-100 is better than 0
any negative numbers mean good for "Jadedness"
I understand your point, but I'm not sure that -100 is "good" in jadedness.
As you know, the jadedness is the player's build up of fatigue going from -500 up to +500.
When you start a player for most of the games, with the time going his jadedness increases. The speed on how it increases this jadedness depends on different factors (player age, physical attributes, training intensity, game time). After few months or by the end of the season, when the player starts to have a jadedness around 250, 300, 350... that's when the orange icon "needs some rest" appears (kind of like the red zone in the RPM for a car).
On the opposite, when you don't use a player often, his jadedness tends to go in the negative bracket (or after a serious injury). After few months, when the player start to have a jadedness around -150, -200, -250... that's when the player complains about his lack of game time.
Knowing this element, I've realized that the development speed of any players is optimal in the "positive" jadedness. Of course, more game time = more jadedness, but it also goes with better development. As soon as his jadedness is too high (player needs some rest), send him a week in holidays to reduce the chance of injuries.
So, on a
player point of view I'll say between 0 and +200 is:
- good for the player development
- bad if you intend the player to start all the matches as he'll get tired quicker (during the season, not during the match time)
On a
team point of view, I guess that's why you need to find the right balance between:
- a BIG SQUAD: smart rotation, players develop at lower rate (CA: before and after season), players will complain about their game time (negative jadedness) and risk of affecting other players depending on how you handled the chat... But you'll have fresh players all along the season and especially by the end of the season if you're still running in all the competiton.
- a SMALL SQUAD : players get more game time and develop better, but higher risk of injuries and chances to lack of players by the end of the season (players too much jaded and not recovering quick enough).