Two short and basic questions (natural fitness and BWM)


Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hi! I didn't know where else to post, so I thought I'd post here.

First question: One of my players (Phillip Degen) has a natural fitness stat of 1. ??? Is this a bug? I reckon he was injured last season, but not even for that long.. and since then it's impossible to make him fit again.

Second question: Huggel has great stats as a BWM, all between 15-19 for the stats that matter. But my Assistant Manager gives him only 2.5 stars, basically saying that he isn't really good enough. So are there aspects except those stats that I overlook? Because he seems really good to me.
1 natural fitness isn't a bug... It's just unlucky mate - sell the player immediately. Question 2, play him there if he is good there, the *** man is just a guideline.
i play people according to there average rating and if there are doing what they need to
if i have a striker who is a 2 and half star if he scores he stays around the team, if he gets 6.70 but scores he stays in the team
your assistant has an opinion so do you there gonna differ some times, so just go by average ratings.
K thx! I sold the player. Was surprised that a team would buy him. And I will look more on avg. rating from now.. Haven't really looked at it that much
Question 2, play him there if he is good there, the *** man is just a guideline.

Thing is, there are other attributes that matter beyond the most important ones for any role. Obviously you look at those first and foremost, but for example Determination isn't always highlighted, but is always crucial. Even bigger point is that all physical attributes are important for just about every position, but aren't always highlighted as such. So stars aren't always the best way to tell how good a guy is.