Using bank boost


Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score

just wondering does anytning think it’s cheating using bank boost say just once to get cash injection on small clubs? I’m toying with the idea as like Leipzig is an example of what redbull did and it seems could be a good idea to do that with a really low club as obviously can’t spend like millions in those small league and have to go by the regulations etc

would love to know people’s thoughts
Everyone who owns the game can play the game to suit themself, alot of people these days use certain programes to make edits and adjustments.
I've tried alot of fun saves, but I'm pretty sure you can't fiddle with german clubs ownerships.
you can however pump funds into say Leipzip by gving their chairman buckets of money and changing him to sugar daddy. but now sure how it'll work in a long save.
Yeah I get that. I was just wondering. I know you can’t mess with German teams as they are majority fan owned. But I’m in segunda federacion in Spain so was wondering whether to or not
Yeah I get that. I was just wondering. I know you can’t mess with German teams as they are majority fan owned. But I’m in segunda federacion in Spain so was wondering whether to or not
why not? create a save file before hand, in case it gets boring or don't work out, then at least you can go back to the original save.

just wondering does anytning think it’s cheating using bank boost say just once to get cash injection on small clubs? I’m toying with the idea as like Leipzig is an example of what redbull did and it seems could be a good idea to do that with a really low club as obviously can’t spend like millions in those small league and have to go by the regulations etc

would love to know people’s thoughts
Bank boosts can be a great way to get a financial edge, but they definitely need to be used wisely. I’ve found that they work best when combined with a solid long-term strategy rather than just splashing the cash on expensive signings right away.