
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi!!! I need some help.
I'm not new in using the editor tool but lately I encountered some problems. I had created, edited players often but now when I tried to edit one player the results did not show up in the game. I gave the player current ability 190 and potential 200 but except flair determination and strenght nothing improved. Recently I downloaded new patch and I guess that's causing problems... I'm open for suggestions. Thanks
You have to edit some individual stats like finishing yourself if you want them to be high but do not put every stat to 20 otherwise it will not work.
But this is new ... did the new patch change this? Because I didnt had problems in the past ... I could put all the stats 20 and it worked fine!!!
its not new for me - everytime i've set a player with 20s all over the place he doeasnt get them in game even if his CA is 200
it is far more beneficial to set the 20s on the posistion specific stats and lowering the ones that are less needed.

what patch you use wont make any difference, its been like this for as long as i can remember and i've been using CM/FM editors since 97/98

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

if you want a player with all 20s then use FMRTE
on players profile click legend and all their stats will be 20 - then click freeze so they dont drop