Unable to kickoff in extra time

Hi all,

I have a problem whereby it's half-time in extra time of the Capital One Cup final and I don't seem to be able to continue the game. Anyone else experienced this or know how to fix it?

I'm using the latest patch 13.2.3 and didn't have this issue til now. So either i'm being stupid or this is a bug.

I've tried going back to preferences and changing/reloading skins etc but there's still no button to continue the game :(

Many thanks

I had this problem once in the past the only way i could resolve it was to reload my last save, Thankfully its not happened since i think its just one of those very rare bugs but it is annoying as **** when your last save was awhile ago or if you've had a few great result prior to it happening.
I think I had a similar problem and if I rememeber corectly i juz hit "space" button and the match started. but that was on previous patch
Yep I had this problem come up 2 or 3 times. I either just button/keyboard smash pressing everything and clicking everything until it starts or I would give up and reload the game again.