
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
I'm in 2016 of my "big club" save and it appears the FM universe has been hit hard by inflation. I was playing this afternoon and as an example, I had a 30 year old Wayne Rooney on 90K a wk wage, and he himself was valued around 17 million.

I loaded up my save this evening, played a match and now I find him making 300K a week, with a value of 27 million. This increase in wages and values is consistent across my team, from my highest earner/most valued player down to the worst teenager in my youth team.

This is my first FM game, so perhaps a periodic inflation of figures is normal, and the overall percentage of wages spent vs. wages available is unchanged, just not really sure what happened here. Any explanations/ideas?
Players often have a yearly wage raise, but to go from 90k to 300k a week is still weird.
I've double checked the contracts and most of them don't have the yearly wage raise clause in contract, I generally reserve that for youth players and only set it to 5-15%, so I don't think this is causing it.
I think the currently has somehow changed, go to preferences to see.
Interestingly, when I loaded the game up next, values were back to normal as were wages, which was quite a relief. I went from spending 1.6 million a week on wages to 2.4!
maybe the currency went to euros, dollars or yen some how lol.....