
Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
That's right peeps, I've came across a bug like no other.

Me and a friend have been playing a network game, nearing the end of our second season. He's at Sheffield Wed, while I'm with Southampton. Anyhow, Liverpool approached me halfway through the season and I accepted it as I'm a big liverpool fan. Now with about 10 games left of the season my friend gets approached my liverpool. We decided to save the game and see what would happen if we both accepted and, hey-ho we're both apparently going to Liverpool on the 3rd of June 2012. Curious to what happens, we holiday until the 1st of June.

On the 3rd of June we both resigned our posts at our clubs and were BOTH made managers of Liverpool. We're now sitting here WTF'ing at FM.

Uhm, anyone every came across this before?
Why dont you try and pick different teams & see what happens.
can you save the game and upload? would be awesome!
I have screenshot of it here. I was manager in Porto together with Quique Flores :)
--- UPDATE ---

Sorry about the inactivity, been so busy lately it's unbelievable. I'll upload the screenshot in an hour or so. We're going to try and have a game soon and see what the results will be. Hopefully FM won't crash and have a melt-down on us. :D
I just had a similar problem to this, except the second manager was a computerised one, not another human player - what had happened was Wellington Phoenix approached to sign me from the Korean Club I was managing. I accepted the offer, but the transfer didn't go through until the end of the Korean season, which was half was through the A-League season. In the interim the Phoenix signed another manager, so when I finally transferred he was still also listed as manager, but I had all the normal control. This was fine until his contract ran out and the Phoenix advertised for a new manager!

The new manager was hired, I was removed from the list and no longer had control over the Phoenix - but could still access all the menus and still showed as Wellington manager in my profile.

In the end I've had to go to a previous backup save game from a couple of months earlier (game time) and edit the previous secondary manager's contract to end immediately using FMRTE (first and only time I've used it), otherwise my savegame is ruined :( lost a whole pre-season, and now have to arrange all the fixtures again :(