guys!
There is a new update for Football Manager 15. This update include CA/PA changes, winter transfers 17/18, new players and a lot more. The league which I update:

-English Premier league
-Serie A
-La Liga
-French Ligue 1
-Croatian First and Second league
-Portugal first league
-Polish Ekstraklasa

If you have some question or suggestions feel free to ask :)
This is my YouTube channel and there you can find link for download. Please Subscribe to my YouTube channel, like it and comment.
If someone wants to support my work via donations, you can send me messages in the inbox. Thank you :)


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This update not found. When i start game, crush dump appears.
Hi delboy, i want to ask. Do you edit this file from the same file when you post last summer 17/18? If so, why my game always crash dump just after i choose winter 17/18 database? Thanks

I'm sorry for my bad English
Hi delboy, i want to ask. Do you edit this file from the same file when you post last summer 17/18? If so, why my game always crash dump just after i choose winter 17/18 database? Thanks

I'm sorry for my bad English

Hi, yes I use the same file. It works for me normally. You should download version 15.3.0 and then install my update. I hope it will works :)
Zdravo druze, video sam negde da pricas po naski :D daj baci neki link za download, probao sam jedan ali mi izbacuje crash... Ostali su izbrisani...
Zdravo druze, video sam negde da pricas po naski :D daj baci neki link za download, probao sam jedan ali mi izbacuje crash... Ostali su izbrisani...

Druže ovdje ti je link za download, 20.2. ću izbaciti update s Slovenskom, Hrvatskom i Srpskom prvom ligom tako da se pretplati na moj YouTube kanal ako već nisi kako bi mogao uvijek preuzeti update čim izađe :)
Nece ni ovaj, izbacuje crash.. Nema veze brate, hvala u svakom slucaju... Moracu ovu kantu da bacim u Timok :D
Nece ni ovaj, izbacuje crash.. Nema veze brate, hvala u svakom slucaju... Moracu ovu kantu da bacim u Timok :D

Ako nemaš verziju 3.2.0 preuzmi ju s neta i instaliraj te onda preuzmi moj update i pokreni ga, onda bi trebao igrati bez problema
Imam tu verziju, i ranije sam skinuo tvoj update i radilo je, sada nece... Nema veze probacu nesto da izmozgujem... :D
Nece ni ovaj, izbacuje crash.. Nema veze brate, hvala u svakom slucaju... Moracu ovu kantu da bacim u Timok :D
Probaj ovaj link: [FONT=source_sans_proregular]!dnwQDDCA[/FONT][FONT=source_sans_proregular]!NPYScgyT83kQpOo6rrAmFBGJwjQcoxIzdKDhVTHcHhE[/FONT]
Probaj ovaj link: [FONT=source_sans_proregular]!dnwQDDCA[/FONT][FONT=source_sans_proregular]!NPYScgyT83kQpOo6rrAmFBGJwjQcoxIzdKDhVTHcHhE[/FONT]

the link is no longer available.. it says has been deleted by user, or else..
is there any chance to update other link?
I have not yet updated the Brazilian first league, but I did after I finish Romanian first league
crash dump

Can you solved my problem ? When i using db this version, its crash dump when i go to new game, please answer. And i request can you update liga indonesia season 2017/2018 ?
Can you solved my problem ? When i using db this version, its crash dump when i go to new game, please answer. And i request can you update liga indonesia season 2017/2018 ?

Can You please make screenshot that I can see crash dump... I can but I frist I have to finish Romanian and Brazilian first league :)
Can You please make screenshot that I can see crash dump... I can but I frist I have to finish Romanian and Brazilian first league :)
Ok thats no problem i will wait for the next update with the new season update of liga indonesia 2017/2018