vegetarians ?

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I can defo understand why people are vegetarians, and admire certain people for having those principles.

However--I could never ever be a veggie myself, I eat meat all the time, and it's great :P
Meat is good, although if I liked veggies I probably would eat more cos I could do with dropping a few pounds!
Not eating mean well - vegetarians would argue that living creatures should be treated the same as human beings. If we can't treat other creatures with the same respect as ourselves that are somewhat less annoying and innocent, then how can we expect to treat humans any better?

This is my point of view to. I am not a vegetarian though. I simply think it's not wrong to eat meat though it is wrong the way animals are treated today. Me finishing off with meat isn't gonna stop any of that.
do other mammals treat other mammals of different species the same ? no they treat them as either predator or prey.
Why should humans be any different.
The way you treat other species does not reflect on how you treat your own kind.
A wild example is a Lion would treat a Gazelle differently to a fellow Lion or pride member.

So I dont think it is natural to treat all species as human beings

A lot of anything is unhealthy, moderation is the key

Because we're more conscious/intelligent?
good point Point. We as humans should know better. A lion does not have that much choice, and we do.
Like when people live outside of the city, havin a little piece of land, having some animals. then when a chicken gets old and stops producing eggs, i find it no more than logical to eat the chicken. like as a part of the food chain.
but the way mankind produces mass meat i think it's wrong.
hard to explain the point, but anyway.
i think when you are vegetarian, if it's because of religion I very much respect that. but vegetarians who come up with the argument 'it's cruel to the animals', i'm on your side to, but i cjant see why not eating any meat is gonna help you.
Aah, i thought of something better than the farm example. I lived in Canada for a time near a lake and we would go fishing every night, then after eat the fish. I can't see how that is a bad thing to do, it's natural.
not eating meat for relgoius reasons I have no respect for, I think its retarded and miss used intelligence in humans, but I'm crossing into my relgion views there which is not the topic of this thread.

POINT,, your right we are more intelligent but I still dont see why thats a reason,
The fact that we can recognise that there's viable alternatives to eating meat and living a healthy life? The fact that we should realise that although we may not be the same as other beings we shouldn't engage in homocidal behaviour? It would be wrong to kill a human, so on the save level of morality why should we get away freely killing other functioning beings.
I think I'm some sort of public vegetarian.
Whenever I eat out, at reseurants(sp?), friends, etc., I never eat meat.

But I do when I'm home.
The fact that we can recognise that there's viable alternatives to eating meat and living a healthy life? The fact that we should realise that although we may not be the same as other beings we shouldn't engage in homocidal behaviour? It would be wrong to kill a human, so on the save level of morality why should we get away freely killing other functioning beings.

still dont see how there is a problem with eating other living things, its how we were designed.
Also most other beings dont kill their own species either, the ones that do is likely to be in fights for terrioty or mating, a more primitave verison of us at war with other humans.
There are some exceptions of course, like the comodo Dragon will eat anything, including smaller dragons, or either dragons of a similar size its beaten in a terrioty fight.
man there's many animals who do, i don't know all examples but i know lizards do, fish do, so that a no argument
im a meat junkie yet im underweight. I eat lyk a tank and if you put any enticing food in front of me then it will be gone immediately. I lyk my veg as well and will eat nearly any veg that i can think of but im as thin as a rake.
iam a vegetarian, because of my religion, every being has a right to live so who are we to kill it? but obv studies shows humans were meant to eat meat etc etc, each to their own i guess. but if i was given a choice now, i still wouldn't eat meat, i had it once (by accident!) and i wanted to vom...that said it was from a REALLY DIRTY kebab shop lol. also, tehre was a dude ( with david wheater as his dp, sorry i forgot the name!) who posted earlier that working at a sliaghther house is grim, i have a couple of friends who have turned vegetarian because of that as well.
The fact that we can recognise that there's viable alternatives to eating meat and living a healthy life? The fact that we should realise that although we may not be the same as other beings we shouldn't engage in homocidal behaviour? It would be wrong to kill a human, so on the save level of morality why should we get away freely killing other functioning beings.

It's called the food chain...100% natural.

Don't have anything against Vegetarians, everyone's choice isn't long as it isn't forced upon them by pushy parents. Just think your missing out on lucious meat.

Also there are probably more health issues associated with EATING meat than there is NOT eating meat.
only time there would be health issues with eating meat is when its not eaten in moderation, but that can be said for many things.
Eg - if you over eat on choclate you will come accross health issues etc