vegetarians ?

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Feb 27, 2009
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They puzzle me ? I really dont understand the reason for being one.
A few reasons for me thinking this are.....

1) By not eating meat your not saving the animal, its already dead, and someone else will eat that meat.

2) its natural to eat meat, most mammils do it including Humans.

3) There are some vegetarians that wont eat meat but will eat fish???? so are fish not animals in their eyes.

So I'm assuming there some sort of moral reasons for being a vegetarian but they seem flawed.
A vegie who is passionate about animals should understand that killing is part of nature (sometimes not in the frequency humans do, eg being trophy hunting I despise)
it happens with hundreds of other species and were no different.

I started imagine if everyone was Vegetarian, Including all Mammils, Fish, Reptiles etc. The whole ecology of the world would go **** up as there would be no food chain. Every species would be grossley over populated.(well the ones that can live heatlhy lives without meat) It would end the world as we no it.

I beleive every part of the food chain is important and plays its own role, humans are part of that food chain and I dont think its natual to be a veggie for those reasons.

My opinion on hunting is basically if you kill it you eat it
vegies are just missing out on lushes meat, im the opposite, im a meaterian,as i dont eat vegies, just dont like ANY, actually having said that i like potatoes. but compared to your sweetcorn, peas and so on, potatoes are a bit different lol....
I was a vegie once but as i got older i slowly started to eat chicken then beef then pork and so on..

but i hate mushrooms YUK! they are horrible!!
Yea you dont make friends with salads.

I like a bit of veg on the side but i couldnt live without meat. Keeps me big and strong
Point 1.Vegetarians are well aware the animal will be killed anyway but are merely stating that any that are killed isn't for them.Its a form of protest if you like but also a life choice.

Point 2. The is a lot of debate whether humans are actually supposed to eat meat,in fact new research in finding that eating meat may cause numerous health problems and there is now a direct link to it casing Cancer.

Point3.I have worked in a slaughter house and have done a fair bit of fishing and can assure you killing a animal is a much more gruesome experience than killing a fish.In fact if everybody in the country was forced to spend a day in a slaughter house there would be a sudden increase of veggies.

All that being said i love meat.You cant beat roast Lamb and mint.
Point 1.Vegetarians are well aware the animal will be killed anyway but are merely stating that any that are killed isn't for them.Its a form of protest if you like but also a life choice.

Point 2. The is a lot of debate whether humans are actually supposed to eat meat,in fact new research in finding that eating meat may cause numerous health problems and there is now a direct link to it casing Cancer.

Point3.I have worked in a slaughter house and have done a fair bit of fishing and can assure you killing a animal is a much more gruesome experience than killing a fish.In fact if everybody in the country was forced to spend a day in a slaughter house there would be a sudden increase of veggies.

All that being said i love meat.You cant beat roast Lamb and mint.

there is also certain health problems if you don't eat any meat. so i guess we need both, and everyone has potential cancer anyway, plus who wants to be 90?
who wants to be 90?

Aye, don't want to get to the point where I'm ******** my pants and can't do sweet FA for myself.

If that's how they choose to live their life then let them get on with it, leaves more meat for me. <)
And who wants to be 21 terminally ill with bowel cancer?
aha well, i'll let you know when im 21 if i have bowel cancer or not.
They puzzle me ? I really dont understand the reason for being one.
A few reasons for me thinking this are.....

1) By not eating meat your not saving the animal, its already dead, and someone else will eat that meat.

2) its natural to eat meat, most mammils do it including Humans.

3) There are some vegetarians that wont eat meat but will eat fish???? so are fish not animals in their eyes.

So I'm assuming there some sort of moral reasons for being a vegetarian but they seem flawed.
A vegie who is passionate about animals should understand that killing is part of nature (sometimes not in the frequency humans do, eg being trophy hunting I despise)
it happens with hundreds of other species and were no different.

I started imagine if everyone was Vegetarian, Including all Mammils, Fish, Reptiles etc. The whole ecology of the world would go **** up as there would be no food chain. Every species would be grossley over populated.(well the ones that can live heatlhy lives without meat) It would end the world as we no it.

