Download link is at the top right hand side of the pageThe download link opens the image. Where's the tactic?
Screenshot of results?
@MD , I know, mate. But in that case, if you click on it it will open an image, not the tactic file.Download link is at the top right hand side of the page
yeah, sorry about that, ive tried to put the tactic up but it wont work. not sure what to do@MD , I know, mate. But in that case, if you click on it it will open an image, not the tactic file.
OI?Do you use any OI? Tactik is not.
yeah i do, i just leave it for the assistant to do. but i do change i make sure never to put man marking on. i also might chnage it if the instruction makes no sense or if it is absolutley neededOpposition instreuctions.