I beleive every part of the food chain is important and plays its own role, humans are part of that food chain and I dont think its natual to be a veggie for those reasons.

My opinion on hunting is basically if you kill it you eat it

Allow me to help out, for I can see from the other side.

1. We know that its not going to stop animals being killed. For some, its a form of protest, a long as I don't eat it, its ok.

2. Yes its true, most mammals do eat meat. Thats why are teeth are the way they are. Having said that, its a choice. Maybe it is part if someones religon, maybe, they don't like the taste!

3. Vegetarians don't eat fish. Pescetarians do.

I am a Pescetarian myself, i don't eat meat because I don't like the ideals behind it, and because I don't like the way it tastes. The only fish I eat is tuna and prawns. I've always liked prawns and I wasn't going to give them up, its the same with tuna.
To be honest in the next couple of weeks Scientist will prove that everything is linked to Cancer cause I don't know anything thats not linked to cancer I just been told that wearing clothes can cause you testicular cancer? I'm like get a grip. But fair play to Veggies if they want to live there life like that then let them its not affecting you. Especially since theres more tasty meat for us.
There was a Vegie in my class growing up. For years I thought it was a medical condition meaning he couldnt eat meat lol. Guess his parents just made the choice for him.
There is someone at my school he is a veggie is in my class when we need to cook to teach us how to do it he won't have touch meat ,eat meat offcourse ,he go's in a debate everytime we eat meat.. he tries to force us few time to become a veggie

i love meat ,meat makes food much better..
Am i the only vegetarian here? :(

I don't agree with killing animals for food so i don't eat meat. And also if you eat fish you are not a vegetarian. Fish are animals aren't they? I've never actually had meat because i am a vegetarian and have been all my life. But people are allowed their own opinions towards eating animals so i won't try to persuade you to become a veggie. :)
Everybody should be allowed their own decisions on what they eat but when they start pushing their beleifs onto other people thats when fists meet faces or worse if its religon.
vegies are just missing out on lushes meat, im the opposite, im a meaterian,as i dont eat vegies, just dont like ANY, actually having said that i like potatoes. but compared to your sweetcorn, peas and so on, potatoes are a bit different lol....
Im exactly the same (Y)
Wish I had more will power to be a vegetarian, but I don't think I could simply cope without meat. I love the taste too much :(

Not eating mean well - vegetarians would argue that living creatures should be treated the same as human beings. If we can't treat other creatures with the same respect as ourselves that are somewhat less annoying and innocent, then how can we expect to treat humans any better?

Also a lot of meat is unhealthy for you - especially the processed stuff.

The way some animals are kept and bred for their use in the food industry, is simply outright cruel.

Lastly, the food industry is one of the biggest polluters on the planet, therefore it seems logical for environmentalists to be vegetarians.

Just because we don't understand some creatures, doesn't mean they don't have lives with feelings and functioning just like us. Basically, put yourself in the place of being skinned, boiled and then taken away from your family to be put on the dinner table. Imagine me treating your murder like I was paying you some kind of gratitude because I was about to eat you.
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Not eating mean well - vegetarians would argue that living creatures should be treated the same as human beings. If we can't treat other creatures with the same respect as ourselves that are somewhat less annoying and innocent, then how can we expect to treat humans any better?

Also a lot of meat is unhealthy for you - especially the processed stuff.


do other mammals treat other mammals of different species the same ? no they treat them as either predator or prey.
Why should humans be any different.
The way you treat other species does not reflect on how you treat your own kind.
A wild example is a Lion would treat a Gazelle differently to a fellow Lion or pride member.

So I dont think it is natural to treat all species as human beings

A lot of anything is unhealthy, moderation is the key
This is also missing a 4th/5th points

4th = Some don't due to religious beliefs.

5th = Some don't due to conditioning. E.g. my gf won't eat meat because she just doesn't like the taste of it.
I used to be vegetarian when i was little becuase i didn't like the idea of lambs being killed.

Now i eat pretty much all meats and i gotta say it is verrrrry nice :) However i totally understand the view that it can be cruel to kill animals especially due to the hype now surrounding factory farming.